chapter 24

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Jungkook was unbraiding Taehyung's hair while Taehyung's head lay on his lap.

Taehyung smiled like a fool, looking at Jungkook with his love-filled eyes.

"What are you looking at?" Jungkook asked, chuckling, without looking at the elder, his attention on Taehyung's hair.

"At my home," Taehyung answered truthfully. Jungkook's hands stopped working, and he looked into the eyes of his beloved.

"How can you manage to bewitch me with your eyes even after so many years?" Jungkook breathed out, saying without thinking. This question was not meant to be asked of the elder; it was a question to himself.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook in confusion.

"Years?" he asked.

"Nothing," Jungkook answered and pecked the elder's lips upside down.

And again went to unbraiding the elder's hair.

After getting it done, he carefully put the elder's head on the pillow and got on his heels.

Taehyung instantly grabbed his hand and looked at him with his sad puppy eyes.

"Where are you going? Don't leave me," he asked.

"You asked me to give you a hair wash, wasn't it? Let me grab a tub of water for you," Jungkook chuckled at the elder acting like a kid.

"Be quick," Taehyung said reluctantly, taking his arms. Jungkook chuckled lovingly; all of it felt like a dream.

He swiftly came back with a tub of water. Taehyung hissed as he tried to get up. Jungkook's eyes widened.

"Hey, hey, why are you standing up?" he asked in a panic state as he abandoned the tub and ran to the warrior.

"Help you with the tub. You are too delicate to pick up such heavy things, and neither can I let you do these chores. I will be doomed if I let you do that," Taehyung said as he stood up, while Jungkook's breath hitched.

"Please , refrain from such actions,  your infliction upon yourself surely wound mine own being. I beseech you, in all sincerity," Jungkook said, taking Taehyung's hands in his own.

Taehyung smiled. "My love, whenever you're stressed or panicked, you always seem to revert to your regal mother tongue."

Jungkook panicked again. "I am sorry. Extremely sorry. I didn't mean to... I... I," he spoke in a state of complete panic.

"Oh, my heart's true desire, why are you apologizing? It is not a critique, my love, merely an observation made with affection," Taehyung said, taking the younger's waist in his arms and decreasing the distance between them as he kissed his eyes.

"Thou seemest to abhor the regal dialect," Jungkook said sadly.

Taehyung shook his head. "I abhor some royals; maybe that's why I started disliking the dialect too. But as of now, I am completely, desperately, passionately, most importantly, hopelessly in love with you, my Jewel. I seem to love everything related to you with all my heart."

Jungkook couldn't help but smash his lips on the elder's. He can't believe that his love is returned; he can't believe that his love is not unrequited anymore; he doesn't know what good deeds he did in his life that God gifted him with a complete love, not the cruelest kind of love, the unrequited that he has been for three long years.

Jungkook laid his fiancé on the bed while holding his head. He delicately poured water infused with aromatic herbs over Taehyung's hair, the soft murmur of their conversation mingling with the gentle trickle.

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