chapter 4

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"I express my utmost gratitude unto thee, noble savior, for thy valiant rescue of me and my companions. Thy benevolence and grace shall forever be etched in my heart, and I vow to cherish this debt of gratitude. May the stars above bear witness to my unyielding appreciation for thy kindness."

With a graceful bow, Jungkook expressed his unwavering appreciation,

Taehyung's mind was in turmoil, grappling with suspicion and hope. He couldn't shake the feeling that the person standing before him might be of royal blood, looking at the mannerism of the stranger that speaks nobility and royàlity.

A deep-rooted disdain for royals resided within him, yet he couldn't deny the inexplicable soft spot this beautiful stranger had found in his heart. The innocence and charm exuded by the person he met a day ago touched Taehyung in a way he couldn't explain.

Praying to the heavens above, he hoped that his instincts were wrong, for the thought of his heart being drawn to a member of the royal class filled him with self disgust , the uncertainty of the beautiful stranger's true identity loomed over him, leaving him torn between his feelings and the prejudices he had carried for so long. As they stood face to face, both Taehyung and the prince, Jungkook, were unaware of the complexities fate had woven into their encounter.

In the splendid grandeur of unknown tribe , Prince Jungkook stood vulnerable , his heart pounding with nervous anticipation. As he gazed upon the person he had admired from a distance for years, he mustered the courage to introduce himself.

"Behold, I am known by the name bestowed upon me: Jungkook."

he announced with a dignified demeanor, his voice resonating with a touch of vulnerability, as if exposing the deepest corners of his soul to this person he held dear for years

Upon hearing those words, the object of his affection, a figure of captivating allure named Kim Taehyung, replied in a soft voice,

"I am Kim Taehyung."

Jungkook's heart soared with joy, a radiant smile gracing his lips. The revelation of Taehyung's name was enough to fill him with overwhelming delight.

The gentle breeze caressed the hair of both the prince and Taehyung, creating an atmosphere of serenity and tranquility. In this moment of harmony, Prince Jungkook spoke, breaking the silence, as he lovingly patted taehyung's horse and observed it with admiration.

"Please tell, does this noble horse belong to thee?" he inquired, a genuine fascination sparkling in his eyes.

"Yes, it does ," replied Taehyung, his gaze fixated on the captivating figure before him. Jungkook's demeanor had undergone a remarkable transformation, from a frightened and anxious soul to a picture of contentment. Taehyung found himself captivated by this newfound sense of peace and was drawn to the radiant smile that adorned Jungkook's face.

Jungkook's hair danced gracefully in the gentle zephyr, and despite his travel-worn attire, he emanated an otherworldly aura. Taehyung was almost uncertain if the person standing before him was real or a celestial nymph, an apsara, sent from the heavens.

"I, Min Yoongi, do offer my profound reverence unto the esteemed leader of Duhak tribe," the royal guard spoke with utmost deference as he bowed before Kim Namjoon and his husband, Kim Seokjin, who graced the people seeking refuge in their tribe with their humble presence.

"Please , there is no need for such formalities," Kim Namjoon replied with humility, yet his authority and grace remained unblemished.

With great reverence, the royal guard presented a parchment adorned with the royal seal, a document of utmost significance.

As Kim Namjoon's discerning eyes fell upon the royal decree, his expression showed concern and curiosity, prompting him to accept the document with utmost respect.

His hands trembled ever so slightly as he read the words inscribed upon the parchment. The gravity of the contents seemed to weigh upon his heart.

"I, Kim Namjoon, do solemnly swear upon my very life to provide sanctuary and protection to His Royal Highness within these sacred grounds," the leader declared with unshakable determination, bowing before the royal guard.

In that heartfelt pledge, the guard felt a profound sense of joy and contentment, for now, the prince would find shelter under the benevolent care of Kim Namjoon and his tribe, safeguarded by their unwavering loyalty and unyielding devotion.

"His Royal Highness, I beseech thee to grace the presence of the esteemed leader of the Duhak tribe," Jimin rushed towards the duo, where one was attending to Taehyung's horse while the other was admiring the stranger named jungkook.

The words struck Taehyung like a bolt of lightning, causing his heart to sink. The truth he feared had materialized before him-the captivating person was not just anyone; he was a royal, a prince. The adoration that gleamed in Taehyung's eyes moments ago now gave way to a bitter mix of loathing and resentment.

"A royal," Taehyung uttered with venomous contempt, his voice laced with unmistakable hostility.

Jungkook was taken aback by the sudden shift in the elder's tone and demeanor. The warmth and peace he had sensed moments ago now vanished, replaced by a cold and scornful gaze from Taehyung.

In that moment, Jungkook found himself locked in a trance, captivated by Taehyung's eyes, yet unable to comprehend the hate and pain reflected within them. The look of peace he once witnessed had been eclipsed, leaving behind only a turbulent storm of emotions.

As if time itself stood still, Jungkook stood frozen, unsure how to react, while Taehyung, fueled by hurt and anger, hastily departed from their encounter. The revelation of Jungkook's true identity had brought forth a maelstrom of emotions, leaving both souls adrift in the wake of a fateful encounter that held the potential to forever change their destinies.

In the hushed chamber, the prince, accompanied by Jimin, entered to find the presence of Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Kim Taehyung,Min Yoongi, and Jung Hoseok. As the leader of the tribe knelt before him, the prince was taken aback, realizing that his true identity was known to them.

"His Royal Highness, we humbly beseech thee for the honor of serving your esteemed self," Namjoon implored with profound respect.

Kind-hearted and understanding, the prince replied, "There is no need for such formality, good sir. Please, rise."

Kim Taehyung, though present, couldn't hide his disdain for the royal figure amidst them. Yet, bound by his brother's orders, he remained, unable to withdraw from the presence of the prince and his royalty he loathed. Jin noticed Taehyung's displeasure and tried to convey a message through a look, urging him to control his emotions, but Taehyung's resistance remained steadfast.

"May I present my brother, Kim Taehyung, the most skilled warrior of our tribe, who shall serve His Royal Highness with unyielding devotion and protect him with his life," Namjoon proclaimed.

Taehyung's eyes widened in astonishment. Despite his animosity towards royals, his brother had chosen him for this duty, entrusting him with the responsibility to safeguard the prince. The conflicting emotions within Taehyung surged, torn between his hatred and the bond he shared with his brother.

As for Jungkook, his heart raced with excitement and anticipation. The prospect of Taehyung's close proximity thrilled him, even amidst the tense atmosphere.

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