Chapter 7 - Bombing

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I have received various suggestions and am trying to revise the previous chapters while writing the latest one.

- Sōsaku-ka ZERO rei


The capital city of Leiforia was in an uproar. And for good reason, as news spread through communication channels that the entire Leiforian Navy's vanguard fleet of 43 ships had been completely defeated, military personnel began to move about busily. And here, at the largest army base in the capital of Leifor, Lars Filmyna, the aftermath of that chaos was felt. General Balm of the Capital Defense Force opened the door to the operations room with an eerie feeling in his chest, and began to inquire about the situation to the staff members who had already gathered.


"Greetings are unnecessary. What's the situation?"

One of the staff members explained while moving pieces on the map spread out on the table.

"The navy's vanguard fleet has been annihilated. It's reported that no damage was inflicted on the enemy, and the navy is preparing the remaining vessels, but it won't be in time. Currently, the enemy controls the sea around the capital."

"The declaration for the capital defense operation has been authorized by the supreme commander! The enemy approach is imminent!"

Balm, unable to believe his ears that the Leiforian Navy, undefeated for 300 years, suffered such a defeat and inflicted no damage on the enemy, knew one thing for sure: the enemy was approaching the capital, and immediate action was needed to prevent Leiforia from turning into ashes. Despite his agitation, Balm swiftly issued orders.

"Dammit... There's no helping it. All wyverns of the 11th Wyvern Wing, take off immediately! Engage in reconnaissance and interception of the enemy!"


"And also, issue an emergency summons to all army units stationed in the capital! Prepare for deployment!"

"Yes, sir!"

After issuing orders to the two staff members in charge of the wyverns and army units, they hurried to spread the instructions to the magical communication officers. While keeping an eye on the expected position of the enemy fleet on the map, Balm was trying to anticipate the enemy's movements. The fact that the Leiforian Navy, equipped with the newest warships, was completely wiped out without dealing a single blow to the enemy was perplexing. But who exactly was the enemy...?

Certainly, he knew that some country to the west called Juh-pan had provoked the wrath of His Majesty by attacking and destroying the protectorate of Paganda. It was also known that they had entered into war with them. However, to the west, there were only barbarians with negligible weaponry. It seemed impossible for the barbarians of the west to defeat the state-of-the-art and strongest Leiforian Navy unscathed.

So, what exactly was this country called Juh-pan?

"Darn it, the enemy is approaching the capital at any moment. Prepare the defense system!"

In this situation, all Balm could do was prepare for the enemy's attack on the capital. Under his orders, the mobilization of tens of thousands of army soldiers and hundreds of cannons began, and the wyverns quickly took off from the base.

"All wyverns, take off complete! They're heading towards the sea area!"

"Good. With this, no matter how powerful the enemy may be, they should struggle to attack. And the army?"

"Only about twenty percent of the entire force has gathered so far."

"Hmm... It seems gathering the land units will take some time after all."

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