33: Nope no butterflies

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the feeling when your'e in a situation you don't want to be in that's not something people like "i can't believe he thought no one would see him doing that what a jerk" anu said as they were on there way back home first of all anu never liked gatherings like these still she went hoping it'll take her mind of her shit but guess what universe had other plans for her just when she was coming out of the restroom she saw a guest suffocating her wife in a corner like he was seriously choking her his grip was so tight around her neck there were tears in her eyes like she can't breath like of-fucking-course she cant she was out of breath as soon as he spotted her he acted "like they were having sex seriously what did he take me for a child asshole" she said frustrated dev looked at her amused and some feeling he couldn't really catch before it fled like a pigeon "don't worry you did the right thing by calling the police" he told her "yeah i did good thing his wife took my side and told them what happened today and every other day" she said the last part in a low voice feeling for that poor girl who had to bear this shit dev noticed and put his hand on hers she look up at him her eyes glisten with the tears threatening to come out "how can someone even do something like that you didn't saw her the way i did dev she was fighting to catch her breath while he was just standing there trying to convince me nothing really happened like how can someone be that cruel" maybe she faced a real bad heart break but she never even saw anyone near her getting this abusive or abusive at all in any way "i know but we can't really do anything more than we already have right? we can just pray that she stays safe or away from that jerk" he said and she nodded "you wanna go grab a drink?" he asks she look at her amused "you drink? in a bar?" she asks "yes i drink and yup in a bar" he replied turning towards the destination "i never saw you visiting a bar or even having a drink so it's kinda new" she said "yeah i don't drink much or not really at home only when i go to this bar" he told her "so what's the deal with 'this bar'" she ask air quoting the word this bar and he chuckled "it's a private club actually not just a bar only members can go i have this membership that's why i go there beside it's pretty comfortable there i don't know much people so i just go there when i need comfort and the last time i went there was like three four months ago actually before the weeding" he explains and she looks stunned "okay so why didn't you went there for this long huh do you not need comfort anymore?" she asks jokingly "not really because now i have it with me......." he said catching her eyes "..............always" her lips parted with an audible breath and something flutter in her stomach it took her a few seconds to recognize it as an old buddy she killed long ago no no no not a fucking butterfly she said in her mind she wasn't doing this thing again the eye contact last a few more seconds before she tore her gaze away and he had to focus on the road the drive ended soon after that and they went inside the club after dev showed a black card with red stripe on it to the security there it was huge and elegant just like in movies "you like it?" he asks taking a sip of his cocktail "yeah it's pretty" she replied they talked for a while about random stuff and it felt like old times even if it was for a while "you know i feel good" she said and he smiled "good in?" he asks "like i'm free with all the worries and shit that's been going on in my life i feel more alive" she replies without any hesitation and that's one of the signs she feels alive he smiles at her "that's good" she chuckled at his mocking expression "don't ever leave me" the sudden change of subject made him look at her with a little wide eyes "your'e my best friend and i don't ever want you to change that no matter what so always stay by my side i'll kill you if you made another best friend" she said pointing at him with her index finger he held it with his hand "careful anu keep saying things like that and i may never let you go" he said so close to her she could smell his cent his eyes fell on her parted lips and she took an audible breath he leaned in a little but she move back "i need to use the restroom" she said and rushed towards the restroom in god knows what direction dev took a step back and settle in his stool with a sigh "girlfriend?" a female voice asked he looked at his left and a smile appeared at his face "and i thought you left me alone" he said teasingly "ouch that hurts" the voice said and pressed a hand on her chest he laughed and hugged her "long time huh where were you Mr handsome i missed my favorite customer" she said her hand still on his "well pretty busy" he replied not elaborating "with the girlfriend who btw denied your kiss well someone's immune to your charm here" she teased him "not girlfriend wife and yeah that's what it's about" he said with a shrug "oh my god you got married you jerk why didn't you tell me" she said slapping his arm playfully "it wasn't a big weeding it was just family and i wasn't really..........never mind" he said "okay not pressing on the sensitive topic with you wife out there but hope it'll be alright btw congratulations" she said and hugged him again "aumm dev" anu said and he broke the hug just to look at her her face was a little wet that says she washed it "hey anu this is neha she works here and we became friends when i used to come here more often and neha this is anushka my wife" he introduced them awkwardly obviously after what just happened with anu "hey anushka it's nice to meet" neha said and hugged her she got stunned but hugged her back "same here" she replied gently "dev i don't feel so good can we leave i wanna go home" she said "sure let's go" he said and said bye to neha who told him to call her because of course she need the details and he just nods with a smile seriously what is wrong with people anu thought in her mind.





okay gussy this is it for today something really exciting will be happening in the next one hope you like a little devnushka scene do vote and comment i'll see you tomorrow bu bye qt's.

              Your Author: Tia                 

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