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"Nelisiwe?" I didn't realise that I had said that out loud, not until she looked up up me in shock. "Jason, hi." She shuts her book, joins her hands together and places them ontop of the closed book. "I didn't realize that you were here or that you know this place." I say, leaning against the wall.

"Yeah, I discovered it a while back. It's quiet and peaceful, exactly what I'm looking for." I hum, "how did you find out about this place?"

"I had it renovated, it used to be a storage for torn or old books but I asked my father to help me change it into a small study space." She looks shocked. "Wow. So-so this is your space. "

"Technically it belongs to the school, I just had it renovated." I see her standing up, hastily packing her bag. "What are you doing?" I question. "Its your space and I've invaded it. I'm sorry." My hand shoots out before I have a chance to stop myself. "Don't, I'll just find someplace else to chill."

"Oh you don't have to do that." She shakes her head. "I know. I want to." I smile at her and I see her looking down, a smile on her face, which makes me smile more. I move to the more open side of the library and set my bag down. I grab a random history book and sit down to read.

Just as I have my eyes set on the first word, someone places their stuff on the table. I look up and meet Nelisiwe's shy gaze. I raise my eyebrow in question and she smiles timidly. "I figured you'd want some company. And I feel bad about taking your space." She says lowly.

I smile to ease her nerves. She looks at me with her eyes wide open in shock causing me to raise my eyebrown, smile still wide on my face. "You have a facial deformity." I burst out laughing. I hear my laugh echo through the quiet area.

"X'cuse me?" She looks away, "I mean you have dimples." I hum in acknowledgement. "So why fetch it from afar?"

"Its just how I've come to think of it." She shrugs and opens her book. We spend about 2 hours in the library, I had finished two books, reading my third when she suddenly shut her book. "What?" I question the sudden action. "I'm hungry and I forgot to pack lunch! Argh!" She mumbles some incoherent words.

"C'mon. " I stand up, place a book mark in the book I'm reading. When i notice that she's still sitting down, I come behind her chair, bend down to her ear, "Why are you still sitting down?" I whisper, watching as she shivers to my voice. I smile at the effect I seem to have on her.

"I'm standing up." She whispered breathlessly. "Oh really?" I haven't moved from her ear. My hands itch to tough her skin. "If you weren't breathing and on me, you'd see that I'm standing." I laugh a little and move away. She stands up and hastily places her books in her bag. I hold my hand out for her, she slides her smaller, smoother and warmer one into my large, calloused hand.

I smile at the feeling. We walk out of the school, I make sure to open the door for her when we get to my car. I place our things in the back seat on the floor. I drive to Roco Mama's and open the door for her again. Only when she steps out do i notice her outfit.

She's wearing a large cotton shirt that magnifies her small waist because she's tied it tightly, a small vest and a cardigan, with her Sneakers. She has her dreads in a high ponytail and she smells heavenly. "-son, Jason, Jason?" She pokes me. "Sorry, what?"

"You're staring." I see her blush. "I cant help myself. You're absolutely beautiful."

"Stop." She tries to hide her face. "Don't. Don't hide your beauty from me. Please. " I have never found my self begging someone like I am right now. I'm smitten. "Let's go in." We walk to the restaurant and have lunch. We spend about two hours just in the restaurant.

"Don't you think we should leave?" Shw asks once I've paid the bill, our doggy bags on the table. "Oh You're right. We should. It's almost 5 pm." We stand up and walk out.

I open the door for her again and we drive off to the school. It's packed. When we get to the school, finding parking is hard because the rival school has arrived with their fans. I finally find parking down the street. We get out things out and walk up the street, enter the school and go our separate ways. I tried talking to her before we enter the school but it was abuzz with people.

I walk to the locker rooms and find the team in a meeting. The minute I open the doors, noise just fills the room. "Jason my man!" Nelson hollers, giving me the bro hug. "I wasn't gone for a life time."

"I still missed you" it gets quiet in the lockerrooms. "Oooooo he's in love" these idiots sing out loud before bursting into fits of laughter. No one would take us seriously if they knew how much idiocy we are filled with.

I walk to my locker, laughing at the bunch before the doors burst open and a voice singles out the noise. "I just saw Sihle flirting with the rival team's captain." I see Ntando holding Samkelo's arm tightly.

"Bafo let me go."

"No. This is an antic to get us to react and lose focus. Don't fall for it. I'm sure it's not flirting. Sihle loves you ntwana. "

"Yeah, no. That looked like real flirting to me. Sihle a hoe dawg! Run while you still can." The same person who came to tell us that comments. "Ey voetsek wena! Gaan uit jou poes!" Alec shouts at the boy. Everyone begins swearing at the kid until he walks out with a tail between his legs.

"Boy, lalela Mina. Lento uSihle ayenzayo ayikho right and sizom'lungisa grand sharp Mara wena ntwana ungalahl'ifocus boy. Asambe siyempini. Siyonqoba bese wena uzodla noma yiphi ikhekhe oy'funayo. (Boy, listen to me. What Sihle is doing is not okay at all and we'll sort her out okay but bro you should lose focus. We are going to war. We will conquer and you can smash whomever you want to in the end.)"

He stands up and walks to his locker. "I'm done with that bitch." He grabs his kit from the locker, slams the door and walks out. No one stops him because it will cause chaos and we need that rage on the field. We all finish changing and walk out.

The school is buzzing with anticipation. We walk down the hall to the field and its loud with noise. The school cheered when we ran into the field. I could hear the cheering from the drum majorrets.

I scan the crowd and spot Nelisiwe who smiles at me and waves, I smile back at her and only then do I notice that she's sitting next to Mr and Mrs Khumalo who spot me and wave at me.

I move my eyes onto the opposing team and they mock us...I take my eyes to the direction in which they are looking and its at Sabelo. He advances inthe direction of the teamcaptain but Ntando holds him back.

I rush forward, hoping to keep him calm."Keep your head in the game." I overhear ntando say to him, just as the Drum majorities begin their dance. He nods and Ntando pats his shoulder encouragingly before casting his eyes towards the crowd.

I follow his line of vision and see Yandisokuhle cheering from the bleachers. I shake my head, dismissing any and every external thought as I turn to walk back to the team. "Jay I need you to sit this one out." I look at Ntando, my eyes twitch and I keep calm, nodding my head.

"Why? After you, he's the best we've got." Smiso questions. "Exactly why I need him in the second half. Redwidge will be tired by then so attacking will not be hard."

"Its fine. I'll sit back." We finish the final strategy. "Panthers!" I walk off to the benches, a few mates walking with me as the rest of the team goes further into the field. As soon as i turn back, the whistle blows

It's game time.

Surviving High School.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant