chapter 18

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In the bustling crowd, amidst the calls of shop vendors enticing customers to buy their wares, Jungkook stood before the tanghulu stall, his large doe eyes fixed upon the sugary treats. With his mouth slightly agape in concentration, he appeared small and innocent, like a newborn. He scrutinized the height of each tanghulu stick, measuring even the slightest difference.

"Ajushi, how much is this?" Jungkook inquired, selecting a stick.

"A quarter yang for one," the old man replied, busy attending to other customers.

Jungkook reached for his sachet pouch from the sleeves of his hanfu , assessing his funds. He pouted, realizing he was saving money to purchase something for someone ; he couldn't justify spending it on himself, especially since he was running low on funds.

Observing from behind, Taheyung intervened, "Give  six," he instructed the shopkeeper, placing two yang on the stall table. The old man accepted the payment and motioned for Jungkook to select six tanghulu sticks.

Jungkook's gloomy expression instantly brightened; his eyes sparkled with joy, galaxies seemingly reflected within them. Hastily, he gathered six sticks, but upon inspection, he frowned and pouted.

"What's wrong?" Taheyung inquired.

"This one is smaller," Jungkook pointed out one stick , his brow furrowed, though Taheyung struggled to discern any difference.

"I don't see much of a difference," Taheyung admitted, equally puzzled.

"No, hyungie, look closely; there is a disparity. We should receive what we paid for, we should ask for refund ," Jungkook insisted, his frown deepening.

Taheyung shook his head, surprised by Jungkook's attention to detail. Was he truly a prince, he was too tight-fisted  for that ?

"Don't be so stingy ; you already have six. Besides, you can't even hold them all at once," Taheyung chuckled, playfully tapping Jungkook's head, who returned the gesture with a pout.

Taheyung sensed he was witnessing a new facet of the younger prince, a childlike innocence beneath his usual seriousness. Unbeknownst to Taheyung, Jungkook's responsibilities had forced him to mature prematurely. Yet, in Taheyung's presence, Jungkook's inner child emerged, revealing Taehyung's caring and genuine self. Unintentionally, Taheyung found himself smiling at Jungkook countless times since yesterday, his lips betraying him with endearing nicknames for the prince.

"Let me carry them for you," Taheyung offered, extending his hands towards Jungkook, who instinctively moved his hand to shield his candies, fearing they might be snatched away. Chuckling softly, Taheyung marveled at the young prince's protectiveness.

"I'm not particularly fond of sweets; I'll just hold them for you. Otherwise, how will you manage to eat with all of them in your hands?" Taheyung reasoned.

After a moment's hesitation, Jungkook reluctantly handed three sticks to Taheyung.

As they began to walk away, the sound of drums reverberated through the air. Jungkook looked bewildered, but Taheyung's countenance shifted abruptly, his features assuming a stern expression.

"Allow me to escort you to Jin," he said, his voice no longer calm. Jungkook sensed the change in Taheyung's demeanor.

Taheyung escorted Jungkook to Jin's chamber, while Taheyung ventured elsewhere.

Jin appeared troubled, his expression fraught with worry. Sensing Jin's unease, Jungkook's stomach churned with apprehension.

"What's troubling you, matron ?" Jungkook inquired, his voice trembling slightly, his heart heavy with dread.

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