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It had been a week since the Valentines day ball and I'm so fed up with this school. My injury has been healing well but the drummies refuse to let me practice with them. I don't care though, it gives me time to feed my eyes but I do practice at home.

Never know when these hoes will call me up to the spotlight just to kick me out. Right now I'm watching the rugby players and I can't seem to keep my eyes off of number 01.

I know it's Anande and my heart keeps skipping a beat as his eyes turn to me. Argh!! I can't keep this up. There's obviously nothing going on between us. He doesn't like me so I need to get rid of these feelings quickly.

I step down from the bleachers bleachers walked into the school to my locker. I grab my physics book and notepad. Since I can't practice with everyone else, I might as well do my school work. I walked to the benches by the square.

The Square is an open space filled with benches, it separates the four sides of the school and is known to be the place where the Elite hang if they don't hang in their own lunch room.

I placed my books down and began reading through the notes on Newton's Laws. "Why the heck does Newton have this many laws? He couldn't have been bothered to settle for one like Boyle. Side eye!"

I heard someone laugh behind me. "You are disturbing me."

"I am sorry. I just thought you were a damsel in need of a saving."

"Whatever. Bye." I hadn't turned around to see whomever it was. "That's just plain old rude you know." I finally turned around. "You disturbing my study sesh is rude." I had to squint my eyes and bring my hand up to my face because he was standing besides the light.

He moved closer until he was on his knees before me. "Let me take you out as a form of an apology."

"Sorry. I don't do light skinned gents." He gave me a beautiful smile that took my breath away. "I'm not light skinned. Unless that's your way of saying you're not into white guys." The freckles on his nose and under his eyes seemed to pop out from his blue eyes.

A beautiful contrast.

"Ha! I didn't say that, you did. But no, I'm just not into light skinned guys as a whole." His face fell but quickly was replaced with a smile. "I hear you. Marlin" He struck his hand out.


"My name,"

"Ohh. I'm Yandi. It's a pleasure to meet you Marlin." We shook hands. He sat besides me and watched me do my work. As creepy as it sounds, I was actually comfortable in his presence.

"Sisi! It's time to go home." Nathi came out from somewhere. "Oh, ngiyeza." I turned to Marlin. "See you tomorrow?"

"Definitely. " He kissed my cheek. "Same time, same place." I stood up and walked towards my brother. "Who is that?"


"Maelin who?"

"Marlin. And I didn't ask." He gave me a bored stare. "One day you will get kidnapped and we won't know where to fine your associates. I.e. Marlin." I slapped the side of his head.

"Don't say that dumbass.  Let's go." I could feel Marlin's eyes on me as I walked further and further away from him. "Who's fetching us today?"

"Bhut'Simphiwe." I jumped in joy. "I'm sitting in front."

"Whatever." As we approached my brother's blue jeep, my steps faltered as I saw him chatting with Anande as if they were the best of friends. "Bhuti." He smiled at me  pulling me into a side hug.

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