OWC: The Saga of Relationships

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A/N: The OWC Chapter where it'll reveal more Relationships between both groups, in which it'll also be the Chapter before Flockchouchou heads back to Birdopolis and the Second Crossover to begin.

*Insert Intro*

After the event that Flockchouchou went through with Franchouchou, they had one last day before heading back to Birdopolis after the big Adventure.

Sakura: Even if this is the last day, we'll miss you guys a lot!

Chet: Don't worry about it. Besides, you girls would want us to come back again and we will. Now that my Mom is keeping her Sister's old House, it won't be a hard time coming here.

Sakura was happy to hear that, as Ai was also happy about it.

Ai: And maybe when you do come back, we can still make things right?

Chet: Don't worry about it, besides, Kotaro is now good with it. But maybe when I do come back, we can go on that Date.

Sakura blushes, as Ai got a bit excited as Flowers bloomed on her Head again.

Chet: And you do know that I'm talking about Sakura?

Ai: I knew that, but why don't we go on a date too?

Chet: I'll make a Note on that.

Chuck just came back in, looking innocent from seeing Both Red and Saki on the Balcony. They saw he was looking innocent, but they didn't ask him.

Chuck: It's nothing! Nothing with Red and Saki out there!

They didn't say anything as he was way nervous. Just then, Both leaders from each Group came in, just glaring at him.

Saki: Hold it, right there, Kii-Dolt!

Red: Your not getting away of keeping our Secret!

Chuck: I didn't tell anyone!

Now that they're talking about it, it then got them interested.

Lily: What is it?

Saki: It's nothing Shrimpy!

Lily: I'm not called that!

Chet, Sakura and Ai were all now interested on what's going on, as Kotaro also noticed them acting weird.

Kotaro: And just may I ask is going on with you two?

Saki then gave him a upper punch to the chin.

Saki then gave him a upper punch to the chin

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Red: None of your Damned business, Shades!

Now that they're acting weird, it not got everyone's interest.

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