chap. 28

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School continued as normally as it could for rich kids. Soon enough, it was the Monday of the Friday of the game. Everyone was high on school spirit from the previous Friday. I had a chance to get my hair done and I chose to do simple box braids. I am still at home, just getting ready.

Since it's the week of the season opening, we are going to be dressing in casual clothes on Monday, drummie outfits on Tuesday and basically the school colors for the rest of the school week. It's a tradition apparently. And to make things worse, I think, the gala is on Saturday. 

I wore a simple outfit today, just a shirt with a blue sweater that I took from one of my brothers, I matched it with a dark blue and white skirt. I got my white socks and vans and matched the outfit. I accessorize with simple silver hoop earrings and a necklace.

Since this is Sprirt Week, wearing school colours is important, brings 'luck' to the school or something

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Since this is Sprirt Week, wearing school colours is important, brings 'luck' to the school or something. I'm not really sure. Anyways, I fixed my hair into a high ponytail  that I tie with a white scrunch. I grab my totebag and walk downstairs. "Good morning g family!"

"Hey-wait. Yandi, isn't that my sweater?" Siyabonga asks, "Nope. It just looks identical to yours."

"That's a lie and you know it. Mine went missing and suddenly, you have one too." I shrug my shoulders before sitting down. The bowl before ne is filled with muesli.  I grab a spoon and dig in. "Yandi may I have my sweater back please." I look up and Siyabonga is standing directly besides me.

I chose to keep quiet and continue eating my food. He decides that he's going to be an ass and starts tugging the sweater. "Haai Siyabonga stop!" I yell at him. "Give me my sweater back Yandise-okuhle!"

"No! It's mine.  I don't know where yours is you idiot!" He slaps me and I retaliate by hitting him with my spoon. He pulls me by my braids. "Oh hell no!" I punch him in the stomach, push my chair back making sure to stub him. When he falls down, I jump on him and use his ears to bang his head on the tiles. "STOP!!" Baba's booming voice makes me freeze mid bang.

"What the hell is going on!" Siyabonga pushed me off of him. "Baba your crazy daughter stole my sweater and now she's trying to kill me!" He didn't hesitate.

"What the hell! You're the one who tried to pull my skin off of my body because I have an identical  sweater to the one you lost!" I scrambled up to my feet.

"She's lying" he screams

"Baba why would I lie?!" I turn to my father. Siyabonga starts shouting angrily, "ENOUGH!!" Baba roared. Immediately, everything quieted down. "Yandise-okuhle did you take your brother's sweater?"

"Baba are you seriously going to believe him over me?"

"Don't you dare manipulate uBaba wena! Give me my sweater!" He lunges at me. "Aii!" I jump out of the way, hiding behind Baba. "Stop this madness now!"

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