4:Let's solve the case

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sid's pov:

i woke up when my alarm rang for the first time yeah i'm that person who sleeps less hehheheh then i did my morning chorus and went to the gym i was doing my work out when i heard a voice actually a scream you can say and i fell down "abhishekkkkkk nigammmmm" ahhhhh as usual i know who it is can you guess it yeah you guessed it right it's vaishu dii she shouts almost everyday at bhai for some reason god knows what has he done now i went out of my gym room and saw bhai hiding behind mom and vaishu di was trying to get to him and he was continuously saying sorry i chuckled at their cuteness "vaish please please forgive me i'm so sorry please we will go out and buy a new one promise" bhai said no pleaded hiding behind mom "excuse me mr abhishek  nigam you can't buy it again it's out of stock now" di replied being angry and believe me whenever she is in this mood she is scary like realy scary "wait a min kids what happened han tell me first we can solve it" mom said calming dii and protecting abhi bhai "yeah and if she can't help then i'm here" i said from behind di looked at me and smiled no one can deny my di have the cutest smile "thankgod you came sid help your brother yr" bhai said looking at me with pleading eyes "no one can help you abhi you are dead" vaishu di said dangerously "oh no bhai no one can save you now and i'm with di whatever the problem is" i replied teasing bro i love to tease him me and di are a team in this "sid you are my brother" bhai said glaring at me "no he is my little munchkin right munchkin" di asked me pulling my cheeks i hate when people gives me nick names especially these kind of nick names they are cringe but when di call me munchkin it fells so good i fell like i'm a child again she is the sweetest sister anyone could ever have "right" i replied with a cute pout and i heard bhai sighed "okay kids now tell me the real problem" mom asked getting to the point "yeah mom i told abhi 2 weeks before to order a book it was the new book of my favorite author colleen hover as i was busy with some work and he said he will so today when i asked him when are they going to deliver the book you know what he said he said 'what book' i told him about the book and he said 'baby please don't get angry actually i forgot to order it' so i checked it on the website and guess what it's out of stock now" di explained every thing mimicking his part and glaring at him "that's it" mom said getting a little shocked "mom it's not it i wanted that book so badly i waited for the book for so long but then when it got published people were so quick to bought it that's why i couldn't buy it now it was finally in the market again but because of him i wasn't able to buy it again and you are saying that's it" she said with her cutest voice and face "no dear i didn't meant that i was asking if he had done something else or it's just the book" mom said hugging di "that's it mom" di replied "so abhi do you wanna say anything" mom asked bhai like she is the judge vaisu di is the victim and bhai is the culprit while i was standing there like some audience "just that i'm sorry i know how much you waited for that book and i literally ruind everythhing i'm so sorry vaish i'll try to get that book for you at any cost" bhai said looking down with guilt as he knew how much she wanted to read that book "hey it's okay i didn't said all of that to hurt you i know you are responsible i was just joking around with you and yes i wanted that book so much but not as much as i want you with me so don't feel bad okay i thought you are gonna fight with me equally i don't like this abhi so better not change okay" she said comforting him they are the best couple so cute "are you sure" bhai asked innocently "yes i'm sure' di said and chuckled at his innocence they both hugged each other "okay so if you are done with your romance can we have our breakfast i'm dying with hunger" i said teasing them and at last holding my stomach we all laughed "you go freshen up i'll set the table" mom said to me "okay" i replied and ran up stairs after that we had our breakfast and mom told us that everyone is coming at dinner.






okay guys so this is it for today hope you liked this little cute chappy in the next one they are gonna be some jaireem moments so be ready for that till then vote and comment on this chapter see you next weekend bu bye.


your author: Tia

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