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As expected, no more drama took place from that day onwards. It's two days before school closes for the Easter holidays and there's an event at the school. Some sort of fund raiser.

The school had a theme, Easter and eggs. It is rather vague but the learners supposedly understood it clearly. The event would happen on the last day of school.

And afterwards, the juniors would go celebrate their party. This school has so many events and rules as well as regulations. Firstly, the juniors celebrate every first a third term whilst the seniors celebrate every second and final term.

The location for the partying location was and always will be in the invitation and it's invite only. So if one does not get an invite, it's final that they won't be going. The juniors were already abuzz with the party.

And the invitations were random. Now, the seniors were in the auditorium listening to Vice Principal Marshall give his speech. He was already done with the juniors and wanted more time with the seniors.

" that you will spend these holidays safely because you are expected to come back to the school safely. That is all learners. You are dismissed." The auditorium was quick to get empty.

"Anything I could assist you with Miss Mthethwa?" The vice principal was shocked to find her still seated. "Oh no sir. I'll be leaving now." The girl stumbled out of her seat and was gone long before Mr Marshall could utter another word.

"So you finally walked out." Her heart dropped to her knees. "You need to stop doing that Ntando." She clutched on her totebag and walked in the opposite direction from where he was. "Wait Yandi..." He ran behind her,, not caring for the curious eyes that followed him.

"Leave me alone Ntando Majola." She looked ahead, never turning her head. In a flash, her arm was pulled and she crashed into a hard chest. "Ntando..." the annoyance was clear in her voice.

His hard chest and intoxicating scent was distracting her but she refused to succumb to his tactics. He leaned down to her ear, "Why won't you talk to me?" She shut her eyes and took a deep breath.

When she opened them, she saw Nelisiwe staring at them. She could feel the disappointment from afar. She pushed herself off of him and turned to face him briskly. She stared deeply into his eyes and spoke, "I want nothing to do with you Ntando. You bring me nothing but bad publicity and you're ruining my name."

She walked off, leaving him standing with his heart in his hands. She walked straight out of the school and called an Uber. She needed to go to her hideout with no one to disturb her. The Uber was quick to arrive.

"Hi Mark." This was her registered driver who offered non-disclosure for wherever he took her. As long as she was safe, her family hadn't had a problem. "I'll interfere because it's regarding your future-"

"Its two days before schools closes. We are doing nothing so it's useless for me to stay there." She answered before he asked. Her eyes remaind on the scenery outside. The trees passed by in a blur. "We are here." The car stopped right at the beginning of the trail.

"Thank you. I'll be back in a few hours." He could only nod and smile. He understood that she felt sad and she needed time to process her emotions. Ofcourse it was also for the pay but it didn't hurt to know who you work for.

She stepped out if the car and advanced towards the trail. She sent a look backwards one last time before beginning her hike. Mount' Protea, commonly known as Make out mountain was a common hook up place for any and everyone.

She had found a place that was right below the ridge where people would make out, it was a small cave which overlooked the trees and city before it. At night it was more beautiful as you could see the sky clearly and it was quiet so all the sounds of nature were clear.

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