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We get in Ntsika's car and drive to school listening to the morning drive show. Within 40 minutes we made it to Rosèry high. Just as I was about to leave the car, he stopped me "Yebo bhuti (Yes brother)"

"Thatha. I'll call an uber to take you home or you'll catch a taxi?"

I look around and he looked at me in a funny way. "Where do you suppose one gets a taxi in such a neighbourhood?"

"Oh I get it. Either way take the money. I or your of her brothers will come fetch you okay?" I nod. "Okay good." He makes me lean forward and he gave me a kiss on my forehead.

I exit his car and at the same time I see Ntando approaching with some of his friends. The only one I can say I recognize is Jason because, well, we are in most classes together. I get nervous, all of a sudden he and his friends pass by me and I'm shocked. I don't know, maybe I expected more? I'm pulled out of my day dream by a car hooting behind me.

I turn around and my brother's still here. I walk back to his car and open the door. "Bhuti?"

"Uphi ukiss wami (where's my kiss) ?"

"Haw kodwa bhuti watetema kangaka( really brother why are you so needy)"

I lean in and kiss his cheek. "Byeeee" he drives off.

I turn to the school and walk. I'm stopped by Buhlebendalo and a girl I don't know. "Excuse me. I want to enter the school"

"Okay. This won't take long."

"Say what you want to and leave me be" I say annoyed

"Stay away from Ntando. He is my man"

Really, we that desperate?? Wow!

"Sure" I say with a smile. I push past them. I continue my walk in the school. I'm stopped again and before I can say anything, I see that it's Unathi "Uh hi. I just want to go to my locker" I say waving.

"I know, I also want to know where it is so that I know where to find you." She says nonchalantly

"Uhm okay."

We walk to my locker while having small talk. We get there and I put my code in, and unlock it. I take the books I have in my bag and put them along with my lunch in my locker. I leave the books of the classes that I'm going to, in my bag. The first class happens to be Hergelat. Great!

We talk more but move from my locker to hers. When we reach her locker, we find the twins there. "Hi guys" I greet. "My gosh, I thought you were absent babe" Ane says pulling Unathi into a hug and kiss. "Aww" I awe.

"Are we looking at the same people?"

"Yes we are. Argh they are soooooooooooooooo cute together." I gush

They separate and we talk more until the warning bell- I'm told by Nelly- rings. I say my goodbyes and rush to Hetgelat's class. I'm the first one to arrive and I breath a sigh of relief. Slowly, more learners arrive at class but I keep busy, reading on my tablet. Everyone begins to quieten down and I look up to see Hetgelat approaching class hurriedly.

I am quick to put my tablet in my bag and stand up straight. He immediately unlocks the door and enters but not be fore he says "Follow in please"

Class goes by in a blur and before I know it, it's over leaving me with 3 activities and 2 weeks worth of notes because physics class started a week before school actually started. I leave and head to my next class irritated.

After an excruciating 2 hours of class, it's finally break. I head to the cafeteria kind of excited to see the girls. I decide to pass by my locker to get the books for my next classes and I'm met by a tall dude wearing a jock jacket by my locker.

I contemplate walking past and getting my books after class but I realize that I need to get my books because going to get them after lunch will get me late to class.

So I straighten my back and hold my head up high, I walk to the dude "Your standing in front of my locker" I say. He turned and ohh it's Ntando. "Hi"

"Hello" I reply with a wave. He stares at me, I can feel it through his glasses. I wave my hand in front of his face, he seems to snap out of it judging by him clearing his throat.

"Uhm yeah, uh I wanted to ask if you'd wanna ride me this afternoon" I'm sorry what ?


"I mean ride my car- get a ride with me...and my car"

Uhm..."Sure, I'd love to" I say ignoring the alarms blaring in my head. "So can you move from my locker now" I say and motion for him to move

"Oh, right, right" as if he didn't notice his position. He moved and I change my books and close my locker. I turn to him and he looks at me too. "Shall we" he say gesturing to the cafeteria "We shall" we walk side by side making small talk.

When we enter it suddenly gets quiet. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE is staring, I turn and look behind me hoping silently that there's something interesting but there's nothing. Meaning only one thing.


I am panicking inside while Ntando looks unbothered. I feel kind of bare but I hold my head up and walk to the girls. I'm immediately bombarded with questions by Nelly and Unathi. "Why the heck were you with him when I asked you to stay away from troubled! Trouble being him!" Nelly nearly shouts

"He was standing by my locker-" I try to justify

"Oooo I feel a romantic high school story by the end of the year" Unathi squeals

"Uh no. Yandise-okuhle look at me. Ntando Majola is bad news, stay away" She looks dead serious, I nod my head but my heart is excited about after school. Break is back to normal from there on, we talk fashion, art, biology, music and such.

Today before leaving school I gotta choose extra curriculum. After school I head to the office to ask about where I should go when I'm called in by the principal.

Please tell me i'm not in trouble on my second day.

I knock on Principal Matthews' door. "Come in." I open the door and walk in "Take a seat Miss Mthethwa" I Sat down.

"I called you in here to tell you that your older brothers also went to Rosèry high-" oh really, I didn't know 😑 "and they performed immaculately in everything they did. It is time for you to choose your leisure classes and choose wisely because there will be no going back after choosing"

She handed me a very long list. I skimmed and found soft ball, hockey, tennis, baseball, soccer, basketball choir, music, cooking, swimming and more, just how big is this school! "How many am I supposed to choose?" I ask overwhelmed

"Three to keep you occupied for the rest of the day, but you will have days where you don't have to attend."

"Okay" yho!

I look at the list again and choose cooking, swimming and as I'm about to choose basketball, I see drum majoretts (cheerleading) I choose that without a second thought.

I used to be a drummie so I know I'll enjoy. I hand the list back to principal Matthews "Good choices. I will inform all your teachers and coach of your choices. You will start tomorrow. You may leave" I nod and stand up to leave.

"Oh and Miss Mthethwa" I turn to her, at the door "I trust that you will be exceptional and leave a mark in this school" sure! No pressure at all.

"Thank you and good day." I leave her office.

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