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...trrr trrr trr trr trrr tr-

"Arggg marn" I say snoozing my alarm for five more minutes of sleep. "Yeyii wena i know you can hear your alarm that you've been snoozing for the past hour and oh would you look at that, you have less than 23 minutes to get ready for school and leave to catch the bus unless you want to walk. Again." Says my mother letting herself into my room gracefully *note the sarcasm, "haai haai haai man Yanda wake up" she says pulling my blankets off of me slapping my thighs to 'wake me up' honestly black parents have major issues.

"Mooooom i'm awake yeesh there's no need for your violence ek'seni kangaka (so early in the morning) I mean really mom I was awake hours ago" I say trying to pull my blankets back. "Uzama ukukohlisa bani Yandise-okuhle Ntombiyodwakayise Pearl Mthethwa hmm ?" (Who are you trying to fool Yandise-okuhle Ntombiyodwakayise Pearl Mthethwa hmm?) she asks.

"Ma can I have my blankets back please hle. I'll wake up and go to hell for those 7 hours mom please just bring my heaven back" I plead. "Ha ha ha ha weeee ngay'thola phi ingane enedrama kangaka Jehovah ( Ha ha ha ha oh gosh where did I find a child this dramatic Jesus)" she laughs clapping her hands.

"Ma yazini ithi ngihambe ngiyogeza mina ngoba uthathe oheaven bami (Ma you know what let me go bath because you've taken my heaven)" I dramatically say and stand walking towards my bathroom. Once in I turn the lights which blind me harshly tryna make me blinder than I already am as if it's not enough I hear my mom laugh more and the door shut, I bet uzishiyile ingubo zam ziphantsi uMaZulu (MaZulu (mom) left my blankets on the floor) haai parents.

After taking a 10 minute shower [sigh it could've been more] *sheds tear* I walk to my vanity mirror to start my facial care...5 minutes later I'm done with my face and I've lotioned up. Walking back to my bedroom I walk straight to my closet to wear the oh so heavenly (which is also the name of my perfume) school uniform *note the sarcasm btw which consists of a crisp white shirt, a blue tie with the school emblem on it (which must show😒) and a freaking long ass skirt from the belly button to bellow the muh'trukin knee. I mean seriously dude all I need now are braces and pigtails to look unattractive enough to scare guys away which I'd enjoy because dayyyyum these niggas ugulyyyyy af but my damn brothers have taken care if that already and also knee long socks as well as toughees shoes and blue and yellow blazer.

After getting dressed in my atrocious uniform, spritz on my perfume on my neck on both sides, my shirt kwi chest 😂 and on my wrists I take off my hair cover (doek) and give life to my hair once more which is just brushing it and pulling my afro tie up to making it look glorioussss and them edges get laid *double meaning much wink wink* and I wear my glasses and put the case in my blazer pocket.

Walking to the other side of my bedroom where my mini library/homework/study table is I put my books for the day plus my charger and tab and wipes plus hand sanitizer and tissue, you can never be too sure. Walking back to my bed I throw my blankets on it and take my phone out the charger and slide it into my shirt pocket.

Exiting my room I make sure to lock it so that uMaZulu doesn't start her screaming spree when I get back from hell. That woman can damn sure make your ears bleed yeer.

Anyways I walk down the stairs and prep myself for the commotion that's happening. When I get there I'm greeted by my brothers- younger brothers fighting for a banana ? Haai siyaz'bona kwa Mthethwa *claps hands* looking at the far end of the breakfast table I see my almost twin brother busy on his school books, guess Nkosi didn't do bio homework 😂😂 aii.

Next to Nkosi is Siya short for a lot of things and that's only because if his "reputation" at school and he's younger than Nkosi and i. On the other side of the table sat my oldest and second oldest brothers Ntsikayomuzi and Sandile (he's my fave but don't tell him, I think it's because our names are almoSt similar) and they were as always busy on their laptops along with father, the mighty Mhlengiwezwe Joseph Mthethwa.

Yep daddyo is the CEO or retired CEO- I don't really know- of Mthethwa holdings which branches out to Mthethwa Law Firm, Mthethwa Accounting Firm, Mthethwa Connects and Mthethwa taxi association. Yeah big business ndiyayazi and the pressure mntakadad it's too much but lucky for me I'm the 4th child and only girl which means I khan dzo anytin I want and that is to become a world famous pediatric surgeon, I can't help my fetish with kids I love love love loveeee them .

Anyway looking on the breakie table I see nothing but strawberry muesli and parmalat strawberry yogurt which is thee absolute best thing ever, after strawberries in dark or milk chocolate I eat em all I don't mind *wink wink* walking straight to the mouth watering meal calling out my name I tune out everything else

"Kaysie...Ntombiyodwakayise...we Yandise-okuhle Ntombiyodwakayise Pearl Mthethwa ! Ngiyakubiza njalo" father says. Now that I think about it, all the commotion has died down n everybody is looking at me. When it's like this..mmmm mmm mmm mmmm kushubile ngwana mma (it's bad mom's child) but do's you think I care, nope I'm focusing on closing in on my target "Yandise I'm calling you" dad repeats, "yebo bhuti ngivukile (yes brother I'm awake)" I respond while walking towards my life line.

I'm so focused on the muesli that I don't see uMam'Mavis holding a tray filled with three burning hot cups of coffee. "Okuhle watch out" one of my brothers screamed but it was too late

Splash# in 3...2...1... "aaaaaaaaaa mamaaaa ngiyasha"falling down hitting my head on the cold tile I scream feeling the hot coffee plus cold tile on my bare skin (blazer and bag were in hand) somehow when I fell my phone flew outta my pocket and onto the remaining coffee. "Stop moving you'll burn more" panicking voice 1 said, I have no idea who said that I was just focusing on the burning coffee cooking my body !!! "Take her clothes off to remove the coffee" panicking voice 2 said. I felt my shirt being torn apart and my vest being moved up my abdomen all I can think about who ever is undressing me better not untie my tie all the way because showing the school emblem is so damn hard.


Chapter one is done y'all. How was it ? I'm curious to know what you think. I'm just writing this book because I read a book totally different from this one and I wAnted to try my own. I hope you enjoy and love it. Stay safe and blessed

By the way this Wednesday in the new school year, they are in grade 11. It's a new school too.

Bye bye

Oh btw I hope you stay long enough till the end and maybe sequel (s)

Bye for real 😂😂

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