chapter 13

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Jin summoned all the members of the tribe, who gathered at the heart of the community, designated for crucial meetings beneath the expansive sky.

"Respected members of the Duhak tribe, as you are all aware, we are grappling with significant financial challenges due to poor harvests and diminished wool production this season. However, I am pleased to announce that my nephew, Jungkook, who has sought refuge among us, has come forth with a brilliant idea born from his wisdom. Allow me to formally introduce you to the individual behind this ingenious solution, without whom we might have faced dire consequences. Please join me in welcoming my nephew, Jungkook," Jin proclaimed with a sense of relief.

Jin motioned for Jungkook to stand beside him, who stood anxiously behind Jin alongside Taehyung, his eyes fixated on the little doll , carved by the divine Himself . Taehyung marveled at the doll's beauty, contemplating how effortlessly captivating he remained, regardless of the emotions he portrayed. He found himself entranced, his focus solely on the beauty .

Despite his admiration, Taehyung disapproved of the little beauty's expression, yearning for a different demeanor. Unable to resist, he extended his hand towards him , momentarily tearing his gaze away to address the gathering.

Unaware of the warrior's gaze upon him, Jungkook, grappling with social awkwardness, remained oblivious. However, he couldn't ignore the warrior's hand extended before him, furrowing his brows in confusion at Taehyung's gesture.

Confusion reflected in Jungkook's eyes as he glanced at Taehyung once more, unintentionally captivating him with his those big eyes , that manage to kill Taehyung with their innocence in them every time .Taehyung, refocusing his attention ahead, gently grasped his hand, causing Jungkook's heart to race uncontrollably.

Jin's voice broke Jungkook's reverie, prompting him to refocus. Panicked momentarily, Jungkook found solace in the comforting touch of Taehyung's thumb caressing his hand. As Jin beckoned, Jungkook reluctantly tore his gaze away from Taehyung, their intertwined hands concealed from view, save for Soobin's knowing smirk.

Releasing his hand as Jin turned to formally introduce Jungkook, Taehyung saw jungkook breaking cold sweats , he stepped forward, standing beside him. "You claim they are your people, so why fear them if your words hold true?" he whispered, his words intended solely for Jungkook's ears. Frowning, Jungkook interpreted Taehyung's remark as a challenge to his sincerity.

Asserting himself, Jungkook affirmed, "They are my people."

"Then do not fear them; communicate with them and prove me wrong," Taehyung urged, his faith in Jungkook evident.

Pouting, Jungkook refocused his attention ahead, perturbed by Taehyung's lingering doubt.

"All the lovely people of the Duhak tribe, I am Kim Jungkook, nephew of Matron Kim Seok Jin. I am deeply grateful for the shelter you have provided me in your humble abode," he expressed, bowing with his hands joined in front of his head.

As Taehyung listened to "Kim" preceding Jungkook's name, his breath hitched. He despised how his heart and mind fixated on the pleasing sound, wishing he could change the doll's name from Jeon Jungkook to Kim Jungkook for real forever .

"I hope you all will take care of me," Jungkook continued, straightening up from the bow.

"Jungkook, could you please explain the plan to all the people of the tribe?" Jin politely requested.

"Of course, Matron," Jungkook responded, now smiling widely.

"So, we need to break into small groups. Those proficient in artistry and painting will form one group, while those strong in fieldwork will form another," he began, outlining the plan.

"We will paint and dye our carpets rich in our tribe's culture, depicting our history," Jungkook elaborated.

"Furthermore, instead of solely selling our fabric, we will create pillow covers and bed sheets with it. By dyeing them in contrast to our carpets, we aim to increase the demand for both our fabric and carpets. Initially, we will sell them separately, but as our products gain popularity, we will offer sets of carpets, pillow covers, and bedsheets together," he explained.

"In addition, we will construct sheds for our plants to ensure their growth even in harsh winters," Jungkook concluded, detailing every aspect of the plan.

The tribe was astounded by the beautiful male's ideas, erupting into applause and howls of happiness.

Observing Jungkook, Taehyung's lips twitched with pride, feeling a sense of accomplishment for the young man.

"So, this is the basic framework. We will commence work tomorrow," Jin informed the tribe.

"Live long, Matron! Live long, Patron!" the tribe chanted and signed their support.

"Tonight, we will have a communal dinner to welcome Jungkook and his friends to the tribe," Jin announced, eliciting cheers of happiness from the tribe.

With the assembly adjourned, everyone busied themselves with preparations for the dinner.

Later, Jin entered Jungkook's chamber, where Jimin and Jungkook contemplated their attire for the evening.

"Koo, let me prepare you for the evening. Since this dinner is in your honor, you must look extraordinary, though you already are," Jin said sweetly to Jungkook.

"And Jimin, I have prepared a hanfu for you too, which I'm certain you'll love," he added, prompting excited squeals from Jimin.

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