Chapter 4 - Consequences

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Please forgive the lack of detail in this chapter's battle description.

2022/08/05 – Start remake of Leifor arc.

- Sōsaku-ka ZERO rei


Otaheit, Mu

"Today's newspaper!"

In a corner of Otaheit, a newspaper was thrown into Myrus' mailbox. Taking it in hand, he looked over the contents while sipping his morning coffee.

"Hmm, hmm, so the automobile penetration into civilian hands has reached ten percent. Finally..."

The first content Myrus noticed was the rate of automobile penetration within Mu. Even now, automobiles were considered luxury items in Mu, and motorization was not progressing much. In stark contrast, there was a country where motorization was progressing at an incredible rate.

"Even though Gra Valkas in the east has one car per person, we still have luxury cars in our country..."

What caught Myrus' attention was the existence of the Gra Vakcas Empire, which emerged around Month 11 of last year. The country had appeared at the eastern side of the Rodenius Continent, quelling the unrest caused by Louria to protect the countries of Qua-Toyne and Quila. Subsequently, it had strengthened its economic influence, particularly in the Third Civilization Area, earning vast profits through the trade of weapons and machinery. Their technological prowess was estimated to be at least 50 years ahead of Mu, evident in their advanced ships, aircraft, and notably high industrial capacity. They had made peaceful contact with Mu a few months ago, establishing diplomatic relations due to being both mechanical civilization and otherworldly countries, leading to a positive relationship.

"It's fortunate that their country turned out relatively moderate. It seems they used to be quite aggressive."

While there wasn't much information about their internal affairs, a bespectacled female diplomat informed Myrus of significant changes in their foreign policy direction. Initially harboring intentions of invasion towards otherworldly nations, proactive diplomatic efforts by the moderate faction's leader, Hilas, secured food and resources from countries like Qua-Toyne and Quila without resorting to violence. This successful strategy led to the moderate faction gaining control over their country's foreign policy. Myrus felt relieved at the fortuitous timing of their contact. The thought of what could have happened if they had pursued aggressive intentions sent shivers down his spine.

"Now, onto the next article..."

While pondering these matters, Myrus turned to the next page of the newspaper.

"Hmm? The fall of the Kingdom of Paganda?"

The following page detailed the situation in the western part of the Second Civilization Area. Apparently, the Kingdom of Paganda, a protectorate of Leifor, had been destroyed by an unknown faction. There was little information about the assailants, and the article itself was quite brief. To Mu, the western part of the Second Civilization Area was rather remote and of little interest. However, Myrus managed to confirm the name of the entity that had destroyed Paganda.

"Japan... There's very little information, but could it be an unidentified nation from the west? Who are they?"

As far as he knew, there were no nations in the western region capable of defeating Paganda.

"Right... If it's a war between countries outside the civilization areas, could it really have caused Paganda to fall in just seven days?"

One of the countries from the west that came to mind as a possible assailant was the one that had destroyed Paganda. Something about this bothered him.

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