21:Thing's are..........

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well hey people i wasn't able to publish last night because there was an electricity issue i'll post one tomorrow as well and that one will be a hit of all. happy reading. 

Avneet was in her room it's been the whole night since what happened and she wasn't able to sleep it's eleven in the morning she couldn't sleep after what happened anushka haven't talked to anyone since except when reem followed her and she asked her to leave after half an hour saying she wants to be alone she's still in her room avneet is passing here and there and she has no idea what to do how can she convince anu that she is not at fault and talk to her "avneet hey your'e up?" she looks at the bedroom door to find vaishnavi standing there with her bright smile she is the kind of person who can smile at situations where you can't even even find a reason to smile she's always the one to tell everyone it's gonna be alright "i never slept" avneet replied sitting on the edge of her bed "i went to her room last night and even in the morning she is not opening the door she thinks i'm at fault" avneet continues fiddling with her fingers vaishnavi holds her hand in her own "no she doesn't she's just hurt angry she wants some time and we should give her that don't think hypothetically okay" avneet nods but deep down she still thinks it's her fault "let's go eat breakfast" vaishnavi stand ups "i'll take a shower first i'll come down when i get ready" avneet replies opening her closet for the outfit vaishnavi smiles and hums then leave the room she'll die out of  guilt if anu doesn't talk to her.

vaishnavi went down stairs where the boys were siting  in the living area "did yaa call them?" abhi asks her and sits down beside him "yeah jannat is on a call from her family, reem is chatting with someone i'm not sure with who and i'm going find out as soon as she's done......." everyone smiles at her being a big sister while jai is sitting in the corner on his phone but he did heard what she said and even if he doesn't have an idea his expressions are not so good ".............anu is still not opening her door and avneet went to take a shower she said she'll come when she's done" vaish completes with a sigh "still thinks it's her fault" jai asks as everyone heard her cursing at herself after riyaz left she went to her room afterwards and well she's still in their "yeah like always" she replies while no one else have an idea what she's talking about abhi side hugged her and she lean on him she closes her eyes and wish it had never happened.

reem's still on her phone this guy karan he has a really great humor well her mom gave him her number a few days ago and he messaged me last night  at first she wasn't going to reply but then the atmosphere was really tense she wanted to get her mind of of it vaishnavi called her for breakfast almost an hour ago and now she thinks she should leave before vaishnavi came in here running with her angry expression on her face so yeah she's out of this room she went out still on her phone while everyone is seated in the living room she looks at her phone and smile at a text you should know iron man will be back i'll beg them to make him appear again i'll do anything in my power "if your'e done smiling at your phone i have something to ask" she looks up stunned everyone's looking at him like she has grown horns on her head "i-um-yeah what is it" she shutters with the sudden question and abhi chuckled vaishnavi glares at him "go get he girls let's eat something i'm starving" she said and put her head back on the couch reems nods and went upstairs to their rooms anu didn't open but she did shouted that she'll come out after a while she wants to sleep but reem knows it's not that jannat was still on the phone with her  mother she said ten minutes and that wasn't it her mom was bragging her about this guys he went out with once i forgot the name she wants her to go out again and well by the look on her face reem can tell she hasn't told her about faisu yet she controls her laugh at her atempts to cut the call and went towards avneet's room she knocks on the door but no one answers she went inside and heard the shower she turns and went out of her room vaishnavi asks her if they're coming "jannat's still on the phone anu said she'll be down after a while she wants to sleep and avneet is taking a shower" she said and sinked on the couch besides dev "avneet's doing what?" vaishnavi asked with a weird expression "taking a shower" she said again confused "reem last time i checked which was an hour ago she went to take a shower" vaishnavi said worried "maybe she's taking a bath" siddhart said with a cool tone "she doesn't do baths she hates baths" jai said the three look at each other and run upstairs hoping it's not what they think it is cuz if it's that avneet is so done.





okay guys this was it for today hope you like it do vote and comment i'll see you guys later bu byeee qt's.

Your Author: Tia

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