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"Fuck!" Seeing her struggle to stand (probably the bourbon taking its course), Ntando moves to assist Yandisokuhle who, in turn, flinches away from him. His heart breaks a little as he sees the anger hiding behind her gorgeous brown eyes.

"Come on Yandisokuhle.  I'm trying to help you here."

"I didn't ask for your help in the first place." She stares at him with cold chocolate brown eyes and even as his soul breaks at her venomous words, he stands his ground. "You didn't have to. I chose to help you."

She wipes her mouth one last time before walking off into the garden. He stares at her retreating figure before following slowly. "Can we at least talk?"

"No." Her cold, one worded answer makes him step back. "Well its a good thing I was just being polite. Now, who was that girl in there?"

"None of your business." She sits on the cobblestone bench by the small fish pond. "Well it is my business seeing as how I helped you."

"Well like I said already. I DIDNT ASK FOR YOUR HELP!" She huffed. "I don't understand you." She let out a loud, unladylike laugh. "I never told you to try to."

"I don't even know why I bother." He begins walking back into the ballroom, leaving the girl with her wild, raging thoughts. Guilt swirled around Yandisokuhle's core as the harsh words She exchanged with Ntando played like a broken record in her mind.

"Yaya..." she shut her eyes at the nickname her youngest brother, Sibonga, gave to her when he couldn't pronounce her full name. "What are you doing out here kid? It's cold."

"I was looking for you. Kade ngakukhumbula. (I was missing you.)" She pulled him onto her lap which allowed for him to lay his head on her chest. "Yaya," she hummed, "how come you're the only girl in the family?"

"I don't know Bobo. I don't know." She kisses his forehead and shuts her eyes, allowing the cool nighttime air to calm her. The alcohol had taken a toll on her body but she refused to let it influence her more than it already did.

Only when she heard little snores did she get up from the bench, shoes left on the ground as she walked back into the party with her baby brother asleep, in her arms. "Yandi?"

Her mother rushed towards them, "is everything okay?" She nodded her head, "he must've been tired." MaZulu wordlessly took her son from her oy daughter's arms and walked further into the hotel.

"My shoes." She turned around but quickly made contact with a hard, broad chest. "Sorry." Her voice sounded foreign to his ears. She'd never apologized to him and it sounded unfamiliar. "Your shoes." He purposefully and roughly so, pushed them into her chest before stepping to the side to walk off.

She could only stare at his moving figure before slowly walking to her family's table where she sat down and wore her shoes. She had come back just in time for the auction. The night went on smoothly from there.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, we have come to the end of our event. Thank you all so much for coming. We managed to raise R700000 in cash for the orphanages." Everyone cheered. "Yes and, our most famous future leaders have a date in a few days to come." Everyobe turned to her as the spotlight shone brightly on her.

She blinked and stared like a deer in headlights. "What?" A figure came in front of her, shielding her from the spotlight. "We have a date. When are you comfortable with going?"

Her father grumbled out a 'never' but he was ignored. "What?" She still stared like a deer in headlights. "Ntando? I-i don't get it." She shook her head. "I auctioned off R100000 to have a date with you."

"A supervised get together." Ntsika chimed it, not seeming too happy about the news. In fact, it seemed like the men in the Mthethwa family were utterly and truly displeased.

"Friday afternoon?"

"Its a date." Just to make them madder, Ntando took hold of Yandisokuhle's soft hand and gave it a butterfly kiss and then, like prince charming, he walked away. She stared at her hand in wonder.  "You are not going anywhere Ntombiyodwakayise." Her brothers agreed with her father.

"If you don't want me to go, why did you not bid higher?"

"Only teenagers were allowed to place bets."

"Teaching children to gamble. What a supportive background." She turned away from her parents looks of disapproval. They knew just as much as she did that if anyone focused on the matter, it would uselessly turn into something big and so she  focused back on the woman who spoke with such confidence, it made her feel weakened.

"Let's go kids." The family of 9 stood up and walked out without batting an eyelid. They each got into their individual cars and drove off to the Mthethwa home. The family arrived safely at their home and pilled out in an orderly fashion. They were too tired but forced to have a light dinner so that no one wakes up with an empty stomach. As everyone bid good-night, Yandosokuhle was called to her father's office.

"Baba, you called?" She asked right after knocking. "Ngena Ntombiyam. (Come in.)" She found both her parents seated by the couch. "Iza ntombi. (Come forward child.)" Her mother opened up space for her to sit. "What's going on?" She switched her gaze from her mother, who sat at her right side, to her father who was seated by her left side.

"This get together you are having with Ntando Majola will be public." She could only stare in shock. "What? Why?" She whined like a child as as imagined the thousands of eyes that would be watching the two. "Because you are going to be supporting our shelters."

"Ntombiyam,  you are the face of our teenage mothers campaign. " her father took her hand in his larger, warm one. "I know that dad. What's this got to do with anything?"

"Friday is our launch." It slowly dawned onto her. "Oh yes, I remember now." She threw herself onto the couch. "Why don't I reschedule my date then?"

"No. Don't do that. You and that Majola boy will go to the campaign and stand together against the fight against teenage pregnancy. " She nods in understanding. "Okay, I'm gonna go sleep now." She yawns and stands before quickly walking up the stairs, using the staircase as a form of balance.

She climbs into bed and hastily switches her phone on. The brightness stings her eyes as they take time to adjust to the bright light. 'I hope you got home safely. Sweet dreams.
~Ntando M♤' she feels guilt gnaw at her insides.

He's such a sweet person but she can't just give into her desires. Always prepare for the worst and with Ntando Majola, it seems like being associated with him brings the worst.

She sent a thumbs up to his message before switching her phone off and sleeping. She could hear her thoughts but the exhaustion took over her body, leaving her with a racing mind to wander about.

Hi guys,

So there have been a few changes in my life that have influenced my writing. I'm going to finish this story and then make changes to it...for the better part of it though. You guys enjoy it and keep commenting.

Lots of hugs from yours truly.

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