chapter 21

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Another four  months have passed since the day Jungkook had that nightmare, and every night since, he awakens drenched in sweat, haunted by the same recurring dream: his beloved being slain by a faceless figure. Jungkook is certain he recognizes the blurred face, yet unsure of its identity.

He pleads with his lord ceaselessly, sitting at the threshold of the tribe where he first encountered his beloved, reminiscing on the vast contrast between their initial and final meetings.

It was the same location, adorned with the tribe's flags fluttering in the breeze, where Taehyung tended to his horse. However, his demeanor towards Jungkook differed greatly between their encounters. In their first meeting, Jungkook could only discern disdain in the eyes of his beloved, whereas in their last meeting, affection emanated from Taehyung's gaze.

With his eyes closed, Jungkook welcomes the refreshing touch of rain upon his face, offering a brief respite to his tormented soul.

"My lord, you reign in the rain, in the wind, you are omnipresent. I beseech you, protect my love. Safeguard him, guide his sword, shield him," Jungkook implores, gazing heavenward as raindrops cascade upon his skin.

"Jungkook, please retreat to your chamber. You risk falling ill if you continue to expose yourself to the rain," Jimin interjects, rushing over with a wooden umbrella in hand.

Nodding silently, Jungkook's eyes brim with tears.

"My prince, I cannot bear to see you like this. Do you love him this deeply?" Jimin's voice trembled with concern as he spoke to no one in particular, his eyes fixed on the prince, who sat cross-legged on the chamber floor, writing talismans on sheets of paper spread across the table.

As night fell, Jungkook lay on his bed, missing the scent of his beloved.

Summer had surrendered to winter's grasp, yet Taehyung remained elusive. No letters arrived, save for the one four  months prior. It had been half a year without Taehyung, and Jungkook feared he would not survive without him. The absence gnawed at his soul, leaving him feeling as though death itself loomed over him. If only news of Taehyung's whereabouts would come, perhaps then his tormented heart could find solace, but it seemed increasingly unlikely.

As sleep claimed him, Jungkook found himself haunted by the same nightmare, the face of his beloved's assailant cleared  into his mind. He witnessed the brutal scene unfold once more,   Taehyung facing that person .The enemy draws his sword and stabs Taehyung in the stomach, making blood gush from his mouth and abdomen. Then, the enemy stabs him again in the chest, leaving Taehyung lying lifeless on the ground. Jungkook woke up drenched in sweat , howling and crying .

Jimin entered the room, his heart breaking at the sight of Jungkook's distress. He hurried to fetch Jin, Yoongi, and Hoseok, the urgency palpable in his voice.

"He's returned."
"He's back."
"He came back,"

Jungkook repeated, his voice a desperate plea, his body trembling uncontrollably.

"He killed my Taehyungie," he cried out in agony.

Jin and Jimin rushed to comfort him, while , Yoongi's anger flared, his grip tightening on his sword, and Hoseok fretted over the younger man.

"Who, Jungkook?" Jin's voice was gentle, yet laden with concern.

"Yeongnyu," Jungkook whispered in terror, his eyes wide with fear, his body quaking with dread.

Jimin's breath caught in his throat, his mind reeling at the implications. Yoongi's knuckles whitened around his sword, Hoseok could only watch, his heart heavy with concern.

"He can't harm you, Gukkie. He's imprisoned," Jimin reassured, though Yoongi knew all too well that the man had escaped years prior, and even sent threatening letters, alluding to repeating the same atrocities against Jungkook that he had committed in the past.

"It was just a dream, Gukkie. Taehyung is safe. He's a seasoned warrior; he'll return to us," Jin attempted to soothe, but Jungkook's anguish persisted.

Hoseok approached Jungkook, offering a concoction to ease his troubled mind. Drinking it  Jungkook drifted into slumber.

"How long will this war last, Matron?" Jimin's voice wavered with unshed tears, his gaze reflecting the weight of uncertainty.

Jin had no answer, his own worries mirrored in Jimin's tearful eyes.

"I fear our prince's condition will worsen... I failed to realize that Taehyung is the same outcast our prince fell in love with three years ago," Jimin lamented, a single tear tracing its path down his cheek.

Jin frowned. Three years? He had no idea that the prince had loved Taehyung for such a long time.

"I always felt indebted to that outcast. He was the reason for bringing a smile to His Highness's face after so many years of sorrow," Jimin said, looking at Jungkook sleeping peacefully. "I always wished and prayed for that forsaken to come into His Highness's life and bring happiness and colors to it. But if I had known that meeting him would lead to this, I never would have wished such a thing."

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