chapter 5

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The prince, , received a formal request from husband of the leader of the tribe , Jin. "Your Royal Highness, a chamber awaits your presence to rest," Jin spoke with utmost respect, acknowledging the prince's esteemed position.

However, the prince, being a kind and humble soul, replied with a gentle smile, "Please, my dear hyung, let go of these formalities and titles." He sought to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

As this tender exchange unfolded, a figure named Taehyung observed from a distance with a noticeable glimmer of animosity in his eyes. The prince's heart ached at the sight of such hatred directed towards him by someone dear to him. Throughout his life, the prince had been the favorite of his father and brother, cherished by all as the apple of their eyes. His charm and grace made him the most sought-after prince in the kingdom. But now, for the first time, he faced the bitter sting of hatred from someone he held close, and the reason for such animosity remained a mystery, leaving his heart in turmoil.

The entourage, including Kim Taehyung, Jin, Jimin, and Yoongi, arrived at the well-guarded chamber, prepared within the tribe's boundaries for the prince's rest. Jin, though bound by loyalty, found himself momentarily distracted

I beg my pardon i forgot to take the clothes prepared for thee his royal highness ", jin bowed to the prince and apologized to the prince for forgetting to bring his clothes. He humbly excused himself to retrieve them promptly.

Taehyung, standing nearby, struggled with his emotions, a festering resentment toward royalty gnawing at his heart. Nevertheless, he couldn't defy the orders of his elder brother, who commanded him to safeguard the prince with his life. Taehyung, a skilled warrior, knew he had to fulfill his duty regardless of his personal feelings.

With Jin's departure, Jimin and Yoongi focused on inspecting the surroundings for any potential vulnerabilities in the prince's protection, leaving Prince Jungkook alone with Taehyung.

"Thou mayst enter, His Royal Highness."

With a hint of mockery, Taehyung addressed the prince in regal language as "his royal highness," a title that held a poisonous tone.

The tension was palpable as Taehyung sneered and sarcastically addressed the prince by his title, mocking the royal conventions.

Jungkook's heart ached at the venomous words, sensing the elder's deep-rooted misunderstanding.

He was a prince who had always embraced humility and never considered himself superior to others. It became clear to Jungkook that Taehyung's hatred had stemmed from misconceptions about royal individuals, believing them to be cruel and prideful of their lineage.

But Jungkook was nothing like that - he was kind and compassionate, , yearning to bridge the gap between them and mend the wounds caused by misunderstanding.

As Jungkook stepped into the chamber, he couldn't help but be utterly amazed.

"Verily, it doth possess great beauty," he spoke awestruck, as he gazed upon the chamber's splendor.

The room was lit by lanterns, providing a warm and comforting glow, and it was adorned with exquisite carpets.

Although it couldn't compare to his opulent royal chamber, Jungkook found himself enchanted by the simplicity and elegance of this modest space.

His kind-hearted nature appreciated the beauty in even the smallest things, and material wealth held no power over his heart - it was the simple pleasures like flowers that brought him the most joy.

Taehyung observed the prince's reaction with bewilderment. He knew that someone of the prince's stature would normally be accustomed to grandeur and extravagance, living in the lap of luxury.

However, he couldn't fathom why Jungkook found this humble chamber so appealing. To Taehyung, it was undoubtedly the best chamber they could provide, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that it was unfitting for a prince like Jungkook. This unexpected contrast left Taehyung taken aback, struggling to comprehend the prince's genuine and unpretentious nature.

Soon, Jin arrived with the finest attire the tribe could offer, asking Taehyung to wait outside the prince's chamber. Taehyung complied, positioning himself by the entrance with his hand resting on the hilt of his buckled sword, a customary habit of a warrior. His mind buzzed with conflicting thoughts about the prince, the handsome stranger whose actions resembled royal mannerisms but not the inherent nature he associated with royals. Despite Jungkook's apparent humility, Taehyung couldn't shake his deep-rooted distrust of royal blood. To him, all royals were alike, and Jungkook's behavior couldn't change his preconceived notions.

Inside the chamber, the prince donned the new clothes Jin had provided, appearing ethereal and enchanting. "You look truly resplendent, Your Royal Highness," Jin praised, admiring the prince's beauty.

With a bashful smile, Jungkook thanked him, saying, "Please , relinquish the title, for it doth make me uneasy, hyung."

Confused and humbled, Jin asked, "Then what shall I call you, Your Royal Highness",

"Address me as Jungkook, I humbly request," the prince expressed .

Overwhelmed, Jin hesitated, unable to forsake the formalities ingrained within him.

"What are you saying, Your Royal Highness? May the light strike on me if I call you informally," he spoke, trembling and bowing.

Determined to create a bond of friendship with his newfound ally, Jungkook issued an order.

"I command you to call me by my name, hyung. As you are elder, I implore you to drop the formalities. We are forging a new alliance, and I wish for us to be friends," he asserted .

Touched by the prince's sincerity, Jin's eyes glistened with emotion. He nodded, agreeing to Jungkook's request, knowing deep down that the prince's heart was truly kind and compassionate.

"With your gracious permission, may I be allowed to inquire a question?" the prince spoke humbly to Jin, attempting to engage in a genuine conversation.

"What are you saying, royal...J...Jungkook, you are permitted to pose any question," Jin hesitated, addressing the prince in a more familiar manner.

"Are thou and the noble leader of this tribe spouses?" the prince inquired with curiosity.

"Yes, we are ," Jin replied with a joyful smile adorning his face.

The prince's eyes sparkled, "Oh, verily, he must hold thee in great affection and love ."

"Indeed, he do love me dearly, even after seven years of matrimony," Jin responded, his smile warm and heartfelt.

"Have you found love as well?" Jin asked, trying to create a sense of comfort between them.

For a moment, Jungkook's thoughts wandered to a certain figure named Taehyung, whose shadow was cast on the chamber wall from outside.

"I have set mine eyes upon someone," he confessed with a soft smile that hid a trace of sorrow, his gaze lingering on the silhouette of the one who was guarding him.

"But he do not hold affection for me, not even a liking, I fear he harbors hatred," the prince spoke with a bittersweet smile, looking into Jin's eyes, knowing that this smile concealed a profound hurt. His heart bled as he shared his painful confession.

"None could harbor hatred for a humble soul like you, Jungkook," Jin reassured genuinely, empathizing with the prince's emotions. In response, the prince smiled, though behind it lay the weight of the hurt he bore.

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