Chapter 17 - Bird's Eye View

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This chapter is a bit longer. It feels like what I want to do has come up within this chapter, so I'll let loose a little.

- Sōsaku-ka ZERO rei


Tanegashima Space Center, Japan

At the rocket launch pad of Tanegashima Space Center, the gateway to space for Japan, a massive rocket was waiting for liftoff. This rocket was larger in overall size than its predecessors, the H2A and H2B rockets, and with more boosters.

This is the new satellite launch system developed by Japan, the H3 rocket. Developed at a rapid pace to replace the previous H2A/B rockets, which became impractical for launching into satellite orbits due to the transference and to adapt to the gravitational environment of the new world.

"3... 2... 1... Liftoff!"

The first unit of the H3 rocket was finally launched on this day. Its new engines burned immense fuel, lifting the massive rocket, weighing hundreds of tons, from the launch pad into the sky. Inside the cargo bay were four reconnaissance satellites, tasked with deploying into orbit around this new world's planet and monitoring the ground. Additionally, the satellites were equipped with military-grade GPS devices, enabling the use of GPS-guided weapons once deployed. For Japan, which had undergone significant environmental changes due to the transference, satellite deployment was an urgent matter.

"Telemetry, confirming the current position of the rocket. Currently ascending smoothly."

"We will soon jettison the booster."

The H3 rocket continued to ascend smoothly, its progress checked continuously in the ground control room for any abnormalities. Upon reaching the altitude to detach the first-stage rocket booster, ground control operated the machinery.

"Jettisoning the first stage booster!"

The boosters attached to the side of the H3 rocket were gracefully detached, resembling the opening of flower petals, and fell back to the ground. Lightened, the rocket continued its ascent using the remaining fuel. Soon, the first stage was detached, and it climbed even higher. The rocket was still ascending smoothly without any anomalies. This progress could also be confirmed from the cameras mounted on the rocket.

"The second stage has completed combustion."

"Jettisoning the second stage!"

The second-stage rocket was also detached, and the now lighter rocket had already flown into space. The vast expanse of the new world's space spread out, offering a clear view of the new planet below.

"Confirmation of deployment into satellite orbit. Opening cargo bay."

The cover of the cargo bay was opened, exposing the satellites. They were ejected into space by centrifugal force and then hopped onto their planned orbit.

"Mission completed. Rocket returns to recovery point."

Thus, the inaugural launch of the H3 rocket was a success with the deployment of four satellites. Japan had now gained the capability to monitor the vicinity of the Second Civilization Area. However, the H3 rocket's job was far from over. There were many more payloads to launch, including civilian GPS and internet satellites, among others. With Japan having lost its entire satellite network due to the transition to the new world, efforts must be made to recover it. The work for the space agency had only just begun.


Ministry of Defense, Ichigaya, Japan

Several days after the first satellite was launched in the New World, high-ranking officers of the Self-Defense Forces gathered in a conference room at the Ministry of Defense in Ichigaya, Tokyo. In the dimly lit room, an officer from the JASDF began explaining a certain operation to obtain permission from the senior officials.

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