Chapter 33 - Escaping Cartalpas - 4

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TL Note: For some reason, the author messed up the numbering, so in the raw, this chapter is "Chapter 34," and the numbering continue to stay that way.


This is the last chapter of the escape.

- Sōsaku-ka ZERO rei


50 minutes after the incident

0th Magic Fleet, Off the coast of the Magdola Archipelago

The 0th Magic Fleet is the strongest and most prestigious fleet of the Mirishial Navy. This fleet has been equipped with the most advanced technology since Mirishial began researching and implementing the legacies of the Sorcerous Empire. Not only is its equipment top-notch, but its training is also exceptional, demonstrated through numerous exercises and combat engagements. Their excellence is encapsulated in the saying, "If Mirishial has glory, it lies in the 0th Magic Fleet at sea and the Guards Armored Division on land." The fleet comprises three battleships, two magic cruisers, three magic gunships, and eight small ships (destroyers), a force that would be formidable even to Japan's Escort Flotilla 1. They were heading towards the scene to pursue the Japanese fleet that had committed the crime in Cartalpas.

"Fleet speed, 32 knots. No issues with fleet maneuvers."

"Fleet course, heading 271, estimated time of contact in 20 minutes!"

Reports echoed across the bridge of the flagship, Collbrande.

While the fleet was smoothly sailing, the whereabouts of the Japanese fleet remained unknown. Due to the risk of reconnaissance planes being shot down, they were held back. Hence, they had to rely on reports from lookouts on the archipelago, leaving a sense of unease for the 0th Magic Fleet's commander, Battista.

"...What's the course of the Japanese fleet?"

"The last observation by the coastal watch was 20 minutes ago when they left Folk Strait. Details are unknown since then."

"What about the magic electromagnetic detector contact?"

"Not yet. This radar can't distinguish between sea noise and small vessels..."

Captain Cromwell of the flagship Collbrande was losing confidence in the newly introduced magic electromagnetic detector. While it was convenient to detect without relying on mana, its performance in filtering out noise from the sea was poor, making it unable to distinguish between sea surface noise and small signals. This made it impossible to determine whether the detected signals were fishing boats, the Japanese fleet, or mere noise. Consequently, any preemptive strategy was unfeasible.

In reality, Escort Squadron 1 was among the detected noise.

The vessels of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force had mostly transitioned to stealth hull designs before the transfer, resulting in significantly reduced radar cross-sections. Even the largest Yamato-class destroyer had a radar signature smaller than that of small frigates. Thus, Mirishial's magic electromagnetic detector could not distinguish them from sea surface noise. Even though they were about to enter the engagement range, the 0th Magic Fleet still lacked precise information on the Japanese fleet's position.

"...Regardless, the routes out of the bay are limited. We'll continue driving the prey."

"The regional fleet in Cartalpas has been neutralized, but we are at full strength. Our forces outnumber the Japanese fleet three to one, so there's no way we can lose."

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