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Those two days were over before I could blink and it was back to Rosèry High.  Sighs in discontentment. Aii. I can't even remember what I did yesterday because it went by so fast.

Back for round 2 of 4. I've ready packed my bags as well as my lunch. "Yandi, are  you done? It's time for breakfast. " MamNala knocks on the door. "Yes ma, I'm almost done." I grab my bags and walk out.

"Morning Family." Its all smiles. "Why's everyone happy?"

"So you need a reason to be happy?" MaZulu tauts. "Nope, just curious." Breakfast was quiet but no one really wanted to talk so it's understandable.

"Don't forget kids, we've got that dinner tonight with the Majola family so be punctual." She made sure to emphasize on the last bit abd she was staring at me so I know it's me she's talking to.

"C'mon." We stand and walk to the cars. "I'm taking the Audi today." Bhut'Sandile opens the boot and we put our bags in. "I need you guys to behave this term. Focus on school, not boys or girls please. Especially you Yandi because you are in grade 11cand your year end marks are very important because they help you get accepted into university."

"Yes bhuti I hear you. I want to join one of those study groups they offer at school."

"That's good. As long as you're going there to study your school content and not boys." I stare at him. "Of course I want to study boys. That's why I want to join the group." I answer dryly.

"You're so funny." He throws his arm around my neck, ruining my hair. "You bore me!" I push him away and fix my hair. "Some of us want to get to school you know." Nathi enters into the car. "Let's go."


The drive was quiet, the radio played lowly sort of like it was background music. "And what's with this sunken mood?" Bhut'Sandile pushes at my arm. "Ouch bhuti. You're hurting me and stuff " they laugh while I rub my aching arm.

"You'll be fine Marshmallow."

"Haha." I pick my phone out from my bag and opened Instagram. "Oh would you look at that, yet another insta post about me. Oh bhuti this time you're here as well." I pass them the phone and I hear Nathi laugh lightly.

"Wena sisi uyathandwa marn. Listen to this, they said 'Yandisokuhle seems to not only be into fancy parties and dresses but the rural life suits her as well. Where is Ntando Majola with the royal cattle #ziphinkomo!!(You my sister are loved.)"

I couldn't help but blush even though someone captured a picture of me wearing my petticoat and fetching water from the river. Even though I look bad,  the pictured were taken from an angle that makes me look good.

"I'm not even going to worry myself with the comments. People are tiring shame!" Nathi hands me my phone back and I log into tik tok and the car just stops.

"Gerrara here man shit I'm saying..." We just stared at him. "Aii bhuti its a no from me." I stepped out of the car. "Look on the bright side, you don't seem so antsy anymore." He gives me his signature smile and I can't help but laugh.

"Bye bhuti aii chaa. Please fetch me at 3:15 on the dot. I need to change before study group."

"Sure. And wena boy? You want me to fetch you at 3 or 5?" Nathi laughs and runs his fingers over his head. "Fetch me at 5 please.  I've got soccer practice."

"No problem. Yandi what time will the study session end?"

"At 7 bhuti." He nods, "I've got a date at 8 so I'll be here on time. Run to the parking lot as soon as you're done with the session."

"Yes brother. I will do so."

"Bye!" He drives off and we wait for him to turn the corner before walking towards the school. "Well, well, well..." I knew it was too good to be true. "Buhlebendalo, how can I help you?"

"By seizing to exist you little cunt!" She pushes past me and walks off. "I am so sorry about my sister's attitude." This little girl looked so embarrassed. "Its okay." She ran behind her sister.

"Imagine having to live with that!" Nathi scoffed, "I'd unalive myself shame." He punches me, "Don't say that, she could be listening to our conversation."

"I know, I'm sorry. We should get to our classes."

"Yeah." We enter the school and walk our separate ways. "Nelisiwe,  hi..." I wave upon seeing her standing by our lockers. "Hi Jason." He gives me a nod and small smile.

"How can I help you Yandisokuhle?" Her voice is filled with boredom and some what viciousness. "I just came to say hi  and get my books..." she barely spares me a glance.

"I'm gonna go greet the guys Babe." Jason kisses her cheek and walks off. I just stare in utter shock. "What?" She rolls her eyes at me, "Nelly..." I continued staring at her. "When did you and Jason get together? I didn't know you liked him-"

"Of course you wouldn't know because you're busy being a trend!" I'm shocked by her outburst. "Nelisiwe what exactly is it that you want from me? I've tried to apologize and beg for your friendship. I broke things off with Ntando for you and I-"

"I never asked you to move the bloody mountains for me! I just wanted to keep you safe but clearly your safety only mattered to me. Well, not anymore. I'm done with you Yabdisokuhle! For good." She walks off and I'm left with nothing but hurt.

I think of running out of campus but this is South Africa and not America so I can't just pull a high school musical. I suck it in and walk to my class and just to my luck, it's Maths. I'm one of the first to enter the class. I walk to my seat and slump down.

Classes pass by like a blur and it's now lunch time. Since I've got no friends, I walk to the library and go to the back to have my lunch and work on some homework. It's It's peaceful until someone drops their books on the table.

"What the fuck!" I jump in fright. "Did I scare you?" He looks nonchalant as he sits besides me. I'm hit by a wave of his intoxicating scent. This is wrong. "What can I do you for?" He takes his shades off and a gasp escapes before I can catch myself.

He smiles at me.

"Why are you smiling? D-does it h-h-hurt..." I touch the side of his face. "I'm tougher than I look." I roll my eyes and turn his head to take a good look at the purple bruise. "Its a few days old." He tells me. "What h-hap-p-pened?"

He takes my hand to his lips and lays a gentle kiss on my fingers. "Nothing to worry your beautiful little head about. How were your holidays?" And just like that, he's changed the topic. "Ntando-" he glares at me, "I mean...Anande." He breaks into a smile.

"Ewe Nonzwakazi? (Yes beautiful maiden?)" I can't help but smile, the worry evaporating from my mind. "Uyadina yazi. (You bore me you know.)"

"I know." He lays another kiss on my fingers and I melt from within. "What are you busy with? I could help you."

"Thanks....and its maths."

"Let's have a look then, oh trig." We spend the rest of the break working on trigonometry.  The bell rings and I pack my bag. "Where will I find you after-school?" He's helping me pack my things.

"Auditorium. There are those extra lessons going on." He stares intently at me. "I see, maybe I'll pop up and say hi-" I raise my hand to his chest, "No. Y-you," I poke at his hard chest.

"Are a dis-stracti-ion." He gives me a full set smile before pulling me down to his level. "I know." He's staring deeply into my eyes and I fall deeper for those heterochrome eyes.

"No." I whisper. "What?" His eyebrows arch up as he whispers back. "D-distraction." I pull myself up and walj out without looking backwards. The smile on my face is most likely scary but I don't care.

I'm a gone girl!

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