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The minute my lips made contact with hers, I knew right there and then that she is my home. She is who I want to come home to after a long day at work. We kissed until we were breathless. "Hi." her cute giggle warmed my hear. There was another knock on the door, I helped her off the bed before telling the person to enter. "Doesn't smell like sex so I'm gonna say you two didn't have any." She hid her face in her hands. "I'm not that quick Alex and you know it." Everyone laughed. "I think Yandi over there should be the one who comments." All eyes turned to her. 

"Don't look at me, I know nothing." The gents came to sit around my bed. "So what landed you in hospital this time?" Alex questioned. "Th-this time? S-so it's not a-a fi-irst time?" 

"Shit." he muttered like he suddenly remembered her presence. "No, I meant it as a joke because you know with being a football player, you're bound to get injured." She didn't look convinced at all. "Oh. Okay." she sat staring at me while the gents and I engaged in conversation, she would give her input here and there but for the most part she chose to be quiet.

"Alright, I'm starving." Nelson suddenly spoke out loud. "You could order us some food but you can't put the hospital as your location." I warned. "Yeah man, I know." He walked out with Alex following behind him. "So, it's just us again." She lifted her head slowly. "Yeah...and?" I gave her my smile and I witnessed her beautiful smile. "You have such a beautiful smile." 

"Don't lie like that." I shook my head and got off the bed. "Wh-wh-what are y-you d-doing Anande." I pulled her into my arms again. "This is nice." I mumbled into her hair. "Y-yeah, it is." She held on tighter, "Why didn't you tell me you were in the hospital?" I kiss her forehead. "I didn't want you to worry." She hummed before coming into my arms again. "You scared me."

"I'm sorry. It wasn't my intentions to do so. Ndicela uxolo. (Please forgive me.)" I kiss her forehead again. "I forgive you on one condition..." Ricky Rick ft Mlindo the vocalist 'You and I' plays suddenly and she jumps for her phone on the chair. "Bhuti?" I wait for her to finish her call. By the time she hangs up, it looks like she's seen a ghost. "I-I I n-n-need t-to leave." She picked her bag up, came up to kiss my cheek and leave.

"Bye." She smiled and walked out. I walked back to the bed and laid down with my phone to entertain me while I wait for Jason, Nelson an Alex. "Yo! Wake up." I felt something cold hit me on my face. "What the fuck?" I heard laughter. "You lot are idiots." I sat up and wiped the water off my face. "What did you get me?" Jason handed me the doggy bag. "Where is Yandisokuhle?" I opened the bag and took the fries out. "She got a call and had to leave." 

"Cool. Well, I need to leave as well." 

"Take me with you." They just stared at me. "Just  jokes."

"That was a very dry joke my friend." Alex pulled out a burger from his doggy bag. We ate in silence, "alright man, we are heading out." 

"I'll see y'all tomorrow at school." They turned immediately. "What do you mean?" I shruggedd, "Yeah, I know my parents will have me discharged tonight." 

"Damn man." We did our handshake before they left. It hadn't even been an hour before my parents walked in looking sullen. "Molweni bazali. (Greetings parents.)" They walked in an sat besides me. "What's going on?" 

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