Chapter 15 - Deadly Disease

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This is a storm of trickery and intrigue.

- Sōsaku-ka ZERO rei


Suburbs of Kirclus, Kingdom of Irnetia

A girl was transporting fruits on a cart on the outskirts of the capital city. Despite her plain attire and relatively short, neatly cut hair, most men found her to be impressionable. The girl stood in front of a building resembling a wyvern stable on private property and opened the sturdy door to give fruits to her best friend inside.

"Here we go... Ilx?"

A young dragon named Ilx was there, gazing outside from a large window attached to the stable.

"Oh, Leica. Good morning."

"Good morning, Ilx. What are you looking at outside?"

"...Oh, nothing. Just observing those newcomers who arrived recently," Ilx said and pointed to the view outside the window. Positioned on the mountains surrounding the capital and relatively high in elevation from Leica's house, which overlooked the city, the spot Ilx pointed to appeared open and resembled an airport.

"...The newcomers from Japan who arrived recently? Are you curious about them?"

"No, I don't feel anything negative from them... maybe just a bit."

When Ilx spoke cryptically, Leica tilted her head.

"I somehow sense it. Hatred and sadness from them, and also 'fatigue.'"

"Fatigue? Well, they're working on the airport construction, so it's natural to feel tired..."

"No, that's not it. It's not just tiredness; it's like a 'sad fatigue' coming from them. It's the kind of fatigue one feels from enduring something painful or sad."


Ilx thought that it wouldn't be understood by his human friend if he continued with such a complex conversation and turned his attention back to the cart filled with fruits.

"Anyway... I'm hungry. Feed me soon."

"Oh, sorry about that. I'll give you some now."

Leica descended from the window and hurried to the cart filled with fruits.


Budōkan, Tokyo, Japan

"A moment of silence..."

Several months had passed since the Leifor War, and finally, this day had arrived. It was the state funeral for the late former Foreign Minister Satō. Although they couldn't retrieve his body after the execution due to unfortunate circumstances that occurred while serving the nation, an effort was made to gather his belongings for a proper mourning, thus leading to the execution of this state funeral.

'Satō-kun... I will do it. I'll protect Japan no matter what happens in this world.'

Prime Minister Takeda held a new determination in his heart as the state funeral concluded. After it ended, he immediately boarded a limousine and returned to the Prime Minister's Office. The Prime Minister's work was demanding, and there was hardly any time for rest. The recent developments in the situation also hindered any possibility of relaxation.

"Now, let's hear the recent reports from each ministry. First, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

"Yes, let me start. As mentioned earlier, with the signing of the trade treaty with the Mu Federation, food self-sufficiency and economic stability have improved. While we await reports from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry on this matter, the main issue at hand is the contact with the First and Third Civilization Areas."

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