chapter 12

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Namjoon extended a hand to Taehyung, who eagerly accepted it and rose to his feet, while the followers of Taheyung still cheered for him, admiring the view of his bare warrior's torso.

"I know you were distracted; otherwise, winning against you would have been impossible," Namjoon chuckled, though Taheyung's attention remained divided, his gaze straying towards Jungkook conversing with an old lady alongside Jin.

"Taehyung, I forgot to tell you why I came here," Namjoon said, sheathing his sword.


----His highness?" Taheyung's attention snapped to those words, his focus drawn towards Jungkook.

"What?" he snapped, suddenly attentive.

"Oh, you surely need some rest. Why are you so distracted today? I said that you have to train his highness; he doesn't know self-defense," Namjoon explained.

"O-" Taheyung began, but his attention wandered once more.

"What has happened to you today? You are acting like a child," Namjoon chuckled again. "Okay, now go take a bath," he suggested.

Taehyung fetched a tub full of water and headed to the wooden bathroom of Hoseok, now that his own belonged to Jungkook.

"Not him again," Taheyung sighed, his thoughts drifting back to the enigmatic boy.

"I need to free my mind," he declared after bathing, heading directly to the blacksmith's shop owned by his friend, seeking solace amidst the steel and iron, away from Jungkook's influence.

However, to Taehyung's dismay, Jungkook stood in the shop across the blacksmith's one , conversing with the same old lady and Jin, his focus captured by a porcelain doll.

"This is a significant issue," Taehyung heard the doll's worried voice, drawing him closer.

"Yes, it is. It will be difficult to earn this season," the lady sighed, her concern evident.

Jin shared her worries, and Jungkook offered his assistance, to which the lady agreed sadly.

As they entered her shop filled with woolen carpets, Taehyung couldn't help but follow.

Inside, Jungkook ignored Taehyung's presence, engrossed in examining the fabrics.

Displeased by the disregard, Taehyung cleared his throat to gain Jungkook's attention.

Their eyes met, and Taehyung's breath caught as he admired Jungkook's beauty up close, draped in maroon, which accentuated his features.

"What's the issue?" Taehyung asked, eager to converse with the prince.

Before Jungkook could respond, the old lady spoke, frustrating Taehyung, who had come specifically to speak with the doll.

"Son, because of the harsh weather this winter, the crops and grass couldn't grow, and our sheep didn't feed well. As a result, we don't have enough wool to sell this year, and our tribe will face financial losses," the old lady lamented.

Taehyung frowned, feeling the weight of responsibility as a member of the  tribe. Unsure of what to do.

" Ahujumma , Can I pose an idea?", jungkook asked the lady 

" Yes my son go ahead ", the lady answered sweetly .

" Actually , I've been pondering ways to make the most of what we have. Instead of viewing our limited wool as a setback, we could transform it into something truly special and valuable," Jungkook suggested.

"Imagine if we were to dye our wool in vibrant, striking colors-colors that burst with life and energy, colors that tell the story of our land and our people. And not just that, but what if we used this colored wool to create intricate, artistic drawings on woolen mats? "

Listening to this the lady's eyes shone in excitement, she looked at jin who was having same expressions while taheyung was just busy staring at the speaking beauty .

"Each mat would be different and a masterpiece. By infusing our wool with vibrant colors and turning it into unique works of art, we could elevate its value and make it highly desirable to others. People would be drawn to the beauty and craftsmanship of our creations, and they would be willing to pay a premium for something so rare and exquisite.
As our products gain recognition and demand grows, we can gradually increase their prices, ensuring that we receive fair compensation for our hard work and talent. This, in turn, could provide us with a more stable income and greater financial security for our families.Of course, this idea is just the beginning.
The demand will increase and then in next season will will produce more mats and carpets like this and raise  it's price ."

" But , jungkook , how will we produce more whool , the climate is becoming harsher , the next winters will be harsher than this , we will have move out of this place to some warmer area for our sheeps to feed " the lady said sadly while jin nodded and taheyung didn't like the idea of leaving this place .

"I have a solution to this also , we will not have to leave and the grass and crops will grow and our sheeps will be fed well also ", jungkook said smilingly.

"How?" Taehyung asked, his expression masking his efforts to engage with the young prince.

Taking a deep breath, Jungkook continued,

"I believe we can increase our crops and grass next winter by using simple techniques that work with the land, not against it. We can start by enriching the soil with compost-mixing food scraps and plant matter to create nutrient-rich soil. This will help our crops grow stronger and healthier."

The old lady's face softened with understanding as she nodded in agreement. "Aye, that makes sense," she murmured, her voice like a comforting melody in the quiet room.

"And for our sheep," Jungkook continued, his eyes alight with passion, "we can ensure they have enough nutrition by rotating their grazing areas and planting drought-resistant grasses.

"This way, they'll always have fresh pasture to feed on, even during the harshest of winters."

The old lady's wrinkled brow furrowed in thought as she considered Jungkook's words. "You speak with wisdom beyond your years, child," she remarked, a hint of admiration in her voice.

"These ideas may just be the key to our survival," Jin exclaimed in happiness.

With a warm smile, Jungkook reached out to hug Jin and the old lady, while Taehyung's hands itched to hug Jungkook.

"Matron, your sister's son is full of wisdom," the old lady remarked, while Jungkook scratched the back of his neck and Jin smiled.

"Let's get to work," Taheyung declared with his poker face, eliciting a wide bunny smile from Jungkook, who felt butterflies fluttering in his stomach knowing that Taheyung liked his ideas.

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