Chapter 12: Storming Rage

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A/N: I thought of a few things and how it'll go. I'm also going to be putting in how Princess Dark Matter Steals the Mane 7's Magic and when the Birds activate their Rage.

Due to being worried about what would happen to the others with the threat around Canterlot High, Sunset and the others decided to take their research to the Birds at Slingshot High and in their room. They were going to explain more on the Rage Chi.

Sunset: Ok, I did look into the Princess again and she explained more on the Rage Chi themselves. You see, many centeries ago in her world, the Rage Chi were made at life Sources through out the whole world. Each symbolizing the many Elements of Equestria itself.

They were listening to her, but were doing their own thing. Chet was looking to see any other Franchouchou song was on, Red was thinking on the bands next show, Bomb and Matilda were interested in the Mane 6 members who had their Magic drained out and Harley was just lazing.

Twilight: From what you all experience already, the Rage Chi will give you powers of that element they represent. So far, Chet was the first one to use it, meaning he got a taste of the Ice Rage itself.

Chuck wasn't bothered listening as he was interested in one girl. Her name was Rainbow Dash and she was kind of the athlete of the Group.

 Her name was Rainbow Dash and she was kind of the athlete of the Group

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Rainbow Dash

Chuck got some information from Chet about her and decided to play around with a Basketball to get her attention, however, the sounds of it hitting the floor was annoying everyone and interrupting the presentation.

Rainbow Dash: Ok, you better stop doing that before they explain everything they know all over again!

Chuck then stopped as he held the ball, laughing.

Chuck: You told me looking Sporty might get her attention?

Chet: I mean it's not like I know 'everything' about her.

Everyone laughed as they all decided to call the presentation a close as the school bell went off.

Red: Looks like schools over with. Do you gals want to hear what we're coming up for our next song?

Sunset: Sure, we can stay for a few.

As they were getting their equipment ready, Chuck went over to Rainbow.

Chuck: Yo R.D? You like being called that? I heard Dashie before... Anyway, Chet told me what you'll like, but I didn't think he would...

Rainbow Dash: Nah don't sweat it! We should of been better friends when he was at our School.

Chuck: Yeah, well, anyway, I know in somewhat way or form, you girls are almost a rival band, the Rainbooms. I mean if you want to, the Carnival here in the City is open for the Autumn season, and I'm wondering if you would want to join me?

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