Chapter 31 - Escaping Cartalpas - 2

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Long time no see. It's been almost a month again, but I'd like to resume from here.

Regarding feedback responses, I'm afraid I don't have the capacity to address nearly a hundred feedback comments from two chapters combined... So, I'd like to temporarily suspend feedback responses for a while. I apologize sincerely for the inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding.

- Sōsaku-ka ZERO rei


20 minutes after the incident

7th Air Superiority Wing, Sky over Cartalpas

There were three squadrons conducting aerial patrols at an altitude of 5.000 meters above Cartalpas. They were squadrons belonging to the 7th Air Defense Wing, tasked with guarding the city. Equipped with a total of 42 units of Elpacio 3s among the three squadrons, they boasted high training levels as the capital air defense force. And this time, they were scrambled from the airfield for air superiority in pursuit of the Japanese fleet. Quickly ascending, they split into three squadrons to surround the escaping Japanese fleet, forming formations to dominate the airspace.

"This is the 77th Squadron, currently at 5000 meters altitude, speed 270 knots, deployment over the Japanese fleet."

"Understood. 77th Squadron, stand by in position. The attack group will commence anti-ship attacks."

"Copy, standing by as ordered."

Major Sylvester, the leader of the 77th Squadron, relayed to control that the aerial formation was complete. Upon confirmation, control then dispatched another squadron equipped with Zigrant 2s to engage the Japanese fleet. The formation of Zigrant 2s swiftly descended from the altitude it had gained, accelerated towards the Japanese fleet sailing through the strait, and entered attack formation.

"Now, let's see how the Japanese fleet responds."

So far, they haven't observed any significant anti-air fire, but knowing the Japanese, there must be some card hidden under their sleeve. While being vigilant of the surroundings with such thoughts, Sylvester noticed something. The Wind Dragon Unit from Emor, who had claimed they would participate, was not present at the scene.

"Control, this is 77th Squadron. Where are those Emor guys?"

"...This is Control, there's trouble with Emor's Wind Dragon Unit. They can't make it to your location."

"What are they up to..."

Despite Sylvester's annoyance, the attack group continued to dive towards the Japanese fleet. Slowly descending from 5.000 meters altitude, they approached the airspace above the Japanese fleet.

Meanwhile, Major Omega's 72nd Attack Squadron, equipped with Zigrant 2s, was entrusted with the risky spearhead against the Japanese fleet. Normally stationed at the islands off Magdola, the 72nd Squadron had received temporary redeployment due to vigilance over Japan's movements in this meeting. As a result, they hadn't expected to actually engage in combat. Moreover, the mission's difficulty was high. Attacking an unknown opponent without knowing the capabilities of their ships. And on top of that, they were instructed not to sink them but to mission kill them, making the task significantly more challenging than routine missions.

"We'll be the first to strike against the Japanese fleet."

But even so, Omega was exhilarated by this mission. It was evident at a glance, the enemy's armament was too scarce, their ships feeble. Rendering them powerless might seem challenging at first glance, but if the opponent was this feeble, the mission was as easy as it could get. Many ships of the Japanese fleet had only one main gun and about two anti-aircraft guns in front and back. Their mainstay battleship was a concern, but for their size, their anti-aircraft armament seemed inadequate. It's said that battleships cannot be sunk by aircraft, but if facing such a feeble fleet, they could likely score some victories. Omega couldn't contain his excitement at the thought.

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