chapter 30

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The storm had finally come to an end. The second prince was executed for his deeds by his own father, and they had strengthened their army with the training from the warriors of the Duhak tribe to ensure such situations wouldn't arise again. The warriors of the Goguryeo Empire were now trained by Namjoon himself, and Taehyung had left no stone unturned in punishing anyone who dared to lay a hand on his beloved Jungkook.

Taehyung harbored a deep desire to inflict a painful death upon Yeongnyu for his past transgressions, especially for the day he forcefully laid his hands on Jungkook when he sneaked out of the palace four years ago. However, luck was on their side that day, as Yoongi intervened and saved Jungkook from harm. Taehyung had promised Yoongi that he would be forever indebted to him for saving his beloved when he couldn't be there to protect him.
Sadly, Yeongnyu met his end relatively easily, much to Taehyung's chagrin.

Jungkook's father had decided to marry jungkook with taheyung with all the rituals from jungkook's birth place that was accepted by taheyung and jungkook whole heartedly as the king of goguryeo Empire wanted the wedding of his last born as grand as possible

The day of Taehyung and Jungkook's wedding dawned with a crisp freshness in the air, signaling the beginning of a new chapter in their lives. The wedding procession began at the break of dawn, with Taehyung , adorned in traditional attire, riding on his majestic horse , leading the way to Jungkook's family home.

Jungkook, awaited his groom in his family's courtyard, dressed in a splendid red hanfu, adorned with intricate embroidery symbolizing joy, luck, and prosperity. His hair was styled elegantly, adorned with delicate hairpins and a red veil that concealed his face, adding an air of mystery and anticipation to the occasion.

As Taehyung approached, accompanied by a procession of musicians from Duhak Tribe playing traditional instruments, the air filled with the sweet melodies of joyous celebration. The sound of drums and flutes reverberated through the streets, announcing the union of two souls destined to be together.

Upon reaching Jungkook's home, Taehyung dismounted from his horse and approached the entrance, where he was greeted by Jungkook's family members , his father and his elder brother .Following ancient customs, he presented offerings of tea, symbolizing respect and gratitude to the bride's parents, seeking their blessings for the union.

Inside the courtyard, surrounded by family and friends, Taehyung and Jungkook exchanged vows of eternal love and devotion, promising to stand by each other through all of life's joys and challenges. Their union was sealed with the exchange of ornate wedding rings, symbolizing their commitment to each other for eternity.

In Duhak tribe , preparations for Jungkook's arrival as the bride of the tribe's esteemed warrior and now king Taehyung, were underway. The entire tribe was adorned in vibrant shades of red, symbolizing joy, prosperity, and the auspiciousness of the occasion.

Lanterns, intricately crafted from crimson silk and adorned with golden tassels, hung from every corner, casting a warm and inviting glow over the festivities. The soft flicker of candlelight danced against the night sky, painting a picture of enchantment and romance.

As dusk settled over the village, the air was filled with the melodious laughter of children, their voices echoing through the streets as they ran excitedly from one end of the tribe to the other. Dressed in traditional attire, they carried small lanterns of their own, their faces beaming with joy as they sang songs of love and celebration for the newlywed couple.

Taheyung and his family ( jin , namjoon , hoseok , Jimin , yoongi ) and friends arrived at the tribe , that were welcomed with cheers and songs and music .

Jungkook was taken by Jin to the chamber formally .

I Jungkook waited patiently for his husband in the chamber ,his heart aflutter with anticipation and nervous excitement. Veiled in a delicate red veil that cascaded gracefully over his shoulders, he sat amidst a sea of scarlet silk, the vibrant hue accentuating his radiant beauty. Inside the chamber too red lanterns were placed ..

With each passing moment, the rhythmic beat of his heart quickened, echoing the rhythm of the tribal drums that reverberated through the night air. Through the sheer fabric of his veil, Jungkook stole glances at the entrance, longing for the moment when Taehyung would finally arrive to claim him as his own .

As Taehyung finally arrived, Jungkook's heart skipped a beat with anticipation. Through the sheer red veil that enveloped him, he caught glimpses of his husband's arrival, and his heart swelled with joy at the sight of Taehyung in his resplendent wedding attire.

A shy smile tugged at Jungkook's lips as he imagined the handsome figure of Taehyung approaching him. With each step Taehyung took, Jungkook's excitement grew, his heart racing in anticipation of the moment when they would finally come together as husband and wife.

As Taehyung took his place beside Jungkook on the bed adorned with luxurious red silk, his eyes sparkled with adoration and affection. With gentle hands, he reached out and tenderly lifted the veil that concealed Jungkook's face, revealing his breathtaking beauty to the world.

In that moment, as their eyes met and their souls intertwined, Jungkook felt a surge of overwhelming love wash over him. Taehyung's smile mirrored his own as he gazed upon his bride, and in that sacred space, surrounded by the warmth of their love and the blessings of their ancestors.

"I... thought of a lot of things to gift you, but couldn't think of anything," Taehyung said nervously, feeling the weight of the moment as he pondered what to present to his bride. Jungkook gazed at his husband with eager anticipation, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Emmm... I... I once bought this for you," he admitted, his voice carrying a hint of bashfulness as he extended his hand, revealing a collection of exquisite treasures: a jade hairpin, a matching pendant, and a delicately embroidered perfume pouch. These were the very items he had purchased for Jungkook during his time away at war.

Jungkook's heart swelled with emotion as he beheld the beautiful ornaments, his breath catching in his throat as he reached out to accept them. "They are so pretty," he squealed with delight, his eyes lighting up with joy as he cradled the gifts in his hands.

"When did you buy them?" Jungkook inquired, puzzled by the revelation. Taehyung scratched the back of his head, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Emmm... The time when I went for war... I bought them for you then," he confessed, prompting Jungkook's eyes to widen in astonishment. It was the same period when Jungkook had mistakenly believed Taehyung harbored ill feelings towards him.

"I love you so damn much," Jungkook declared, overcome with emotion as he flung himself onto Taehyung, causing the elder to topple backwards with a laugh. Taehyung enveloped him in a warm embrace, Taehyung flipped their positions now reversed with Jungkook nestled against Taehyung's chest, with his back resting on the bed.

"Now give me a gift," Taehyung teased, his eyes twinkling mischievously as he playfully demanded a token of affection from his beloved.

"I am the gift," Jungkook proclaimed with a playful grin, his eyes sparkling with mirth as he basked in the warmth of their love.

"Then let me unwrap the gift," Taehyung whispered seductively into Jungkook's ear, his breath sending shivers down the younger's  spine. Jungkook's chest rose and fell heavily as anticipation coursed through him.

"Should I?" Taehyung teased, brushing his lips against Jungkook's, eliciting a breathless nod from the younger man.

"Words, doll," Taehyung demanded, his voice low and husky with desire.

"Take me, Hyungie," Jungkook finally uttered, his words breaking free the last of Taehyung's inhibitions.

And so, they spent the entire night entwined in each other's arms, their love and contentment filling the air as they made passionate love, sealing their bond even further.

This is how an outcast found his home in the arms of a prince while ,

a prince found his home in the eyes of the forsaken.


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