chapter 8

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A/n : read the story with the background music put for better experience.

"I will show you around the tribe, Jungkook, after breakfast," Jin said sweetly to the prince, who nodded his head, smiling with his teeth on his lips, getting excited to see yet another side of the world he is yet to discover.

"I will be leaving .", taheyung muttered, having finished his meal,  he softly uttered  something unreadable under his breath  and lastly muttered "amen" before extending his palms towards the heavens, a gesture of gratitude. Then, with a gentle breath, he bestowed thanks upon his face and chest. Thanking God for the meal and stood up to leave .

Jungkook looked at the retreating body of the elder, his smiling face falling, thinking his presence was responsible for the elder leaving his food. He felt disappointed because he was expecting the elder to see around the tribe with him.

Jin was quick to notice the sour mood of the prettiest prince; he patted the back of the younger to uplift his mood.

Jin and Jungkook, along with Jimin and Yoongi, went out to see the tribe that had various sheds like creamish  tents on either side of the small path made of mud and stones. The sheds were shops, where in one shop, some ladies were  dyeing carpet, in another, someone was selling pots made of clay, with artistry visible. In another shop, a lady was doing beautiful embroidery, and in one, some blacksmiths were making swords, working with fire, some striking the blade to mold it into the right shape Jungkook was looking at them with fascination with his big doe eyes. He was looking so beautiful in that pink robe, with his natural blush and pink lips, his long lustrous hair dancing on his face and his back as if the air was a melody. People kept staring at the beauty, but one glance from Jin, and they started going back to their jobs.

Jungkook stood in front of the blacksmith's shop, while Jin, Jimin, and Yoongi were standing in front of the embroidery shop as Jimin wanted to buy something. The blacksmith's shop was beside the embroidery one.

Jungkook was looking at those sparks from the blade that was going into the fire when he heard a deep voice full of determination.

"For victory."

"For honor," another voice shouted in enthusiasm. Jungkook instantly snapped his head towards the coming voice. Oh, he wished he had not seen the scene.

There Taehyung was striking the blade while another person held the sides of that blade to prevent it from skidding. He was without a shirt, his bare tanned chest and torso on display, covered in sweat. Some part of his skin had black grease smeared. Jungkook could see his muscles flexing as he struck the black with a big hammer-like thing. Jungkook saw how much Taehyung was putting into each strike, showing his determination towards his work.

Jungkook kept looking at him with an open mouth, full of fascination, pride, and love.

"Hyung," the man holding the blade whispered, calling Taehyung.

Taehyung looked at him, asking him with  his eyes what happened.

The boy just gestured at Taehyung to look at his side. Taehyung scowled and looked at the other side, not knowing what the boy meant. When he looked at his side, he was met with the most beautiful, most exquisite, enchanting sight. The alluring, charming, breathtaking boy was looking his way, wearing a pink robe, his hair dancing in the air, some falling on his face, as if asking rough hands to tuck them behind his ears. He saw how that beauty's breath hitched when he looked his way.

The boy who was working with him  came with a leather water bottle and poured water on Taehyung's hands, who took it in his palms , looking at the beauty's soul, and splashed it on his face. He moved towards the prince with slow steps, the droplets tracing his face, falling on his chest, making their way towards his torso and disappearing in his lower pants.

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