24:Special Friendship

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"dude will you please tell me what's wrong i was talking about something really important with jannat and you literally disturbed our conversation" faisu said lying on his bed when sid came down form the roof he directly went  to faisu's room he needed to talk to someone he met jai on his way he did asked if somethings wrong was it really that obvious he obviously said nothing is wrong of course he couldn't tell jai that he almost kissed his sister no matter how close they are he'll kill him and after what happened to anushka he's already on the verge of killing someone when he entered faisu's room he was on call with jannat like the hell they are in the same house like people what is wrong with these two "my problem is serious then your dumb conversation with her" he replied passing the room "yeah i would know if you tell me" faisu replied throwing his arm sin the air "okay......" he started "........so i went to the roof avneet was there and...." he stopped "AND?" he asked with a raised eyebrow "well it was a heated moment and we almost kissed" he said in one breath faisu's eyes widen like he has seen a ghost "wait a sec like wait what do you mean by almost?" he asks standing in front of him now cuz siddhart is sitting at the edge of the bed "because i thought she wouldn't want it so i stopped" he said like he's asking a question "did she said that or did something that you felt it?" and now when he thinks "no" she never said anything not even after he told her to get some rest she just nooded "oh my god i can't believe you sid seriously?" faisu said with an annoyed face "she didn't said anything and you stopped well why are you an idiot you had your moment bro i thought you loved her" faisu said and leaned on the wall beside him "WOAH let me stop you there buddy first of all and most importantly I.DON'T.LOVE.HER" he said but faisu just scoffs "AND besides she was really upset at that time she shared something with me some incident that broke her she trusted me with that i couldn't break her trust by making any stupid move i want our first kiss to be something she WANTS not something she NEEDS" he completed with a sigh but looked at faisu who's still smiling "what?" he said and faisu laughed "your'e just so cute in love" he aid with a grin on his face and he wanted to punch him on that really face "I DON'T" he replied ignoring his minds request "who are you trying to lie to sid  look at you have you ever been like this talking to someone like this getting into there personal space have you ever seen yourself in the mirror when you talk to her or about her you want to be the one she shares stuff with you went on a night drive with her you hate driving car at night....." his eyes widen how did he knew about the drive ".........your'e imagining your first kiss with her what do you think it is" he thinks for a while after what faisu said and he knows it's something he did thought about the kiss or avneet all the time these days but it can be a crush or an attraction love doesn't exist do you believe in love i didn't used to now i'm not so sure he remembered the words he said to avnnet when they were on a drive what the hell is he doing hes in his thoughts when faius turn to look at him from his phone "you want die if you admit that you love her" sid lie back on  the bed his hands under his head "that's the thing i'm not" he replied again lying to himself and his friend faisu scofs and threw a pillow ta him "i'm, right and you know it" he said and then again started texting on his phone i wish he's lying please god please that's what he's praying for now.

a door knock is a kind of thing that a person will hear immediately if they are in the room but here anushka has knocked on his door for the third time  and no one's answering so when she turns to leave someone calls after her "hey everything okay?" she turn around and there he is the bedroom door wide open in his black trouser and a simple black T-shirt his hear are wet okay so he was in the shower "anu?" he waved his hand in front of her and she came out of her trance "yeah hey i thought you fell asleep" she said going with the half truth "no actually i was in the shower anything important?" "oh yeah i wanted to talk if that's fine" she said coming to the point he invited her in "i wanted too give this to you" she gave him a first aid kit "it's for your cut" she said nodding at this deep cut that's on his lip "oh yeah thanks" he took it and put it on the bed "and thank you dev you stood up for me" she said with a smile "it wasn't a big deal anus any of your friends would've done that" "but they didn't" she love her friends but what dev did is something she wanted to do herself and she's really happy for that "i'm sorry for the cut though it looks deep" she said pointing at the cut with apologetic tone "oh no it's fine it'll heal"he said they both sat on the chairs beside his bed "you know i had a friend who had the same name as you" he said looking at her "really her name was anu?" she asks "anushka but i used to call her anu" he said and anu smiled with amusement "where is she now" she asked curious "i don't know i was a seven when i left she was my childhood friend i knew her since i knew myself and well i left because of my parents they had to go abroad for their business and i couldn't stay back with her i was just seven i cried so much after we left you know what she did she gave me her favorite bunny bear and asked me to give it back to her when i come back to take care of him i was a kid so i took really great care of it because obviously i thought i'll see her again and she'll kill me if i messed up bunny bear" he said and chuckled at the end anu on the other hand is wide eyed confused and well surprised "what's her full name?" she asks please god let it be this time " don't know i was seven i just know her name that too is shocking because sid says that people usually forget their long lost childhood friends names his words not mine" he said with a shrug "so you still have that bunny bear?" she asks "ummmmm yeah i do" he said a huge smile appeared on her face "what about the ring?" she asks "yeah i do ha........wait a sec how do you know about the ring?" he asks confused "because i have one to" she said showing him a necklace she was wearing around here neck it was a small ring on the chain his eyes widen "no you're ANU" he said shocked "well yeah i am anu but i'm not so sure if your'e dev i need proof" he smiled and went to his side table picked up his wallet and a ring is there same as the one anu's wearing she smiled at the sight "remember we bought it and told our parents that we're engaged" she said laughing he laugh along "yeah and they told us that we can't get engaged because we are kids so we can were it as friendship ring" he quoted their parents sentence and they both laughed "god i can't believe it's really you" anu said leaning on the chair "and i can't believe you still have this ring" he asked "i did not wanted to let go of old friendship" she said with a smile "me neither" he replied with the same smile they chatted till 3 am in the morning then she left she couldn't keep her eyes open anymore it went good knowing he is the one she cried for she was happy to know she can make him cry now like old times a smile appeared on her face and she slept with that alone.





okay guys this is it for today hope you liked the chapter next one will going to be super duper do vote and comment i'll see you tomorrow bu byeeeeee qt's.

Your Author: Tia        

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