chap. 27

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I woke up early and walked to the bathroom. I did my hygiene process and walked out with my bath towel wrapped around my body. I opened sportify on my tablet and played my Billie Eilish mix, ocean eyes played first. I turned it up and sang along as I got dressed.

I've been watchin' you for some time
Can't stop starin' at those ocean eyes
Burning cities and napalm skies
Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes
Your ocean eyes
No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you gimme those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Fallin' into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes
I've been walkin' through a world gone blind
Can't stop thinkin' of your diamond mind
Careful creature made friends with time
He left her lonely with a diamond mind
And those ocean eyes
No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you gimme those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Fallin' into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes
Da, da-da, da-da
Da-da-da, da, da
Da, da, da, da, da-da-da-da
No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you gimme those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Fallin' into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes

By the end of the song, I was tearing. I don't know, it just has that thing with me. "Shesha sisi! Kuyahanjwa manje! (Hurry up sister. Everyone's leaving!)" One of the twins shouted from outside my door. I grabbed my things and walked out. I rushed downstairs and MaZulu gave me my lunch and breakfast. I kiss her cheek and rush out the house. This time it was Baba taking us to school.

"Nathi, why are you sitting infront? That's my seat." I say.

"First come first serve sisi. " He clicks the seatbelt in. "Haai ngena emotweni Yandise-okuhle!" Baba says sternly.  I sulk but open the door. I ate my breakfast in silence while Nathi played his music. We arrived at school, "Okay. I want you on your best behavior okay. No calls from your school about either one of you."

Nathi immediately raises his hands, "no need to worry about me Baba. I'm practically a Wallflower. Your daughter here shines brightly."

"Argh!" I slap his head from behind. "Aii marn Yandi! Yini Kanti inkinga yakho!" Baba looked at me and I turn my eyes away. "Aii nina niyahlupha man! Go, I'm going to be late." We step out of the car and Baba hoots before driving off.

Nathi immediately leaves me for his friends. I walk into the school and go to the library. I find Unathi and Anelisa sitting with a book each. "Morning gu-"

"Shhh!" Anelisa whispers.  "I'm just trying togreet you " I roll my eyes at her actions. "Uyarasa. (You are making a noise)" Unathi slapps her girlfriend's arm. "Ouch baby." She just gives her a kiss.

"You two are so adorable." I gush as I sit down. "And here I was hoping you'd leave us in peace. I need to strengthen my hope."

"Hahaha. Very funny Anelisa. Now, where is Nelly?"

"Do I look like her caregiver? Or her finder? No. Exactly so just use your riches to find her. That should not be a bother right. Good. Baby, let's go." Anelisa stood up and grabbed Unathi by the arm. They walked out and all I could do was stare.

"Ouch! Are you okay?" I turn to the sound of the voice. "Ntando" I say almost breathlessly. What is going on with me. "Yeah." He pulls the chair that Anelisa was sitting at out and he sits on it, facing me.

"You good?" He questions and I turn my head to the side. The confusion evident on my face. "Should I be bad?" I ask

He laughs, like genuinely laughs while I stare in amazement. He takes his glasses off and I am met by those dark yet mesmerizing two different eyes.

"Wow," I whisper. "Can you not do that." He says, it takes me a while to snap back to reality. "Do what?" I focus on him. "Not stare at me like...that."

"Like what?" I stare at him. "Like that. It's, just please, for your own good, stop." He stands up.

"Wait, where are you going!" I shouted and a chorus of "shhh's" Come my way.

I hide my head in shame. "Eager to have me stay?" He smirks and I feel my breath leave me. I just nod my head. "I'm bad for you Pearl." His hot breath fans my skin, causing shivers to travel throughout my body. He grabs his glasses, wears them and then walks away. In my dazed state, I fail to notice Nelly.

"Are you okay!" She shakes me roughly. "Aii Nelly!" I shouted.

"Okay that's it! Please leave. You are making a noise." We are kicked out of the library. "Harsh much." I say when we exit the doors. "Where were you?" I ask her

"Busy. Why?"

"Just asking." We walk in the direction of our mates class. "Isn't
It homeroom first?"

"That passed ten minutes ago."

"Hmmm" Ntando is running through my mind. I barely paid attention to my surroundings.  "Watch out!" I hear Nelly's voice and before I get a chance to respond, I crash into a hard body. I fall butt first on the floor.

My glasses fell off when I bumped into the person. I blindly search for my second set of eyes. "Here." Nelly places them on my face. "Thank you." She helps me stand. I look up to the person I crashed into, getting ready to apologize but the look on his face makes me swallow my words quickly.

"Jason." His name is bitter on my tongue. He pushed past me and continues walking, not bothering to turn back at all. "Drama drama drama!" I exclaim before dusting my self off, Nelly and I walk to class.

School passes by surprisingly smoothly. I collect my homework and walk out the doors. Only when I got to the parking lot did I realize that the Drummies try outs are today. I quickly rush back into the school, to the gym and I change into my shorts and crop top. I tie my shoes and stretch a bit before jogging to the field.

I find people doing routines that look almost perfect. Two people go before I'm next.

"Hi again." I wave awkwardly. None of the girls are smiling. "Okah," I mutter, they play the music and I let it flow through my body. Old routines pop up into my mind and my body moves fluidly, like my muscle memory is working on overdrive. I finish the routine with a triple back flip and split.

It's quiet when I get up. I look around me and to notice that everyone is staring, even from the second field, the gym were staring. And then all of a sudden, wolf howls sound and cheers erupt. "OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY FREAKING GOSH!!"

"Did I do okay?"

"Okay??? You are amazing b!" She pulls me into a hug. "Hey! I have to decide!" Sibahle snaps. "Not just you Sibah." Someone says. "Whether you say yes or no, she's in!"

"Argh!" She stomps out of the field. "Don't mind that one" the screaming girl says to me. "Okay."

"Nonchalant? I like you already." She throws her arms around my shoulders. "Okay, come on. You need uniform."

"Not so fast Blanca.  She isn't the only one we voted in. There is nothing special about her. They will all get the uniform at the same time." A light skinned boy from the panel says. "Right Paxton. Always such a bore." She mutters the last part. I couldn't help but snicker at that.

The try outs continued until half past three. From there, we practiced a routine they had been working on for the first game of the season in three weeks time. We practiced until six pm. By the time we finished my body didn't even want me in it.

I got my things and walked my aches body to the parking lot where I found Sandile  waiting for me. Nathi was fast asleep in the back seat.

"Hey sis," I opened the door. "Shhhh. Everything hurts." I whisper before lowering my shaking body onto the seat. I mentally thank him for  taking the audi A3. We drove home and I tried to stay awake. When we got home, I walked up to my room. Everything else I left in Sandile's car.

I opened the shower to warm and stepped in with my clothes and all. I peeled the clothes off when they got heavy. I stayed under the water for nearly an hour just increasing the heat. When I finished, I just wore my underwear and I slid into bed. I fell asleep then.

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