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I wake up bedroom ceiling ? what the "ahh" a whimper leaves my lips and my eyes water, why's my body in so much pain. "Mmm sis you should sleep" I might be in pain but I can definitely recognize that voice anywhere "bhuti, it hurts" I whisper as the tears fall down the side of my face. My body is in serious pain bruhh.

"I know marshmallow wam but try not to move yezwa" Bhuti Ntsika says, "mmm" I respond with. Since he said not to move I lie still in bed blinking away the tears of pain until I see my brother well a blurry blob. He slides my glasses on and I blink trying to see clearer. "Bhuti what happened and what time is it ? Why am I in so much pain ?" I ask question after question. "Whoa munchie one question at a time, but to answer you, you were so focused on your muesli at breakfast you didn't listen to dad when he called you, you didn't listen to me warn you-" I cut him off "warn me ? Why?" I ask.

Giving me a look he answers "well if you didn't cut me off you'd know why *sigh* anyway as I was saying, you didn't listen to me warn you to stop before you hit MamMavis which you hit and you both got coffee on y'all, mostly you and you both fell but you passed out I'm guessing from pain ? Any way father picked you up and brought you in here after Nkosinathi tore your shirt to get all coffee filled clothes off of you which was your shirt, vest, bra and skirt... Oh the time is" checking watch "5:56 pm, and your in pain because that coffee cooked your abdomen, right breast and arm plus you hit your head pretty hard munchie"

"I can feel it all, inhloko yam iyaduma (my head is ringing)" I groan out, "Dont worry munchie once you eat you'll get pain meds and sleep the pain off." He says, "food, I need food in me before I die of hunger and pain" I dramatically say. He chuckles and walks towards my door, pulling it open he asks "Need anything else aside from food downstairs?"

"Uhm...ngicela ungiphathele ichocolate nanoma yiphi except for nutty and raisiny please...Oh ne phone yami bhuti, thanks" I say.

"Erm sisi I can get the chocolate but not the phone. Iwele nayo kwi coffee yamosheka" he says "oh...okay" I answer closing the door he mumbles "you must have hit your head hard to not worry about your phone. damn I'm telling the others"

"Tsek bhuti" I say, he laughs walking away I hear MaZulu asking him what he's laughing at. Laying in bed I'm here thinking about the hell that children go to five days a week, yes I mean school. In case you haven't noticed I hate school, not the buildings but the bugs that fill it, learners mainly who think they are entitled to everything and anyone who looks basic and does things basically are lower than them. Hmm this new school I'm going to, they'd better get their shit together or I'm gonna do it for them, of course keeping it away from the media I hope.

"Yaya uvukile (Yaya are you awake)" asks Sibonga or maybe it's Konke they sound so alike. "Wee sisi usuvukile na? (Sisi are you awake ?)" Oh that's definitely Konke he is always loud and Sibonga is quiet. "Yebo Konke I'm awake, uphi uSbonga ?" I ask. "Ngilana sisi (I'm here sis)" Sbonga answers in his quiet voice "Wozani khe nizohlala nami (come lay with me then)" "Okay" they simultaneously answer and come up to the bed. They get in and Konke helps me sit upright staying careful not to hurt me while Sibonga turns my laptop on and puts Netflix on, we watch the endgame because it was voted 2 to 1 mxm.

Mom comes in somewhere in the part where they are in wakhanda trying to remove the orange-yellow gem from the red dude (I never paid attention) "Hawu Sibonga nawe Konke ngithe nizomhlalisa usisi wenu haii nimpinye embedeni wakhe kanti labantwana banjani nah (oh Sbonga and you Konke I told you to keep your sister company not squeeze her in her own bed, what's wrong with these children)"

"Chaa ma ngiryt abang'pinyanga (no mom I'm fine they're not squeezing me)" I answer her "mmm uzosho njena vele wena ngiyakwazi (mmm I knew you'd say this)" she says, "hawu ma kodwa (but mom)" "haai haai haai ungazothi kodwa ma, iina ngikuphathele ukudla (no no no don't but mom me, here I brought you some food)"

"Ngiyabonga mawami (thank you mother) I say "mama mina okwami kuphi ?(mom where's mine?)" Asks Konke "Ushiswe yicoffee yini wena Konke? (Did you get burnt by coffee Konke ?)"

"Chaa mama kodwa- (no mom but-)"
"But nothing Konke, go along with your brother, hambani niyodla amasnacks while I help your sister" she shoo's them off. They leave the room mumbling incoherent words. Mom turns to me and walks towards my bed.

"ntombazane ka ma ithi umama alungise la azokudlisa (mommy's daughter let mom fix this up so she feeds you)" she says. "Hiybo MaZulu ungenwe yini (hiybo MaZulu what's gotten into you)" I ask shocked. She's never done such, maybe I should get burnt by coffee more.

So she comes up and feeds me garlic soup with steamed bread and grilled chicken breasts with orange juice and the only reason I oblige is because I'm in pain and I'm hungry not because I kinda enjoy getting fed *wink wink*

We chat while eating and just bond.
Once I'm done feeding she hands me my meds. "Okay Yaya wam let me love and leave you, get some rest yezwa" she kisses my forehead and leaves. I hear the soft click of the door as I turn to my right with a smile going off to lala land.


And thats the end of chapter 2.

Stay safe and blessed

Please don't forget to

Lots of love

Bye bye

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