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*Simz above (ps he's older than Yandi by 5 years and he's 21 making her 16)

So since I missed school all week last week that meant I had a lot of catching up to do which in my case is pretty unbelievable. I mean schools just opened and I'm new, shouldn't I get the week off to get used to the environment and stuff. Argg.

I spent my entire weekend getting ready again for school but this time I packed before the day which is today. I'm already dressed up in my atrocious uniform but I'm not entering school looking like this. I've already made some tailoring to the skirt, there is no way I'm walking into Rosèry high with past the knee long skirts.

I've made it to be above the knee right at the beginning of the thigh and thank God uMaZulu and uBaba have work today which means they won't see me with my 'altered' skirt. Checking if i have everything I skipped downstairs and for once it's quiet in the Mthethwa household. The twins have already left along with Ntsika, Sandile, Nkosi and Siya which means it's just Simz and i plus the workers.

"Finally, her royal highness desires to Grace us with her presence" simz jokingly says "ha ha ha very funny bhuti, now come on let's go I don't want to be late" I say walking towards the door. "Kaysie your not going to be late your school starts at 8 and it's...6:57 am so you have plenty of time" he says trying to calm me down.

I panic a lot when I'm nervous which leads to speaking too much then shortness of breath and finally the worst of them all...nervous giggles.
"Bhuti what about traffic, that's real ya know so come on" I say running towards him then pulling his arm. "Geez sis I've never seen you so nervous, well unless you count every time you have to lead the songs in church or have a solo."

"Ha ha ha very funny now come on let's goooooo"

"Okay okay ngiyeza yekela ukungidonsa ke (I'm coming stop pulling me)" he said pulling his arm back.

We left the house and went to his RS Q8, driving off to school or as I call it hell I connected my phone to the blue tooth and played Nicki Minaj ft Cassie The Boys on repeat till we reached hell.

"Argg finally s'fikile meaning you can turn off that song, why'd you keep it on repeat sisi haai man now it's gonna be stuck in my head all day" Bhut Simphiwe whines. All I do is laugh and get my stuff ready "well brother it is time for hell. Wish me luck and see you at 5 freaking pm" I say already annoyed by the fact that I'm coming out at 5 nxa.

Exiting my brothers car I already gained attention from everyone outside. Once I've got everything I quickly say goodbye to my brother and walk towards the school doors. This school is huge bruuuuh I can't find words to explain it like it is huge and I've been walking for so long oh my gosh the whispers.

I'm so happy I changed my glasses frame from big cat eyes to a slim metal purple goldish one because this is the ish right now. 

Smiling I mentally pat myself on the back because sis has all eyes on her shaking what her mama gave her, sis is me. I'm sis. And daym I'm doing the most. Pushing the doors open I'm immediately met with loud chatter.

Pulling my phone out I check the message MaZulu sent me on where to go to find the head office. With all my focus on my phone and trying to locate the damn office I accidentally or someone accidentally bumps into me causing us both to stumble. Luckily my clumsiness took the day off and I don't fall, thinking about what just happened I'm stared by a loud voice

"Oh my gosh I'm so so so sorry I didn't see you there truly I apologize please forgive me--" a voice says and turning around I see a girl that looks like she's about to faint and another voice says "Ane calm down or else uzothusa lamntu even more (you'll scare her-)" turning to face where the voice sis coming from I identical girl?

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