chapter 11

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The sun's rays cast upon Taehyung's face, causing his eyes to twitch. Slowly, he opened his eyes, and as he beheld the familiar face that often challenged his thoughts and ideologies, his drowsiness evaporated instantly. It was the most beautiful human he had ever seen. Feeling a firm grip on his arm, he realized the sleeping beauty had held his hand all night. He had slept sitting on the floor, resting his head on the bed, unwilling to disturb the beauty by withdrawing his hand. However, now he needed to depart before the prince awoke. With great care, he retracted his arm as Jungkook stirred slightly but then returned to slumber. Taehyung rose abruptly, ignoring the slight ache in his body; he had endured worse as a warrior.

With measured steps, he exited the chamber. At the threshold, he couldn't resist casting one final glance backward. He gazed at the beauty for several moments, his hand hovering over the curtain, intending to open it. Instead, his fingers clenched into a fist, gripping the fabric tightly. His expression remained impassive as he took a deep breath and stepped out of the chamber.

"Oo-" Jimin's exclamation cut short as he nearly collided with the formidable warrior.

Taehyung stood unmoving, displaying no surprise, as if he had anticipated Jimin's approach. Jimin wondered if he were a monk, skilled in maintaining calm amidst chaos. Bells rang in Jimin's ears as he observed Taehyung emerging from Jungkook's room, stealthily avoiding Jimin's path, who was perpetually in a rush.

"Mister, may I inquire as to what you were doing in His Highness's chamber?" Jimin asked, his protective instincts kicking in. Ever since he had been appointed as an aide to the Third Prince, he had been vigilant, especially considering Jungkook's past .

"This is my chamber. I came to retrieve my belongings," Taehyung replied monotonously, his face betraying no emotion, his lies impeccably concealed.

Jimin nodded but then frowned. "Where are your 'belongings' then? I see nothing in your hands," he pressed, his demeanor serious and protective.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and retrieved a dagger from his belt, displaying it to Jimin, who swallowed nervously.

"This, got it," Taehyung quipped.

Unfazed, Jimin reminded Taehyung, "Do not enter His Highness's chamber without me or Jin hyung. His Highness does not appreciate unaccompanied visitors."

Taehyung clenched his teeth but nodded lightly, knowing very well he will not comply to what Jimin said.

"What?" Jimin inquired.

Taehyung remained silent.

"Do you wish to inquire about something?" Jimin persisted.

Taehyung loosened his clenched teeth.

"Don't inform him I was there," he muttered before departing to attend to his duties.

Jimin simply shrugged, his concerns temporarily assuaged.

But little did Taehyung know, Jungkook was awake. He had been awake before Taehyung, choosing to linger in the embrace of his thoughts a while longer. Rolling on the bed, he inhaled the comforting scent of the pillow, knowing it belonged to Taehyung, relishing in the simple pleasure of being near him.

Meanwhile, Taehyung headed straight to the training ground, shedding his vest and upper garments to practice swordsmanship.

"Wanna spar, brother?" Namjoon approached Taehyung, unsheathing his sword. Taehyung smirked, relishing the opportunity to duel with his skilled brother, always eager to best such a formidable warrior.

As Namjoon and Taehyung clashed swords, their battle cries echoed across the field, drawing other warriors to spectate. Cheers and whistles filled the air as the two skilled combatants engaged in a thrilling duel.

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