Chapter 30 - Escaping Cartalpas - 1

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Sorry for being over a month late...

I want to pick up the pace from here, but since the new semester has started, I might be even more delayed. I'll try to continue posting weekly as much as possible.

Also, I was surprised to receive 70 responses to the previous post due to its great reaction. Thank you all for your feedback!

Since I barely managed to write this time'spost, my replies to your feedback might be a bit delayed. Please forgive me forthat.

- Sōsaku-ka ZERO rei


Day 23 Month 4 Year 1642 Central Calendar

Cartalpas, Holy Mirishial Empire

Several tens of minutes after the chaotic meeting had completely ended with Japan's departure. A request from the Japanese fleet had been brought to the port administration office in Cartalpas, causing a flurry of activity.

"What, the Japanese fleet is setting sail?"

Port Director Bronto was watching over the port while sipping cocoa when he received the report from his subordinate. Despite the ongoing conference, one of the participating countries had announced its departure. Suspecting that there might be something wrong, Bronto double-checked the information.

"What are they thinking? The conference continues tomorrow and the day after."

"Well... It seems the morning session turned into a huge uproar, and they left the meeting of their own accord."

"Was it that chaotic? What exactly happened?"

"According to those listening to the broadcast, the Kingdom of Emor accused Japan of involvement with the Sorcerous Empire. Japan reacted angrily and left the meeting."

"Hm, the Sorcerous Empire, huh..."

Bronto placed his cocoa on a nearby table and used binoculars to look toward the Japanese fleet. The crew was already boarding, and it seemed they could set sail at any moment.

"...To walk out of an international conference, they must have a really short temper. Fine, if they want to leave, let them. Get them out of here quickly."


Although Bronto's response was somewhat dismissive, he gave the order to proceed with the departure procedures. He was about to take a break and didn't want any leftover work.

"I thought Japan was different from those other barbarians..."

Picking up his cocoa again and stirring it with a spoon, Bronto expressed his disappointment in Japan.

Bronto himself didn't harbor much prejudice against the Japanese. The residents of Cartalpas and even the citizens of Mirishial believed in all sorts of unfounded rumors about Japan. Until yesterday, Bronto also hadn't held a particularly positive view of Japan. However, his opinion changed yesterday when he saw the battleship brought by the Japanese fleet. Such an impressive warship couldn't be built by mere barbarians. The ability to construct it was undeniable proof of Japan's industrial and human development as a modern nation. At least, that's what Bronto thought. He had revised his opinion, thinking any country capable of building such a magnificent battleship must be advanced.

But now, he felt betrayed by the fleeting illusion. Of course, Japan probably had its reasons, so it wasn't fair to judge one-sidedly.

As he reflected on this and was about to resume drinking his cocoa, he heard a commotion from his subordinates.

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