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Its been a week since their royal Highness's left and life could not be more of a bliss. Two days after they left, uDabawo arrived and later that day, her husband arrived. We went out for dinner and it was a bit tense because Mother had probably informed uDabawo ngalanto eyenzekileyo. We spoke about everything during dinner, and I felt like I was just Ntando, not Ntando the prince and heir to the throne; just Ntando the teenager.

Right now I'm about to join everyone for breakfast, uDabs is the one who cooks and she makes us lunchboxes so we don't buy in the cafeteria. "Molweni" I greet as I sit down. In front of me was a plate with toast, sunny side up eggs, two sausages and two slices of tomato. And besides that was a glass of orange juice. A perfect breakfast to start the day.

"Molo sana. Yhoo you took your time Nande"

"I apologize mama"

"Okay kids, we do not want you to be late to school so let's say grace." uTanci'Sizwe, short for Sizwesihlangene, said.

"Can I say grace Tanci?" Nandile said, it was the first thing she had said in more than two months.

"Of course, of course sisi. Hlala Nande" Dabs said when she saw that no one would answer. I sat down and we all joined hands. Nandile said grace and we dug in.

Dinner was blissful. "You can handle the dishes andithi Nande?" Dabs said as we began clearing the table.

"For you dabs, I can handle Aries the God of war himself" I say, walking into the kitchen.

"Awww such a charmer. I'll have to warn uSisi" she says behind me

"Yhoo Dabs uyamazi uKumkanikazi unjani. Ngoku uthe ufuna ndichade no Makhosazana. Ndimncinci ndi ngaka! (You know how the Queen is. Now she said she wants me to marry Makhosazana. As young as I am!)" I found myself saying



We ended up washing the dishes together as we spoke more. I headed upstairs after bidding her a good night. I finished up my home works and did a few exercises. I took a shower and hit the bed. I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed.

I took a cold shower and had a protein shake before I left, with my lunch box, to school. School was boring, nothing new happened. I went to practice and left at 5pm. When I got home, I took a shower and slept. I woke up at 4am the next day. I took a shower and decided to make breakfast. I made cinnamon and honey flavoured pancakes with sliced banana on the side, I made fresh orange juice using the juicer that seemed brand new. Perks of having a culinary chef as your mother I guess.

At around 6 am, the family began entering the kitchen. "This smells heavenly." Ndiphiwe said. She was still in her pajamas, bonnet covering her hair and dog slippers hiding her feet from the cold tiles. Dabawo and Tanci followed behind her and the last person was Nandile, the baby of the house. She was dressed in long winter pajamas and had her gown on.

"How cold was it last night?" We all turned to Dabs. "Haai I mean because uDodo unxibe engathi phazolo bekune snow storm.

" haai Dabs myeke. Oko oko ezithanda ezizinto lo omncinci." Ndiphiwe said poking Nandi's shoulder to which Nandi responded with an 'ouch'

"Uryt sisi?" I placed a plate in front of her

"Enkosi bhuti." She dug in, eating like she'd been starved forever.

"Yhoo" dabs clapped her hands and dug in too.

We had a silent breakfast when suddenly...the sound of a scraping chair. A short fluffy figure ran up the stairs. I jumped off of my high stool and followed the fluff. I found it (her) kneeling with her head deep in the toilet. I stood besides the toilet and let her finish. I helped her rinse her mouth and then carried her to her bed. She was breathing heavily, and shaking like a leaf.

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