35: Seal the promise

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Sometimes you may feel like running away from certain situations, but you can't. It's a feeling of wanting to hide in a box and stay there forever to avoid facing it. "I didn't realize you were coming back today," Dev said as he removed his watch and put it on the dresser. "Yeah, actually, I had work to do here. Besides, Aunty was missing the evening tea we have together." She replied, getting a peek at him, and then focusing back on her phone screen. It's been two days since the uncertain confession happened in the car, and they haven't talked about it YET. "I asked you to text me when you want to come back." He asked while still not looking at her and continuing to do whatever he was doing. "I don't like texting, and I didn't want to disturb you. Besides, Jai offered to drop me, and I took it. This happens once in a blue moon." She had no idea why she was still upset over him telling her to TEXT him. It was true Jai dropped her, but the "disturb you" thing wasn't true. She was just avoiding him. "okay" he simply said and took his night suit out from the wardrobe "Dev..." she started, but he cut her off. "I'll take a shower, I feel a little tired," he said and disappeared behind the bathroom door, leaving Anu to wonder if he was avoiding her. Her suspicions were confirmed when he took forty-five minutes to come out, when he usually took a shower for a maximum of twenty minutes. "You're still up?" he said awkwardly after noticing that she hadn't moved from her spot. "Yeah, I don't feel like sleeping right now, so I thought I'd catch up on Instagram. I haven't used it in months," she replied, and he hummed. "I wanted to talk if you have a few minutes," she asked. "Um, sure, what's up?" he said, sitting in the chair opposite from her. "I wanted to apologize about the other night. I was being unreasonable. I shouldn't have talked to you that way. I guess I overreacted, so I'm sorry." She said, fiddling with her fingers. "It's alright, you don't have to apologize. Besides, I was pretty rude as well, so we are even," he said with an awkward chuckle, and she gave him a tight smile."Cool," she got up to leave before he grabbed her arm. She stops and looks back at him. "Is that all you wanted to talk about?" he asked. She took a deep breath and smiled at him. "Yeah, that's all," she said in a low voice. He let go of her arm and sighed. "So we are going to ignore the fact that I love you," he said, and she stopped at her side of the bed. They had to move on to the bigger issue, even though she was happy not discussing it. When she didn't say anything, he got up and stood in front of her. "What am I supposed to consider your silence?" That she would like to bury this topic six feet in the ground She still hadn't replied. "Am I that bad that you don't even want to give this a chance?" he asked. "It's not that, Dev. I just don't think it's appropriate that..." he cut her off in the middle with a snort "Seriously, you should have gone with the classic "It's not you, it's me" line."He said, and she sighed, "It's me, Dev. You don't have any issues with this, but I do." She tells him. "like what? That you don't love me?" He asks. "It's not that simple," she replies. Why was it so hot in there? "It's simple to me. I'm not asking you to love me back. I'm asking for a chance. You give me one and see how it goes. Simple," he lays out his perspective, while all she can think of is one thing: run, run, run. "it's not dev I can't do this I can't it's not simple not even when you says it is because every freaking time I think about it I feel like that this is'nt for me that I can't have it I just....." her voice breaks at the end and she sits down on the ebed her face in her palms dev kneels in front of her and make her look at him "anu I don't know how to convince you that I'm nothing like him i won't ever hurt you or do anything that'll hurt you in any way i know it's not that simple to let go of what happened but you can't move on if you keep holding on to the past your'e ruining your chance to a better future just because of a jerk anu don't you think you are not doing justice with yourself what is it that you want me to do that'll make you believe what I feel is real you want me to get on my knees and beg say the words anu and i'll be on my knees" She looks at him, tears underlining her eyelids. How did she come from her perfect life to this complicated one? "no I ain't said that" she said "I'm not saying you said that I'm sayigthat I can do this if it means you'll  trust me" he tells her "I trust you" she repeats "not enough to give a chance on this?" he asks "anu trust me if it would've been in my control I would've never loved you I swear because the day I fell in love with you you were dating riyaz" sh elooks up at him her eyes widen with shock "yeah I met you and I fell in love with you I didn't knew you were dating him but when I found out i stepped back of course i would've never did anything to ruine your perfect relationship which was at that time but also if I had a smallest of hint that he was a jerk I would've done anything in my power to make him leave but guess that wasn't in our control" she looks down at her hands finally the tears escaping dev held her face and wipe the tears from her face "don't cry over him" he whispers softly "I should've known better" she wispers back "no one's perfect anu and no one knows ev erything" he tells him "look at the bright sid eat least you found out what happened hmm?" she looks at him thinking if this is something she should escape like eshe's trying to do for months "what if I never feel anything for you?" she asks "then I would be happy that at least I have you nomatter what you feel about mei'm not letting you go anu not until it's something you really want and the reason is strong enough to make me let go of you" he says with a smile on his face that never really left his face since they started talking how can someone be so calm all the time? "dev I don't hate you I don't want to leave you that's the thing here I'm afraid that deep down a part of me wants you as much as you wants me..." something shines in his eyes before it dies again ".......but I'm afraid that this will not last forever what if one day you wake up and realize that falling in love was me a mistake that I'm not worth it that.....: he cut her off before she could say anything "I would never feel that anu because loving you is the second best thing I ever did" he said a smile appear on her face with amusement "am I supposed to feel special that I'm on number two?" she asks "no but you should remember that you also fill the first one" she arch her eyebrows confused "what is it?" she asks "finding you" this time a real smile appears on her face the one she didn't knew still exists "I'll give you a chance then because no matter how many times i deny it I know that I do love you" he smiles and hugs her "but I need you to promise me and seal it" she said and he nods "don't ever let go of me an never hurt medev I don't think I'll be able to glue the pieces together again" she said the last part tasting bittersweet on her tongue "I promise" he said softly cupping her fac ewnd smiling at her she closes her eyes leans in and crash her lips on his his eyes w iden for  amomen before he give in the ekiss ity was more then it it was a promise something that they both knew will last forever she broke the kiss and he joined his forehead with her's "what was that for?" he asks with a smile "I was sealing the promise" sh replied "so I now I have to make more promises if thsiis how you seal it" he said and she chuckled and she knew that she was thinking way too much it's dev and he won't ever do anything that'll make her regret her decision





okay guys this is it for today the next chapter will be posted tomorrow as because of the leap yesterday I couldn't post there was an internet issue do vote and comment guyss I'll see you later bu byee qt's.

Your Author: Tia      

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