Chapter 29 - Turning Point

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I have kept you waiting for several weeks.

At last, the fateful World Conference Arc begins.

- Sōsaku-ka ZERO rei


Day 23 Month 4 Year 1642 Central Calendar

Imperial Cultural Center, Cartalpas, Holy Mirishial Empire

The port city of Cartalpas is a massive trading hub that far exceeds the typical notion of a "port city." Its strategic geographic position provides excellent access to both the Second and Third Civilization Areas, and its role as a hub port has brought wealth to the administrative district and the city, significantly increasing its size.

Due to these factors, Cartalpas is equipped with facilities suitable for hosting the Eleven Countries Leadership Conference. One such facility is the Imperial Cultural Center, a lavish and expansive building that exemplifies the wealth and prosperity of the Holy Mirishial Empire. The international conference hall, located in the central hall of this building, is the venue for the current event.

"It's about to start soon... I wonder how it will turn out."

Inoue, a diplomat dispatched from Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, glanced at Kondō, who was seated next to him, and lowered his gaze slightly.

"This is truly the first international conference with so little preliminary information. It leaves us uneasy; I wonder if things will go well?"

"...Let's just hope we don't get blamed for something like the last conflict."

At this international conference, Japan intends to call for international cooperation and the strengthening of world peace in this war-torn world dominated by hegemonic states. Japan does not want to see more wars breaking out or getting involved in them. Therefore, they aim to appeal to the countries of this hegemonic world for peace and to propose the establishment of international institutions for its realization. However, it is uncertain whether this appeal will be fully accepted at this conference. As mentioned earlier, hegemonism is rampant in this world. Japan has learned from past wars that calling for world peace is not easy. Moreover, with little groundwork laid and scarce preliminary information available, this world conference puts Japan at a considerable disadvantage. Although they have successfully laid the groundwork with the Mu Federation and obtained some preliminary information, it's uncertain how far that will take them, and their concerns remain.

"Excuse me, are you from Japan?"

As Kondō and Inoue voiced their concerns and tension, three individuals in long robes approached them. Responding to the greeting, Kondō and Inoue straightened their postures and stood up to respond.

"Yes, we are."

"Ah, as I thought... Excuse me, I am Karl Krunch, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs from the Annonrial Empire. Pleased to meet you."

Hearing this, Kondō and Inoue first introduced themselves and then exchanged greetings.

"I am Kondō from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, pleased to meet you."

"I am Inoue, also from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

"Mr. Kondō, we have heard much about your country. It seems you have been through quite unjust suffering..."

When Karl spoke this with a downcast expression, Kondō and Inoue exchanged glances and responded honestly.

"...You are aware of it?"

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