Chapter 36 - A Burst of Violence

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There will be more depictions of violence.

- Sōsaku-ka ZERO rei


Day 30 Month 1 Year 1643 Central Calendar

Otaheit, Mu Federation

Snow fell relentlessly upon the city.

In the capital city of Otaheit, flames and black smoke rose from various locations. Cars were overturned by rioting mobs, some set ablaze. Office buildings had their glass windows and doors shattered, subjected to stone-throwing and arson. The targets of the arson were Japanese cars, offices, and factories with Japanese capital, shops selling Japanese products, as well as facilities related to the Mu Federation's central government, residences of government officials and wealthy individuals – all were engulfed in flames. Amidst the blazing streets, tens of thousands marched in a demonstration, some wielding weapons like iron pipes and Molotov cocktails. The majority of them were from the working class.

"Japanese get the fuck out of Mu!"

"No tolerance for the central government siding with Japan! Mu is not Japan's underling!"

"Give us back our jobs! Don't forgive the Japanese who robbed our jobs!"

"Are you going to let Mu become the Sorcerous Empire's slave!? Banish the Japanese!"

Riotous crowds and demonstrators roamed the streets, shouting everywhere. Hatred towards Japan had been brewing among Mu's working class for some time, but it reached its peak when at the 11-Nation Conference, Japan was accused by Emor of being the vanguard of the Sorcerous Empire.

Nevertheless, the Central Government of the Mu Federation did not waver in its alignment with Japan. As winter arrived and heating costs soared, the discontent of the populace exploded, leading to massive demonstrations and riots across Otaheit.

"The central government must immediately cease all exchanges with Japan! They are the vanguards of the Sorcerous Empire! Align with Mirishial and Emor at once!"

"Give me back my job! I can't even afford to buy food for my family with no wages!"

"Heating costs are too high! We won't survive the winter!"

"You bureaucrats of the central government, politicians, and rich people! Come out of hiding! We'll kill both you and the Japanese! COME OUT!!"

Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched, voicing their grievances against the government, converging onto the main avenue in front of the Legislative Government Corridor, where the central government offices and the presidential palace were located. Their ability to gather such large numbers was largely thanks to the internet network imported from Japan. After the start of exchanges with Japan, within just over two years, a network *1 was spread throughout the country, and inexpensive Japanese-made mobile devices, accessible even to laborers, facilitated the organization of massive demonstrations involving tens of thousands. Ironically, they, who marched to demand the expulsion of Japan from Mu, were the ones who caused this disturbance by using Japanese-made communication networks and mobile devices.

"Demonstrators, this is the Central Police! Immediately drop your weapons and disperse! Disperse and turn back!!"

However, the Legislative Government Corridor, where the demonstrators were heading, was already being guarded by the Otaheit Central Police, and the two sides had been staring each other down for hours.

The commander of the police force, hoarse from shouting through a megaphone, issued warnings, but the response from the demonstrators came in the form of stones and Molotov cocktails. The frontline police officers lined up with large shields specifically for anti-riot purposes. These large shields were supplied by the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department.

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