chapter 27

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"Explain?" demanded Jungkook, folding his arms across his chest, squinting his eyes, and standing near the bed, facing the now sitting elder who looked at the younger like an innocent puppy.

"How cruel you are. First, you left your injured fiancé alone in this vast chamber, and now you ask for an explanation as to why I went outside," Taehyung said dramatically, complaining while pouting.

Jungkook sighed and then knelt down to Taehyung's level, trying to make him understand, as if he were explaining to a child from their tribe whom he teaches and plays with.

"Your stitches will open if you keep moving like that," Jungkook cautioned, while Taehyung pouted and declared, "Then you stay with me here. If you go somewhere, I will follow you there."

Jungkook kissed away Taehyung's pout and agreed, "Okay," smiling at the grinning elder.

He tenderly gave a sponge bath to the elder, who simply stared at him in awe. The younger was nervous, but less  than yesterday. Afterward, he skillfully braided the elder's locks, who basked  in the care of his jewel . In that moment, he felt like a little kid again, with someone to rely on, someone who cared for him, someone who belonged to him and only him.

"Done," Jungkook exclaimed as he finished braiding Taehyung's hair, only to be pulled into Taehyung's lap, facing him.

"Why don't you give me a warning before doing anything," gasped Jungkook, finding himself suddenly in Taehyung's lap, but Taehyung just smiled before pulling him into a deep kiss.

"Let's get married after I recover," Taehyung proposed near Jungkook's lips, leaving Jungkook stunned.

"Don't you dare to cry," Taehyung warned, seeing the moisture in Jungkook's eyes.

"So, Jeon Jungkook, will you like to be Kim Jungkook for the rest of your life?" Taehyung asked, as Jungkook hugged him tightly, replying, "I do," crying into Taehyung's neck.

Three days have passed like this; Taehyung is recovering. They both went to the threshold of the tribe where they first spoke to each other. The breeze touched their faces, and the tribe's flags danced in the air. Jungkook's long locks were swaying, with some hair falling on his face. Taehyung's hand intertwined with Jungkook's, while his other hand tucked the younger's hair behind his ears.

"Just so beautiful," he exhaled, admiring his little beauty infront of him , while the younger's breath hitched once again, no matter how much the elder praised his beauty, he still managed to take the younger's breath away.

"How different our meetings have been in this place," Jungkook muttered, observing their surroundings. Taehyung's horse grazed nearby, while Taehyung was busy admiring his beautiful fiancé.

"The first time, you were extra rude to me," Jungkook chuckled.

"I am sorry," Taehyung said, looking at the younger, more like looking at his soul.

"You broke my heart," Jungkook complained with a sad pout, which was instantly kissed away by the elder. "I will make sure to love you so much that you forget about those memories," he assured, while Jungkook smiled shyly and hugged him.

The children playing in the distance squinted their eyes. "Did you see Stoneheart hyung giving Cythera a po-po?" one boy squealed.

"Means they are married like eomma and appa," another child exclaimed.

"Means they will have a baby too," another added.

""Yeah, I am going to be a hyung/oppa!" exclaimed the youngest of the kids, who always wanted to be an elder brother to someone. He danced in happiness at the thought.

Meanwhile, Jimin came running happily towards the couple.

"His Royal Highness," he exclaimed joyfully while running.

"Someone came to meet you," he said happily, while Jungkook frowned and Taehyung shared the same look of confusion.

"Who?" Jungkook asked.

"Come and see for yourself," Jimin said, leading them to the leader's chamber, where Jungkook's eyes first widened and then filled with tears.

"Brother," he cried, running to his brother, and hugging him, leaving Taehyung's hand. Taehyung felt his hands suddenly go cold .

Don't misunderstand him; he is genuinely happy that the younger's brother is safe and sound. However, a cloud of uncertainty darkened his mind, as only negative thoughts flooded in. He feared the possibility of the younger leaving the tribe and leaving him behind, causing his heart to fill with grief and sorrow all of a sudden.

Jungkook hugged his brother tightly, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"How is father?" he asked, his voice trembling with concern.

His brother sighed sadly. "I managed to run away," he informed, leaving Jungkook's heart heavy with anxiety at the thought of their father.

"Jungkook, there is no necessity for your continued presence here. Our esteemed uncle graciously offers sanctuary unto you. He wants to see you," conveyed his brother.

Taehyung could feel his limbs going limp, his heart filling with anxiety at the sudden turn of events.


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