Reiwa 12 Documentary: The Tragedy Japan Faced in the New World War

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"It was the night of January 15. When you think of the 15th, it's about time for the New Year to end, winter break to finish, and for work to really start picking up. I was a government official, so my winter break ended 10 days earlier than others.

That night, at around 23:50, I think... it was dark and eerily quiet, and the sky suddenly flashed! Then, in an instant, the light vanished.

I was working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs back then. I was a low-ranking official whose main job was secretary, so I didn't have much work to do that day. But because I was working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we were always connected to overseas countries via the internet. But, just when everything was going haywire with the eerie lights all around me, all communication with overseas ceased. The internet, phones, stock prices, and even satellites were gone.

I didn't know what was going on at the time, and I had to push through my anxiety to deal with it. Looking back, the chaos of that day was a disaster for me and for Japan, and it was only the beginning of the worst."

An interview with a Ministry of Foreign Affairs official at the time, aired on a documentary program on January 15, 2030.


"I was on my way to a convenience store to do some shopping because I was hungry. Suddenly the whole area lit up for a moment, and I fell on my backside. It was as if a flashlight had suddenly been turned on in front of me. I sat there, not knowing what had happened. I don't know if it was the light or my car navigation system didn't work, but there were many car accidents all over the place and I felt like I was screaming.

I don't know if they saw the light or heard the commotion, but all the people in the house started to go outside. Everyone started talking about what had happened, what was going on, and what was going to happen next. After a while, I started to worry about my family at home, so I hurried home. Then, the next morning, I think it was... I learned a terrible truth from the news."

Sasahara (pseudonym), who fought in the New World War as a conscripted SDF officer, at the time he was a student.


*The following is forbidden to all persons other than those concerned.

In response to the expansion of defense spending and organization in the National Defense Program Outline (Outline 27) for FY2016 and beyond, we would like to inform you that the details of the expansion of the Ground, Maritime and Air Self-Defense Forces have been decided and to report on the details.

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Ground Self-Defense Force

Division Organization

The following is the organization of the Ground SDF as of FY2015 (2015 AD, 1638 Central Calendar).

Northern Army

- 2nd Division (Mechanized)

- 7th Division (Mechanized)

- 5th Brigade (Mechanized)

- 11th Brigade (Mechanized)

Northeastern Army

- 6th Division (Infantry)

- 9th Division (Infantry)

Eastern Army

- 1st Division (Political and Economic Center Division)

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