Chapter 22 - Hidden Circumstances

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This is the preliminary stage of special operations. Next chapter, we will enter full-scale combat.

- Sōsaku-ka ZERO rei


Vaneta District, Holy Mirishial Empire

Underground Research Facility, Area 48

Several days have passed since the incident of the Global Hawk being shot down by Mirishial, and the heat of the situation has begun to cool. The wreckage of the Global Hawk, a machine of unknown affiliation captured by Mirishial, was being analyzed in the depths of the underground research facility in Area 48. As days went by, analysis and research progressed, but identifying the true nature of the machine of unknown affiliation did not go as smoothly as anticipated. The analysis of the Global Hawk by Mirishial was not progressing as expected.

"Right this way, gentlemen."

Initially, no one, including the researchers, was allowed to enter the location where the wreckage of the Global Hawk was housed. However, after the analysis reached a certain stage, it was decided to report the progress to executives from other departments. With formal permission granted, two men are heading towards the research lab where the Global Hawk is housed. They are Meteos, who shot down the Global Hawk, and Captain Eleazer from the Navy.

"Quick, show us the wreckage."

"Well, please wait a moment."

Meteos and Eleazer followed a dwarven researcher who served as their guide, suppressing their eagerness to see the wreckage. Although they both worked in Area 48, this would be their first time seeing the wreckage.

"To be honest, I was surprised. You easily shot down the machine of unknown affiliation that even Elpacio 3s couldn't intercept."

"The Air Force has been greatly embarrassed."

The Air Force, which failed to shoot down the Global Hawk, had lost a significant amount of credibility. Despite their utmost efforts, the fact that they failed to intercept it and had their accomplishments overshadowed by the Navy and the Sorcerous Empire remained unchanged, which will significantly affect their future positions.

"The Air Force must have made efforts. It's just that the spy was a step ahead of us."

Eleazer made maximum efforts to support the Air Force. As a fellow military officer, he respected their efforts. Then, Eleazer suddenly remembered something and asked the guide researcher about the whereabouts of the pilot.

"By the way, what about the pilot?"

"Oh... according to what I've heard, he's currently under suspension. He received penalties for disobeying orders and damaging the aircraft by exceeding the engine limits."

"No, I mean the reconnaissance aircraft," Eleazer chuckled and asked the dwarven researcher who seemed to have misunderstood, resulting in him pausing and stammering slightly.

"About that... there isn't one."


"...Anyway, you'll understand when you see it. It's beyond this door, this way please."

Saying so, the dwarven researcher led Meteos and Eleazer to the front of the research room where the wreckage of the reconnaissance aircraft is housed. Then, showing their pass to the soldiers acting as guards, the guards confirmed it and operated the adjacent magical device to open the door. On the other side, there was the aforementioned research room. The ceiling of the room was high, more like a floor than a room, and there was no one inside.

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