chapter 23.

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As Taehyung slept peacefully due to the herbs, Jungkook couldn't tear his gaze away from him. Taehyung was resting  his head on Jungkook's chest as Jungkook embraced him tenderly. He slept soundly, cradled in the comforting embrace of his beloved doll.

With utmost care, Jungkook gently placed Taehyung's head on the pillow, ensuring not to disturb him, knowing well that the effects of the herbs would keep him asleep.

He continued to gaze fondly at his beloved, a smile gracing his lips at the thought of being loved by the man he adored. Jungkook tenderly caressed Taehyung's face, pressing a loving kiss to his forehead before rising to his feet with a light step.

Preparing warm water, he fetched a clean cloth and settled on the carpet beside the bed where Taehyung lay sleeping peacefully. Dipping the cloth into the warm water, Jungkook meticulously cleaned Taehyung's hands, paying attention to each finger and every inch of skin, knowing well Taehyung's penchant for cleanliness.

Upon observing the injuries on Taehyung's knuckles after cleaning his hands, Jungkook's heart sank. He tenderly caressed them, a frown of concern creasing his brow. "Why must my love be hurt?" he sighed softly, planting gentle kisses on each bruised knuckle before proceeding to clean Taehyung's arms and then his chest.

His cheeks flushed crimson with embarrassment. "Stay calm, Gukkie," he whispered to himself, cupping his own cheeks and giving them a reassuring tap. "He's your fiancé," he reminded himself, though his heart fluttered with joy at the thought. Rolling onto the floor, he covered his face in shy delight, unable to contain the happiness bubbling within him. "Fiancé," he repeated, muffling a squeal of joy with his hand, his grin stretching from ear to ear, cheeks aching from the force of his smile. Squeezing his cheeks to alleviate the discomfort, he even resorted to biting his lip in an attempt to suppress his grin, but to no avail.

Returning to his task, Jungkook's hands trembled slightly as he continued to clean Taehyung's chest, his fingertips tingling at the touch of the elder's skin. He carefully examined every scratch and scar, each one holding a story of pain, he was certain.

As he carefully shifted Taehyung on his chest , now with his back facing him, Jungkook drew in a sharp breath, his eyes fixating on the prominent scar etched across the elder's skin. Tracing its outline gently with his fingertips, he couldn't help but notice its aged appearance, standing out against Taehyung's otherwise flawless back.

"Does  it hurt?" he whispered softly.

"Of course it doesn't now ," he answered himself in a hushed tone, acknowledging the scar's antiquity.

"But," he added, barely audible.

"It hurts me seeing any scar on you, my jewel," Jungkook murmured, his fingers lingering over the scar as he leaned in to place a tender kiss upon it. With that gesture of affection completed, he proceeded to cleanse Taehyung's torso.

Once finished, Jungkook carefully shifted Taehyung onto his back, now presenting his chest to the younger .

Jungkook's gaze briefly flickered to the lower part of Taehyung's body, but he quickly averted his eyes, placing a hand over his heart and fanning himself in a flustered manner.

"I...I should call someone," he muttered, rising to his feet as if to leave. However, after a few seconds  his expression darkened with anger at the mere thought of someone else laying eyes on his beloved.

"Only I can see you," he spat out angrily to the sleeping Taehyung.

If Taehyung had been awake, he would have been astounded by Jungkook's irrational anger over something that hadn't even occurred. Jungkook's frustration stemmed from imagined scenarios rather than reality.

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