31:The News

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"he's still in his room?"  sid asked going up the stairs with avneet "yeah a whole week and he's still not talking to anyone" avneet replied it's been a whole week since the incident with reem and jai has been nothing but quite in his room not really talking to anyone though the good thing is he hasn't locked his door he did for the first two days then he stopped as their mom and dad were really worried they obviously don't know about reem "i don't know whats gotten into reem?" she says "you talked to her?" he asks "yeah she is acting so weird like not herself i don't know why she's doing this when all these year she only talked about how she hates jai flirting with other girls and how she wanted to kill them all somethings definitely wrong" she explains her thoughts with a smile as she remembered her old debates "maybe she's right she moved on" he said "she hasn't believe me i know reem more than she knows herself" she replies and he knocks on jai's room door "i don't need anything mom i'm fine" he says from inside and avu shrugs sid opens the door and find jai sitting in his balcony looking at the blue sky "someone's getting old" sid said and sat beside him "not debating on that" he replied without looking at him "you asked him to be here?" jai asked avneet "i have better things to do" she lied and left the room "you're an idiot" sid complimented "i'm flattered" he replied "stop being an ass and come out of your room everyone's worried" he told him "i'm not a kid i'm an adult it's my choice to be wherever i want to" he said "then act like it your mom called me last night asking if you had a fight with me" he told him "you should have told her i don't have time to waste on you" he said with a sigh and got up from his seat "jai for god sake leave this behind" sid tried to convince him "easier said than fucking done" he replied "you can't act like this forever" he said "i don't want to hear your bullshit please just leave  siddhart" he told him "i know you loved her" he said and put a hand on his shoulder "i love her there's a difference and besides i'm okay as i said i just don't feel like interacting to anyone right now i'll do it when i feel like it" he told him and lay on his bed "okay whenever your'e fine" he said and left the room jai looked up at the ceiling and sigh "fine...." he chuckled ".....i'll be fine" he told himself and closed his eyes. 

"he'll be fine avneet he's mature he knows what he's doing" sid tells her "it doesn't seem like it" she replied leaning against his car "don't worry he's just upset it's natural reaction coming from someone like this" he told her and she nodded "thanks for coming btw i thought he'll talk to you as he wasn't clearly talking to me" she told him "it's alright he's a friend" he replied avneet looked at him with confused eyes he wasn't anything like she thought he would be "like what you see" he said catching her attention a smirk on his face "i've seen better" she replies with a wave of her hand and he chuckles "you wanna go out sometime?" he asks she looks at him amused "you asking me out?" she asked "depends if it's a yes then i am if no then just a friendly day out" he said and she laughed at that "i'll think about it i'm pretty busy" she said "i didn't tell you the day yet" he told her "i'm always busy" she replied "okay then let me know when your'e schedule is free" he said and she nodded with a smile there was something about her that was different something that had her doing all these things he never did for anyone else.

2 weeks later:

"he told you that himself" anu asks excited "that's what i said i think so" avneet replied sarcastically "okay so siddhart said that he likes you god never imagined he would say this to someone ever" jannat said and settle herself on avneet's bed "he did said that we went out and he told me he likes me and he asked me to give him a chance and see if things work between us" avneet explains remembering her conversation with siddhart a week ago "okay if he did said that it mean he's really into you because i've never seen sid like this with anyone" jannat tells her "like what?" 

"like he wants to kill all the male population who's even looking at you that's a catch avneet" she says with a grin "should i feel special?" she asks "nah he should be the one feeling it your'e a whole package babe" she says with a wink "i love you" avneet replies with a real smile and she throws him a flying kiss "okay if you guys are done with you romance tell me about jai avneet how's he doing?" anu asks taking their attention "he's fine i guess but he has changed though i dragged him to the mall with me the other day and a girl approached him for a date and well he politely denied her" avneet explains while anu lays on the bed beside jannat "some incidents change people" she exclaims "for better or for worse?" jannat asks curling a strand of her hair between her fingers "both" she replies "i talked to reem she still thinks he's just overreacting that he doesn't feel anything for her and that she's over him" avneet tells them "maybe she is she looks fine to me when i'm talking to her like she's happy" jannat says "that's the thing about reem she hides her pain better then any of us" avneet says with a sad smile thinking how she must be feeling inside and how stupid she can be "did you ask her to be here it's our girls night" anu asks "yeah she said she's going out with karan" avneet replied and turn on the TV so they can select a movie to watch "what about vaishu di?" jannat asks "she was feeling a little low she said she'll join next time" anu said and avneet ask them to remind her to call vaishnavi and ask if she's fine after a debate of half an hour they settled on mean girls even though they have watched it thousands of time they still found comfort in it.

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