20:She was right about him

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The function ended later on and all the elders went off to this temple where they're supposed to give some offerings early in the morning and in the evening that's why the wedding is held for day after tomorrow so that they come back soon after their visit riyaz's mother said that this thing is important to their family so they're doing it  but according to avneet it can just be a myth all her friends were in the Cinema room down the hall but avneet came out  to get some fresh air but she didn't went outside because it was raining really hard she stood on the window  of the living room looking outside and enjoying the sound of the rain pouring on the ground she closed her eyes and breathed in the cent of rain which is her first love no second how can she forget books "hey" she looks at her side to find riyaz standing next to her with his smile which she still thinks is pretty devilish just like when they were kids she laughed inside thinking about school and their childhood "hey what are you doing here?" she said still looking outside "i just came to check on you you don't look so good" he said and avneet could feel the wight oh his gaze "i'm alright you don't have to stand here go enjoy with others" she tells him hoping he would leave but to her bad he didn't move an inch "i'm enjoying myself" avneet look at him with confused face "okay i also have something to say i was gonna talk to you tomorrow but i guess i can do this right now" he nods "riyaz i wanted to say sorry and thank you..." he looks confused "why?" he asks "because i was wrong when i tell anu that you don't deserve her that your'e not worth her time i was wrong your'e a really great person and i have seen how you treat anu with so much love i'm really thankful that she has someone like you there was even times when i thought that i want someone like that too someone who cares for me looks after me love me this much so thank you for all of this" she said with a genuine smile "what if i say you can have someone like that what would you say then" he asks avneet doesn't know what to say so she jokes "i would definitely  say yes" she said with a chuckle 'then you got it" avneet looks at him confused "are you setting me up with someone?" she asks jokingly "yeah me" avneet stares at him like he has grown horns "what are you saying?" she asks "i'm saying what i wanted to say for so long god avneet you have no idea how much i waited for this day to come when you tell me that you want me......" he was talking nonsense and avneet was sure he has lost his mind ".....i've loved you since we were kids and now you finally loves me too do you even have an idea how many times i wanted to fly to London and tell you this" she's standing eyes wide and confused not sure what the hell is this jerk talking about "riyaz do you even realize what your'e saying if it's some kind of sick joke end it here right now" she tells him but he just smiles "it's not a joke avneet i was never in love with anu i've always loved you i proposed avneet to be close to you and to tel you that  can love one person like you said i can't be with one girl in i wanted you to know that i'm capable of loving someone but then you went to London and i still continued acing this with anu cuz i thought you would find out anu will tell you but you never came back you hardly replied to my messages then anu told me you told her that you will come back when she gets married she said it as a joke i know you did too o but i wanted to see you so bad i ask her to marry me i thought i would make you realize how much i love you but you didn't said anything" avneet is numb she doesn't know what to say he's a bastard just like she thought and he seriously thinks she's in love with him "you were going marry her your wedding is in two days riyaz do you even know what your'e saying" she asks controlling the urge to push him so hard that he falls on the glass table on the other side "i know at first i thought you don't love me so i was gonna marry her just to be close to you but now i know that you do love me so i'll cancel it" he's seriously out of his fucking mind "you....." i was about to say something when we hear something crash on the floor i look at my left and saw anu standing there "anu if it's some kind of sick prank you both are playing on me i swear it's........" i stop when i saw tears in her eyes her hands are shaking and i know that it's not a prank she wasn't aware of this "what happened here" i look to see all of our friends looking confused as hell just like i'm right now what the fuck just happened "anu" dev said and walked towards her "what's wrong everything alright why are you crying" he asks seeing the tears coming out of her eyes "w-what you j-j-just said to avneet everything was that true" anu asks blinking her tears away but her hands are still shaking riyaz look down at the ground "anu i'm r..........." "just answer me in yes or no" anu said before he could start with his fake apologies he just nods his head at her question "huh so she was right all this fucking time when she asked me to break up with you or that your'e a jerk she was right and me being an idiot  always ignored avu she told me you were bad news everyone told me that but i was so stupid to not agree with them how dumb was i just god" she said everything she thought was enough but it wasn't "anu please i know what i did was wrong but......" he went closer to anu and put his hand on her shoulder she took a step backward "don't touch me you don't have any right to and don't cal me anu only my friends can call me that" she said anger and hurt was clear in her eyes it was like someone ripped her heart out and broke it into a million pieces and she can't seem to find a single piece to start mending it "you told me i was your friend before anything" he said with a chuckle seriously he had the never to even thing of laughing right now "YOU told me that you LOVE me" she gave him the taste of his own medicine emphasizing the word you and love she can't help but thinking if that word even exist he just stands there saying nothing anu take the ring out of her finger the one he made her wear on their engagement and put it on his hand "here take this and get the fuck out my life" she's clearly looking like she'll fall on the ground right at the moment "ANU...." avnet called her name but she didn't listen "reem" she looked at her and she understood "i'll go" she left behind anu everyone is silent not sure what to say "what the fuck just happen" jai broke the silence "avneet i'm sorry i couldn't keep it in anymore knowing how you feel about me..." riyaz ignored jai and stand in front of avneet looking straight at her trying to comfort her as if it would work "you seriously kidding me right now fuck i can't believe you I DON"T HAVE ANY FEELINGS FOR YOU JERK i don't like you i hate you in fact i can't even stand looking at your fucking face i said that i'm sorry for misunderstanding you and you made me believe that i was wrong an idiot for thinking that you seriously thought that acting to be in love with my sister would made you close to me how sick are you asshole you don't deserve anyone i'm so glad it happened today and anu didn't ended up marring a bastard like you now leave before i kill you with my own fucking hands" she pushed him away and he stumbled backwards "avneet listen...." she turns to jai before he can say anything "jai make him leave before i do something NOW" jai wen to riyaz and asked him to leave "i'm not going anywhere i paid for this hotel" he protested i don't care  who fucking paid for this place i'll fucking buy it didn't you heard what she said LEAVE" jai said anger dripping on his words after hearing what avneet said he looked at everyone with anger and left the place avneet sank on the couch her head in her hands "fuck " she mummers and she knows everything's messed up.





okay guys this is it for today hope you like it it was the most exciting chapter i wrote till now don't forget to vote and comment i'll see ya tomorrow byeeeeee.

Your Author: Tia

The Pain Of RegretsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora