chap. 19

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I've been at Roséry High for about a month now and its been good. I won't lie and say that its been roses and flowers because it hasn't been. My physical sciences teacher hates me for some unknown reason, Buhlebendalo is hell bent on trying to crush me because she's convinced herself to believe that I want Ntando. Uhm! That guy intimidates me, and I still ask, who wears sunglasses inside?? Haaike angazi!

I am currently in Afrikaans class and we are learning a poem about living by the sea?  Yeah I know what you're thinking, isn't this a term 3 poem? Well it is. Like I've said before, this school does its own thing. Anyways we are watching a video on how the works and what not. My phone vibrates on the table and I quickly turn it off.

In this class, Mr Steyn has endorsed the no phones allowed rule and if he catches you on your phone, is bye bye phone. I place it in my blazer and continue watching the video. My concentration is cut short when my phone vibrates again. I choose to ignore it but the messages just keep coming. Finally deciding that I've had enough, I take it out and place it on my lap,under the table. I switch it on and check my notifications bar.

Ntando Majola, 7 new messages. What the hell! I click on the messages and they read...

Hey, you busy?
I'm bored
Can you see my texts?
I'm bored

Shocked, I find myself typing. "What do you want you insufferable human being!" A few seconds later, my phone vibrates again. "Wow. Sorry for being an insufferable human being. I'll leave you to what ever you're doing. Bye." I immediately felt bad but couldn't reply because the video ended and I had to focus on the class. We were given homework and the bell rang.

I walked off to my next class, Maths and sat down. I didn't see Nelly so I thought she's late but she missed the whole period. Soon enough it was break time, I packed my things in my bag and left for for the cafeteria. I was about to turn down in the hallway that leads straight to the cafeteria when a hand covered my mouth and the other pulled my body harshly.

"Ahhdjhcidbsjdbwjfb" I shouted into the hand. "Shhhh" you'll get us caught. Wait a sec. I know this voice. "Nfhdkakj" I spoke into the hand once more, "What?" I tapped his hand on my mouth. He removed it, "Ntando?" I faced him. Here he was, standing in the janitor's closet. I could feel his eyes staring at me. "Why the hell did you drag me into the janitor's closet?"

"I wanted to talk to you." He shrugged his shoulders, "And you couldn't do that without kidnapping me?" His ridiculous answer baffled me. "I knew you'd ignore me" he said. "How are you?" He continued to ask. "I-i" I couldn't even answer him. "Wh-wh"

"I think the words you're looking for are 'I'm good. Hungry, but good'" he answered himself. I jus shook my head at his idiocy. "I gotta get going" I made a move toward the door. His arm wrapped around my waist and I found myself unable to breath. "Wha-what are you doing"

"Shhh" he said against my ear, sending chills down my spine. This is not good at all. Abort mission!!! We stood like that for a while and then suddenly, he let me go and walked out of the closet. Before I could comprehend anything, he pulled me gently out of the closet and lead me somewhere I'd never been before.

"This is the Elite's VIP chill room." He said before unlocking the door and pushing it open. "What!" You have a VIP room in this school!"

"Yeah. It's not much" he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. All I could do was stare at him. "What" he looked confused. "I-i how? Why?" The shock in my voice couldn't even hide itself. "Come on it's really not much" he held my hand in his and lead me further into the room. I could only stare at our joined hands and follow quietly.

"Right, here we are." I looked up. As soon as my eyes saw the setting I couldn't help but gasp. "Ntando" I turned to him then turned back. There were two bean bags on the floor and in front of them was a small table that had all sorts of foods on it. Flowers decorated around the little table and bean bags. He picked up the rose on the table. "Will you please go out with me?" He asked.

I couldn't answer him. This was nothing I had ever experienced before. "Can we eat first"

"Sure." We sat down on the bean bags and I removed blazer and set it on my lap. He removed the lids that were covering the plates. On the plates were burgers and fries with a small bowl of green salad. We ate while chatting. I felt really comfortable around Ntando, like I could be my self when with him. I didn't notice how much time had passed.

"Oh my goodness Ntando. I'm late for class!" I stood up and grabbed my blazer. My heart was skipping beats. "Hey, hey calm down." He grabbed my hand and pulled me onto him. My head was on his chest as he rubbed circles on my back. His scent calmed me down . "Okay. Okay, its probably not that bad. I'll just apologize for arriving late and beg to not get a detention slip. Yeah, that-thats doable. Right." I faced him.

"What?" I questioned him when I saw him just staring at me. "You're cute when you panic." That melted my resolve. "Argh" I punched his arm. "Ouch. Such violence in a tiny body." I just rolled my eyes and turned the other side so he doesn't see the blush on my face. We separated and held hands as we walked down to the chaos of other students.

"Wait." I suddenly halted as a thought came into my mind. "Yeah?" I looked at our joined hands. "We can't be seen by people." He looked confused so I continued to elaborate. "We can not be seen together. You are part of the elite and I'm not. I'll just be seen as one of those girls who want to be known."

"Right" he let my hand go and I dropped it to my side. We stood in silence for a while. "Uhm" I advanced toward him. "I don't mean it in a bad way...its just that-"

"No I get it." He said. I held his hand once more and stood closer to him; I basically pressed my chest on his. I looked up at him through his glasses. My hand, having a mind of its own, slowly rose and touched the side of his sunglasses. "How come you wear these every where and every time?"

He stepped back a bit and removed them.

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