chapter 3

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Taehyung found himself locked in an intense gaze with the prince.

"Taehyung, be careful!" a concerned comrade broke the spell with a warning.

Suddenly alerted, Taehyung's instincts surged to the fore, and with lightning reflexes, he pierced the abdomen of an unknown assailant with his sword attempting to backstab him.

"Hyung, I beseech thee, hold fast," Jungkook pleaded, his voice filled with genuine concern and vulnerability.

Jimin, who had been a fierce warrior during the battle, now returned to his role as a devoted assistant to the prince. He too rushed to Yoongi's side, his face filled with worry and fear.

The sight of the dead bodies of their enemies surrounding them was a haunting reminder of the violence they had just witnessed.

"Forgive me, hyung, for I do lament that I have placed thee in this dire situation," Jungkook whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

Jimin's eyes glistened with tears as he clasped Yoongi's hand tightly. "You're strong, Yoongi, please hold on," he said, trying to muster courage and strength despite his own fears.

The other four pairs of eyes quietly witnessed the scene.

"If it pleases you, we can take this injured comrade to our tribe for treatment. You and your companions may continue your journey once he is healed," the fierce warrior suggested.

The prince and his personal aide exchanged glances, their unspoken agreement evident. Yoongi's injuries were grave, and they knew that his well-being was of utmost importance. Thus, they nodded in agreement, grateful for the offer of aid from the stranger's tribe.

As they resumed their journey, the group now had four horses. Taehyung carefully carried the injured guard, Yoongi, with him on one of the steeds, ensuring his comfort and safety. The prince, unfamiliar with horse riding, sat with Jimin on another horse, who skillfully guided the animal through the terrain.

Crossing the dense jungle, they eventually arrived at a vast meadow. From this elevated vantage point, a breathtaking sight awaited them. In the distance, a small tribe's settlement could be seen, adorned with twinkling lanterns that illuminated the gathering darkness. The sight of the white chambers amidst the vibrant meadow painted a picture of serenity and peace.

As the cold evening breeze brushed against their faces, the prince couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the scene before them. The soft glow of the lanterns created an enchanting atmosphere, and the tranquility of the meadow brought a sense of solace to their weary souls.

The companions' horses gradually descended towards the tribe's settlement. It was already evening.

Taehyung instantly took Yoongi to a white chamber. Jungkook and Jimin followed, as they were met with a room filled with bottles of different colors, mortar, and pestle on a table with herbs. The owner's face became worried in an instant.

"What happened?" the worried healer Hoseok asked.

"Got attacked," Taehyung answered in monotone.

Taehyung laid unconscious Yoongi on the wooden bed and stood afar.

Jimin and Jungkook were standing opposite to Taehyung with their worried sick eyes looking at Yoongi.

Hoseok instantly attended the injuries of Yoongi.

Throughout the night, Jungkook and Jimin remained awake by Yoongi's side.

Unbeknownst to Jungkook, Taehyung couldn't help but steal glances of the prince from afar.

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