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Something is off. I don't know what it is but something is very, very, wrong. "Yandi, are you not going to eat breakfast? Obhuti bakho bazokushiya njalo. (Your brothers will leave you.)"

"O, sorry ma. I've just got something on my mind." I pulled the bowl to my mouth and drink the milk. "I hope, for your sake, it's school related."

"And why would it not be Baba?" I look at my father, "You should be able to tell me that." I could see MaZulu shaking her head at him. I don't know what it is that's going on and I'm not even sure I do want to know.

"Alright Marshmallow, let's go." I grabbed a hot bun and followed Bhut'Sandile, it's his turn to take me to school today. "Can I have some cash bhuti?"

I ask him before we leave home, he doesn't answer me so I repeat myself. "Im sorry, uthini? (What did you say?)" I stare at him, "Bhuti are you okay?" He shakes his head no. "What's wrong?" He sighs.

"Bhuti?" He gives me a small smile then starts the car. "Its nothing you should worry yourself about. " He sighs and drives out, I sit back into the chair. "Bhuti are you sure?" He nods, "I'm sure small."

"I'm not that small." He laughs a little. "Right. You're not." I cross my arms across my chest, "Yes I'm not." He laughs again. "So  you're mad now?" I just pout and look out the door.

"I'm sorry small, you're actually quite average sized."

"Thank you!" He laughs again. I finally smile, he seems better now. Whatever it is that's going on is stressing him full time and for it to get to him, it must be something big because uBhuti doesn't usually get fazed by anything.

"Since we're all smiles, ngicela imali. (May I please get some money.)" He shakes his head before turning down the street that leads to Rosèry High. "Why do you want money? Where's your bank card?"

"I want cash bhuti, not my card. You can even take the money from my account." He parks in a reserved parking space, "Okay. Will you atleast tell me why you're using cash and not your card?"

"If I tell you, it wouldn't be a secret anymore." He stares at me. "If you do anything illegal-"

"Jeez bhuti. Chill out! I won't do anything illegal. I swear."

"I don't believe it."

"Well believe me, not it then." He squints his eyes. "Fine. But if you do-"

"I'll make sure I don't get caught." He pulls his wallet out and pulls out a R200 note. "I'm gonna need more than that bro." He pulls an extra R200 plus a R100. "Thank you. Take it from my main account please, not my savings."

I pick my bag up from the floor and prepare to exit the car. "Sure. I'll take extra to compensate myself." I turn and nearly get a whiplash. "Bhuti noooo." I'm second guessing myself at this point.

"I'm joking Yandisokuhle. Now go, ungenza ngibe late. (You're making me late.)"

"Mina bhuti? Aii chaa, kaze ngone bani! (Me, brother? Oh no, i wonder who did I do wrong!)" I exit the car after kissing him on the cheek. "Have an awesome day Marshmellow!!" He shouts out as he drives off.

All eyes are on me but by now, I've learnt to ignore them so I just keep walking. "Hey Marshmallow." A hand pulls me by by arm and I crash into the door. "Jesus fucking Christ!" I open my eyes as I rub my sore arm. "What the fuck do you want!"

"I just want to talk." I start eyeing them from their shoes up to the top of their head. "Not interested." I step off to the side an walk off. "Yandi-"

"Haai!! I'm not in the mood for any patronizing shit man!" I get to my locker and find the two love birds kissing it up. "Really? You two don't get enough?" They step back from one another.

"Sorry, hey Yandi." I just sigh and grab my books. "Bye guys." I move to walk off to the court yard. "Wait!" I turn around and Unathi comes running behind me. "Havie you seen Nelisiwe anywhere today?" I shake my head, already feeling bored.

"No, I've just arrived." I guess she can tell I'm not feeling it because she steps back and gives me an awkward smile and wave. "Alright. Let me not keep you."

"Bye." I walk down the hallway and up the stairs. Since i had a feeling it would be full in the courtyard, I've decided to go to the roof top. I've been there a few times and no one's ever come up.

I push the heavy door open and the fresh, crisp morning air hits my face. I take it all in, the silence and the soft sunlight. I shut the door gently and walk towards the arch. It's like a bridge connecting buildings A and C.

Usually, I'd sit up here and it would bring me peace but right now, I'm feeling restless. I brushed it off, thinking it's the altercation that happened this morning.

I shut my eyes and hope to breath in the calm and exhale the storm. It doesn't work and I give up. Unlocking my phone quickly, I text almost everyone in my contact list, asking if they are okay. They respond. All but one.

Ntando, hey...this might be
weird but are you good?
sent. one tick.

Five minutes go by and he still hasn't responded.

You're kinda stressing me.

The warning bell rings and I get up, pull my bag over my shoulder and walk down the stairs. I hear chatter as I get closer and closer to floor 4. " sure it's him?"

"Yes, I went up to their house this morning because it was my turn to drive us up and when I got there, they said he wouldn't be going to school so I pestered on and they told me that they drove to the hospital late last night."

"Damn. We should go see him." A voice pipes up. "His mother won't allow us to see him." I recognize that one as Buhlebendalo. "Well we can try and sneak in. We've done it before so it should be easy." Jason's voice is next.

"Yeah. We should go after classes today."

"You know, it's wrong to eavesdrop on other people." That little whisper creeps is out and I scream and trip down the last 4 steps. It gets as quiet as KZN rurals at night. I scramble up from the floor, grab my bag and walk away with my head facing downwards.

I heard footsteps follow behind me but I didn't bother turning around. "Yandisokuhle!" He shouted out loud. The few faces in the hallways sall stopped and stared. I had no choice but to turn around. "What's up Jason?" I had to play it cool. He approached me, "Have you by any chance spoken with Ntando?"

His question rose my concern as well as curiosity. "N-no. I haven't. you kn-know w-where he i-is?" He looked downward. "Jason?" He took a deep breath. "We think Ntando is in hospital." I think I stopped breathing for a moment there.

"H-h-hospital?? Why...wh-no w-ways. He c-c-can't be. I saw him just last night. I-"

"Yandisokuhle calm down!" He shook me back and forth an my spectacles nearly fell off my face. "How? W-why?" He let out a sigh. "You should get to class. If I hear anything, I'll let you know. For now, try to calm down and focus on your lessons."

"E-easier s-s-said than d-done." He gave me a small smile before turning and walking away. Leaving me with all these questions that only one person would be capable of answering.

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