chapter 7

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As the morning sun cast its gentle rays upon the countenance of the prince, he stirred from his slumber, finding himself in an unfamiliar chamber – a place belonging to the Duhak tribe. Slowly awakening to the reality of his surroundings, Prince Jungkook came to the realization that he had sought refuge in this foreign land.

At that moment, a voice called from outside the chamber, belonging to none other than Jimin, the prince's faithful personal assistant. "Your Royal Highness, "may I have the honor of entering the chamber?"

A knowing smile graced the prince's lips  "How many times must I entreat you to cast aside these formalities? Address me simply as Jungkook."

Jimin, however, remained steadfast in his respect, responding with a playful yet respectful tone, "Your Royal Highness, how many times must I insist on addressing you with the respect and honor befitting your station?"

With a gentle exchange of words, Jimin brought forth a new set of attire for the prince, assisting him in donning the garments of the Duhak tribe. "You look resplendent, Your Royal Highness," complimented Jimin, his eyes filled with admiration.

"Thank you, Jimin," Jungkook replied, his smile reflecting a hint of shyness that graced even royalty.

Then came the voice of Jin,  "May I enter, Jungkook?" Jin inquired politely.

"Of course, hyung," Jungkook replied graciously.

Jin arrived bearing a platter of delectable food, which he placed upon a small table before the prince. "Would you care for a meal ?" Jin humbly inquired.

"Yes, indeed," Jungkook responded, feeling a twinge of nervousness as he faced the lavish spread before him.

Yet, he found himself unable to partake in the feast alone. . With a touch of vulnerability in his voice, he admitted, "I...I cannot take meals alone  ."

Observing the prince's earnest humility, Jin smiled warmly, deeply moved by Jungkook's genuine demeanor. How could a royal be so unassuming, he pondered, finding newfound admiration for the prince.

"In that case, would you honor my family by joining us for breakfast?" Jin extended an invitation, his aura exuding a motherly warmth that enveloped Jungkook.

The prince's countenance lit up, revealing his endearing bunny-like teeth as he grinned widely. "I would be delighted," he replied, embracing the invitation with open arms.

In the resplendent chamber of the esteemed tribal leader, Kim Namjoon, Prince Jungkook found himself seated alongside his companions, Jimin and Yoongi.

While , Jin, orchestrated the arrangement of dishes on the dining table with the assistance of servant women, ensuring that breakfast was presented in its finest form. However, Jin's anticipation turned to annoyance as Taehyung, the subject of the prince's affections, was nowhere to be found.

"I am home," a voice resonated through the chamber, and Hoseok, the healer of the tribe, entered with surprise upon spotting the prince. "Good morning, Your Royal Highness," he greeted, unanticipated but gracious in his response to the prince's presence.

As the wait for Taehyung continued, Jin took it upon himself to share essential information with Jungkook, for conversation was essential to pass the time. Seating himself beside the prince, Jin began, "As you know, I am married to him," gesturing towards the leader, who smiled warmly.

"Hoseok is Namjoon's elder brother," Jin continued, and Jungkook attentively absorbed the details.

"And Taehyung?" Jungkook inquired with eagerness, seeking to understand more about the enigmatic man who had captured his heart.

Jin's smile broadened as he replied, "Taehyung is Namjoon's younger brother, a sworn brother to him. Their bond is no less than that of true siblings." The prince's heart fluttered, knowing that the connection between Taehyung and Namjoon ran deep.

"I am not originally from this tribe," Jin added, shedding light on his own origins. "I arrived here after marrying my husband," he explained smiling widely.

As the words left Jin's lips, the chamber door swung open, allowing a stream of light to pierce through. The prince's gaze was drawn to the source, where Taehyung stood in all his imposing glory.

His eyes met the prince's with an intensity that seemed to lay bare Jungkook's very soul. Jungkook felt a tremor in his heart, unable to sustain the weight of that powerful stare, which made him lower his gaze, feeling a sudden weakness in his knees.

Jin's frustration was evident as he addressed Taehyung, "Thank goodness you've finally graced us with your presence. Where in the world did you disappear to at this early hour?", he scolded .

Taehyung's reply was curt and monotonous, "To the forest with my horse."

"In this early hour?" Jin probed, concerned.

"Yes, needed to clear my mind," Taehyung responded nonchalantly, his eyes subtly returning to fixate on the prince.

Finally, Taehyung took his seat across from Jungkook, their eyes meeting once again. Jungkook's heart raced, unable to deny the intensity of emotions surging within him. With Taehyung now present, the air in the chamber was charged with a potent mix of feelings.

The sumptuous breakfast spread before them was a culinary delight that stirred Prince Jungkook's taste buds like never before. He savored each bite with elegance and grace, a testament to the royal upbringing that had instilled in him a sense of refinement. But more than the delectable cuisine, it was the company he found himself surrounded by that touched his heart.

As he observed the people seated around the table, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the genuine care and devotion they exhibited towards him. Their determination to protect him was evident in every gesture and word, and Jungkook couldn't help but be moved by the love he felt emanating from each member of the Duhak tribe.

It was a stark contrast to the fractured family he had known since the passing of his beloved mother. The sorrow that had befallen the king after her death had left their once-close family broken and distant. Family meals were a rarity, and the prince often found himself eating in solitude. However, Jimin and Yoongi had always been there for him, joining him for meals to ensure he didn't feel alone.

Now, surrounded by this caring and welcoming family, Jungkook felt a profound sense of honor. To eat with such remarkable individuals, who had embraced him with open arms despite his royal status, was a privilege he cherished deeply. For the first time in a long while, he felt a true sense of belonging, a feeling that rekindled the warmth he had yearned for since his mother's passing.

As the breakfast conversation continued, filled with laughter and glimpses of Taehyung's complex yet alluring personality, the prince observed all of it with a smile plastered on his beautiful face .

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