Chapter 34 - Army of Padawans

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The Last Dragonlord

The Last Dragonlord

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We duck our heads as dust and pieces of debris fall from the stone walls and ceilings of the castle of Camelot.

This is the second night of the Great Dragon attacking us.

I understand why Kilgharrah refused to make that promise to Merlin the other night -- he wanted the entire kingdom to feel his wrath after he was imprisoned for twenty long years. He wanted to watch his cage and captor burn with everyone else he loves dearly.

"Hold still," I instruct a young girl as I bandage up her arm with the dwindling supplies Gaius and I have left. I give her a brave smile. "You did so well. Now run off." Her blonde hair whizzes by me as she runs into her mother's arms.

Gwen comes up to me. She carries a basket of cloth Gaius sent her to fetch to use as more bandages. "I don't think people can suffer a third night of this," she says, her eyes scanning the numerous cots we have placed around this makeshift infirmary.

Another boom sounds out through the stone walls, making the entire wall shake, filling the air more with dust.

"We must have trust in Arthur," I reassured her.

"I do . . . but even he has little chance."

She and I go up to Gaius where I tell him, "We've no clean water left."

He sighs. "I know, but it's too dangerous to go out there."

A dangerous idea forms in my head. I madly grin at them. "I'll be back!" I shout as I run out the door with a bucket in hand.

"Elizabeth, don't!" they both shout at me, but I don't listen.

Outside is even worse than it is inside. People I recognize are running around, screaming. People are crying. People are lying on the ground, blood pooling around them, unmoving. Fires are everywhere as people desperately try to stop them. Houses have collapsed. Stones and wood lying around the streets show just how decimated this kingdom has become.


Only one person has ever called me that here.

I spin around so fast I think I got whiplash. I see Smith, Nicholas' father running up to me with young Nick in tow. Both of their faces are covered in ash and their clothes singed.

"Stay here with Lizzy, okay?" Smith instructs his eleven-year-old son. He gives him a smile, but I can see the fear behind it. He's trying to put up a good front for his son and I admire him greatly for that. He looks up at me with pleading eyes. "Keep him safe for me." He looks down at his son. "I love you so much." He takes off a necklace before placing it over Nick's little neck.


But it's too late. Smith is already running back into his home, the flames licking his skin as he passes the doorway.

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